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Adi Widdop

Nick Rowland Volcano Artwork

By Art, History, Uncategorized, Year 4

Y4 have been learning about the famous volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. In our art linked to this topic, we have looked at the artist Nick Rowland and his volcano artwork. The children have tried to imitate Nick Rowland’s style by splashing bright paint on to their pastel pictures. The results were extremely effective (but a bit messy-sorry!) Here are some of the children’s amazing work!

Roman Shields

By Design Technology, History, Uncategorized

Year 4 have designed and created their own Roman shields (scutums). We looked at pictures of  Roman scutums to help us create authentic Roman shield designs. Furthermore, we reinforced our shields using PVA glue and scrap paper to make them strong enough for battle!

Giacometti Sculptures

By Art, Design Technology, History, Year 4

This week, year 4 have been studying the artist and sculpturist Giacometti. We then created our own Giacometti inspired “sculptures” of Queen Boudicca using aluminium foil.