

It’s All Greek to Me!

By History, Visits, Year 5

As part of our topic ‘Ancient Greece’, Year 5 went on a visit to Weston Park Museum. They took part in a workshop learning the story of Athena and the creation of Athens. They were able to create their own Parthenon using columns and walls made from polystyrene. They were also able to create their our aulos, which are an instrument the Greeks played that looked like a two parted flute.

In the afternoon, the children had the chance to look around the various exhibits in the museum, such as What on Earth!, Sheffield Life and Times and Beneath our Feet. They discovered lots to do with our local history.

For more photos, take a look at our photo gallery.

Year 6’s Leavers Assembly

By News, Religious Education, Visits, Year 6

Today was a very emotional service at St Alban’s as the school community said farewell to our year 6 class. Highlights of the event:


  • Amelia being presented with the Pycroft Bible by Margaret Pycroft.
  • Mr Woodhouse and Oliver having a David and Goliath fight.
  • School prayers read out by Isabelle, Laini and Charlie.
  • Singing ‘One more step along the way I go’.
  • But most of all spending precious time together in our Church.

Sending our best wishes to such a lovely class who have worked incredibly hard over the last 8 years and grown into kind young people.

Mrs Gurner

Y3 Sponsored Walk

By News, Visits, Year 3

We had a fabulous morning, walking 3.2 miles in total. A few tired children but lots of fun had. Thank you again to all the parents and grandparents that joined us, and to Ziggy the cockerpoo for lots of fuss!

Cleethorpes Trip

By FS2, News, Visits

Our new topic this half term is ‘The Seaside’. The children have been enjoying our indoor and outdoor beaches this week. As part of our topic, we will be visiting Cleethorpes, date to follow shortly!

Sherwood Forest Trip – June 27th

By News, Visits, Year 1

We are very excited about our trip to Sherwood Forest where we will find out all about Robin Hood and his merry men. Please dress for the weather on the day. No uniform required, We don’t usually visit the gift shop so no need to send any money. Photos will follow!

By Visits, Year 4

At Christmas time this year, Year 4 will be visiting the Rotherham Civic Theatre to see Jack and the Beanstalk.

On our return, we hope to write our own version of the pantomime and perform it for an invited audience.  You will enjoy it.  Oh yes you will!