

Y4 Geography Fieldwork

By Geography

Year 4 Geography Fieldwork

Last week, the Year 4 children walked around Wickersley to investigate what human and physical features are in the area. When we go to Castleton later in the year, we will be comparing the two locations.

We also created a tally of all the different building uses that wesaw along the route. We are going to follow that up with some DigiMap work back in class.

Y6 London Residential

By Art, Geography, History, Music, Year 6

Y6 had a fabulous time in London.

We visited many different places.

Our visit supported our curriculum: In the British Museum, children remembered previous history learning about Romans, Greeks and Egyptians.

We visited the Tower of London to support our Crime and Punishment learning in Y6.

We walked around London, thinking and looking at geographical features and completing fieldwork about Where is Buckingham Palace.

The Tate Modern was an interesting visit for the children to recognise different styles of art and artist.

We also watched the West-End show SIX


Geography Fieldwork in Year 5

By Geography, Year 5

Today, Year 5 began this year’s geography fieldwork project.

Fieldwork is when you go outside the classroom and find things out for yourself. 

We wanted to find out the answer to a question. Does Morthen road need a zebra crossing?

So, all day we have been going out in groups to count the traffic on Morthen Road.  We went out for ten minutes every hour and created tally charts to record our results. This is called time sampling. We will interrogate our results and use them to answer our question.




Learning about Global Trade in Geography

By Geography, Year 5

Do you recognise these company logos?

Goods such as clothing, computers, drinks, food, toys and notebooks are made by these companies.
They sell these goods to people living in countries in all seven continents of the world.
They are sold on a global scale. A class of children in Australia, India, Sweden, North America, or China are as likely to recognise these logos as you are.

Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services we want and need. When we think about trade as geographers,
we consider the scale of trade and think about how trade links places and people.

Everything we want and need cannot be sourced within the national borders of the United Kingdom. We therefore import items such as food products from other countries.

We have been looking at food products and where they come from.

Oranges from Morocco in Africa. 

Pasta from Italy.

Bananas from Costa Rica in North America.

Hibiscus Flowers in syrup from Australia.

Grapes from Chile in South America.



Geography in Year 2

By Geography, Year 2

Year 2 have started learning about the 7 continents in the world. We practiced locating these on our balloon “globes.” To help us do this, we first added the equator around the middle of the balloons to use as a reference point. A few balloons may have popped but the children all had fun learning about the geography of the world in a hands on way!

Y4 Castleton Residential

By Geography, History, Year 4


Here are the photos from our amazing residential to Castleton.


Y3- Volcanic “eruptions”

By Geography, Science, Year 3

Year three ended our geography volcanoes topic with a BANG! We concluded our learning about volcanoes in geography by creating our own chemical reactions to mimic the eruption process. The children acted like real scientists, taking accurate measurements using syringes and measuring cups and they even had safety goggles to protect themselves! The children had lots of fun during this activity but also we tried to link this to what happens in a real eruption.

We know that sudden movement at the tectonic plates causes pressure to build under ground until the magma erupts through a crack in the earth’s crust in an eruption. The lava then cools solidifies into molten rock in cone-shaped layers. After each eruption, there is a new layer of solidified rock, forming a volcano.

Walk to school week 2022

By Community, Geography, House Jericho, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Children at St.Alban’s have ditched their cars this week, instead choosing to walk/cycle/jog to school! Not only is this better for the environment but also brilliant for both our physical and mental health. Well done to house Jericho for organising the week and thank you to all children who took part.

Here are some pictures taken from some students’ journeys to school….