

Year 4 Music Lessons

By Music, Year 4

The Year 4s have been having a fantastic experience learning the recorder with our specialist music teacher, Mrs. Payling. We have been exploring the basics of musical notation, including how to read bars, understand time signatures, and recognise different note values. Alongside this, we have been focusing on mastering the notes G, A, and B on the recorder, building our confidence in playing simple tunes and developing our overall musical skills.

Music Concert

By Music, PTA

Each year the PTA hold a music concert to share the amazing talents of our singers and musicians.  This year we had guitars, drums, flutes, singing, clarinets and pianos.  We are so proud of all of our children who dedicate themselves to developing their talents both in and out of school.


Music in Year 2

By Music, Year 2

Y2 are loving playing the recorder in their music lessons. Children have learnt to play B note, A note and G note on their recorders and are beginning to be able to transition between notes. We are also learning to read music and can recognise/play crotchets (lasting 1 beat) and quavers (lasting half a beat.) While it is quite tricky to teach 31 children an instrument simultaneously, I have been very impressed with the children’s patience, listening skills and resilience. Well done Y2!


Merry Christmas

By Christmas, Collective worship, Community, Glee, Music

Well, the final assembly for 2023 was quite lively! We sang Christmas songs, danced, and had a great time. Nursery even joined us for a few songs, and our wonderful Year 6 children did an excellent job looking after them.

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday, January 8th, 2024.

Y6 London Residential

By Art, Geography, History, Music, Year 6

Y6 had a fabulous time in London.

We visited many different places.

Our visit supported our curriculum: In the British Museum, children remembered previous history learning about Romans, Greeks and Egyptians.

We visited the Tower of London to support our Crime and Punishment learning in Y6.

We walked around London, thinking and looking at geographical features and completing fieldwork about Where is Buckingham Palace.

The Tate Modern was an interesting visit for the children to recognise different styles of art and artist.

We also watched the West-End show SIX