This week, Year 5 have been thinking about what we are like as people and how when we wear masks people can’t always see how amazing we are. We all created a masked and unmasked portrait to share our personalities.
I look forward to them all being finished and up on display.
Can you guess who is who?

We have just received this message from the local authority:
***Rotherham Walk-in Vaccine Weekend – NO NEED TO BOOK ***
This weekend we will be holding COVID-19 vaccine walk-in sessions at some of our Rotherham vaccination sites with NO NEED TO BOOK.
If you are 18 years old or over, live in Rotherham and haven’t had your 1st dose vaccination come along this weekend and help protect yourself and those around you from the virus.
Saturday 26th June – 9am to 11.30am at Rawmarsh Health Centre
Sunday 27th June – 8.30am to 5pm at St Ann’s Leisure Centre (Rotherham Leisure Complex)
All 1st dose appointments in Rotherham will be Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
Please bring ID for proof of age – we are only able to vaccinate over 18s at the walk-in sessions.
Please share with family and friends.

Last night we received further guidance from the DFE about sports days.
School have considered the guidance and also the fact that we have had a recent bubble closure, and decided to NOT invite parents to sports day.
We are disappointed that parents will not be part of our sports days, but we must prioritise staying open and minimise the risk of infection.
Mrs Cooper is an excellent photographer, and has agreed to take take photos of the children to share on class dojo.
Thank you,
Mrs Gurner

Our school is getting involved in an exciting community challenge called Beat the Street. On Friday we will send home fobs, maps and leaflets with the children.
Beat the Street is a challenge across Rotherham where local schools, workplaces and community groups compete to see who can walk, run, cycle and scoot the furthest by the end of the game.
Find Beat Boxes around your area and hover your contactless fob to earn points for your team and help win hundreds of pounds worth of prizes. Playing the game is easy, just follow these simple steps:
1, Register your fob online at to join your chosen team.
2, Find your nearest Beat Box and hover your fob until it beeps and flashes.
3, Walk, run, cycle and scoot to a different Beat Box within an hour. Hover your fob to earn 10 points.
4, Carry on your journey to score 10 points for each extra Beat Box you visit.
Please see the attached powerpoint for further information.

POPS, our breakfast and after school childcare provider, are pleased to announce that they are reopening on Monday 8th March.
Breakfast club is based in our school hall and starts at 7:30am.
Children who attend the after school club, are collected from school and transported to Flanderwell Early Excellence Centre.
The booking system is live now. This is the link:

Times are tough for many people right now. Parents find themselves pulled in many different direction and children may be struggling being in the house for so much longer than usual.
Young Minds have created a useful ‘Supporting Parents Helpfinder’. By answering six questions, parents can find out how to support their child’s mental health during the pandemic (and beyond).
Find the help finder here: