In Science, we have been learning about the different states of matter and what defines a solid, a liquid and a gas. We discussed how the particles for each state are different. The children then acted out how the particles behave for each state. Then we conducted an experiment to investigate what happens to ice if it is left out at room temeprature.
In Science, we have been learning about the different states of matter and what defines a solid, a liquid and a gas. The children spent the afternoon investigating a variety of different materials to learn about their various properties and begin to form an understanding of what makes each one unique.
From 11.11.24 to 18.11.24, the Y4 class has taken part in a Times Tables Rockstars Tournament with 12 other schools in our trust.
- Out of the 12 schools that took part, our school finished 1st overall.
- Out of the 53 classes that took part, our Y4 class finished 2nd overall. Pipped to 1st place by a Y5 class.
- Out of the 1074 pupils taking part, three of our pupils finished 4th, 6th and 7th overall.
We are all super proud of all our Y4 children for contributing to amazing results in this tournament. Here are some photos of them receiving our trophy and with their certificates:
Today we were at the church for Holy Communion. In R.E. we have been learning about the kind of world Jesus wants. We’ve read Matthew 4:18-20 and really discussed the terms “Fishers of Men” and what the word “Gospel” mean. Helen & James were kind enough to spend some time afterwards talking to us about how they try to live out Jesus’ teachings and make the world a better place.
Fieldwork is when you go outside the classroom and find things out for yourself. Today, Year 4 started our geography fieldwork by trying to answer the question- What is there in Wickersley?
We counted the various business types, e.g. Take-Aways, Pharmacies etc. We made a tally and we will use that data to created a bar chart. We will also use Digimaps to plot our course and think about how we feel about various areas of Wickersley.