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Lucy Higson

Sports Day 2024

By Sport

Just a few photographs from a very hot and sunny sports day at St Alban’s.  Special thanks to our amazing Sports Leadership team who ran the day effortlessly with Mrs Jepson.  It was fantastic to have so many mums, dads, carers and grandparents cheering our children on.

Democracy at St Alban’s

By British Values, News

This year we are lucky that our pupil leadership team elections are taking place at the same time as the UK’s General Election.  This has given us an amazing opportunity to learn about Democracy and to see it in action at the same time.

We have had lots of assemblies focusing on what democracy is in the UK, and how we reflect this British Value at school.

Every year classes vote for who they would like to represent them the following year- with one representative per house.  Children have a hustings in class.  This year we made our own voting both in the hall and children were called class by class to vote for their future ambassadors.

We are so proud of everyone who put themselves forward to be a leader.

Music Concert

By Music, PTA

Each year the PTA hold a music concert to share the amazing talents of our singers and musicians.  This year we had guitars, drums, flutes, singing, clarinets and pianos.  We are so proud of all of our children who dedicate themselves to developing their talents both in and out of school.



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We are all so proud of two of our wonderful Year 6 children who were confirmed last night at Dinnington.
Ava and Annie have attended classes each week and shown real dedication and love of their faith.

Confirmation classes are optional in Year 6, and Mrs Cooper will let you know when you can express interest for next year.

Handwriting Morning

By FS1, FS2, News, Year 1, Year 2

Thank you to everyone who attended our handwriting morning in EYFS and KS1 today.  It was great to have so many families learning about the way we develop pre-handwriting and handwriting skills at St Alban’s.

Some Excellent Y4 Role Models

By Community, Year 4

Some wonderful Y4 girls volunteered to do a litter pick after noticing some rubbish on the floor outside. They helped Mr Hetherington to check the whole school perimeter. Thank you so much for caring about our environment. What stars!

Safety Walk

By News, Safeguarding

On Friday, Mrs Higson met with some children from Year 2 and Year 4 to do a very special job.  They walked around the outside of school with a map and decided which areas were very safe, safe, or a not safe.  They coloured-coded the map and then talked about their findings back at the office.

Key Stage 1 children explained how much they loved all the of different activities they can do outside: colouring books, the trim trail, skateboarding, football, dressing up and the Buddy Bench.  They also talked about how amazing the Y6 Play Leaders were, and they shared personal experiences when they had been helped by the older children.

Children in Key Stage 2 talked about the range of activities that they have to do outside: basketball, football, playing in the grass on the field, construction area and the adventure trail.

Mrs Higson asked children why they had chosen some areas as being less safe:

It was wonderful to hear about our outside area from the children’s perspective.  Sometimes adults don’t notice when little things go wrong or break.  Since our meeting we have asked for the playground equipment to fixed immediately.  We have also reassured children that our staff all stand in different zones when on duty, so they are never in a position where they can’t be seen.

We also spoke about litter, dead birds(!) and getting more tennis balls.

Thank you to all of the children who took part, you were amazing! We will be sharing more of our findings with children in assembly time.


Easter at St Alban’s

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Easter is a very special time of year for Christians, and something which we have enjoyed celebrating over the last week here at school.  Here are just some of the highlights.

Children in Reception re-enacted when Jesus came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  They had used their amazing scissor skills to create some wonderful paper palm leaves.

We had a very successful Easter Fair, arranged by our fantastic PTA.  Children took part in Easter egg hunts, tombolas, hoopla and of course, ate plenty of yummy Easter treats.

On the final day of term everyone went to St Alban’s Church to thank God for giving us his only son.  The year 6 children helped to act out the story of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection to help all of the younger children to understand.

And of course, it wouldn’t be a St Alban’s Easter without a visit from the Easter Bunny…

We wish all of our families a very happy and peaceful Easter.

Mrs Gurner & Mrs Higson

Prayers and Promises during Lent

By Collective worship

Lent is a very special time for Christians, and we have looked at the temptation of Jesus as part of our Collective Worship this half term.  During Lent, many Christians choose to give something up, fast, or make promises about how they can be better people.  We have prayer stations and corners around school for children to pick up a cross and reflect on a promise they can make to themselves or to God.  Children can then either fold it up and keep it somewhere safe as a reminder, or share with others to seek support.

Here are our wonderful Sinai leaders showing everyone else where they can find them.

A very special letter

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We were delighted to receive this letter in the post today from the Minister for Schools.  This is to acknowledge the truly amazing achievements of our Year 4s in their multiplication tables checks last year.  Out of the 16,000 schools in England, St Alban’s was in the top 200.  We are so proud of all of the children, parents and teachers who help our children to be their best every day.