

Y4 Sculpture Parent / Carer Morning

By Art, Year 4

What an amazing morning we had last week. A massive thank you to all parents and carers who managed to make it in.
The art was truly spectacular. I’m working on a display with the finished pieces which I will share in due time.


Y4 Artwork

By Art, Year 4




Y4 Trip to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

By Art, Year 4






Y2 Picasso Collages

By Art, Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about the artist Pablo Picasso. In particular, we focused on his use of cubism and abstract portraits. The children loved trying to emulate his unique style in their own fragmented collages. Well done Year 2!

Y2 D.T and Art Textiles

By Art, Design Technology, Year 2

As part of our D.T and textiles project, Year 2 have been very busy designing and creating their own tapestries in the style of the artist Henri Rousseau.

First, we looked at Henri Rousseau’s artwork, discussing his unique style and evaluating some of his work. We then created our design criteria for our tapestries. We decided that our tapestries must: be colourful; be in the style of Henri Rousseau; use neat joining techniques and be of a jungle animal.

Next, we looked at a range of different materials and fabrics such as silk, velvet, corduroy, denim and felt. Afterwards, children explored different joining techniques such as sewing, gluing, stapling and taping. Children had the chance to practise using a range of different stitches including overstitch, running stitch and cross stitch. This helped students to decide which stitches they would use when creating their products.

Children then designed  their own tapestries. To do this, they needed to think carefully about how they were going emulate the work of Rousseau and what colours/materials they would use.

Then came the making! Children made paper templates for their animals before cutting their material. We used brusho paint on hessian to make our backgrounds colourful. We were lucky enough to be joined by our grownups to help us complete our tapestries in a parent workshop. They used their own choice of stitches to join the material.

Finally, we evaluated our products as a class, considering whether their tapestries met the design criteria. Children discussed anything they would change if they had the opportunity to do the project again.

I have been absolutely blown away by the end results of our textiles project. Everyone has done absolutely amazing! Thank you grownups for all your help during the parent workshop.

Creating Textile Pieces in Year 5

By Art, Year 5

Year 5 have been continuing their textile art project by dyeing their fabric.  We had to be careful with the dye so we wore gloves to stay as clean as possible.

Here are a few photos showing the dyeing process.


Once the fabric is dry we will embellish our textile creations.

Year 5 Parent Art Afternoon

By Art, Community, Year 5

Year 5 have been studying the abstract art movement and the work of Kandinsky. We have read The Noisy Paintbox which is an exuberant celebration of creativity. Barb Rosenstock and Mary GrandPré tell the fascinating story of Vasily Kandinsky, one of the very first painters of abstract art. 

This afternoon, we created our own abstract pieces and shared our creative session with our grown ups. A productive afternoon was had by all and we were so pleased with how much the adults enjoyed sharing this time with our Year 5 children.

Year 4 Parent Sculpture Morning

By Art

Year 4 Parent Sculpture Morning


What an amazing morning we had making sculptures based on the work of Antony Gormley. Here are some photos. There are a few sculptures that need finishing off and I’ll add them as soon as they’re done!


Y4 Yorkshire Sculpture Park Trip

By Art, Year 4

On Tuesday 27th February, the Year Fours went to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. We had a fantastic day. We were particular interested in Antony Gormley and Henry Moore as are studying them both this term.