
Year 6

School Uniform Shop

By Community, FS1, FS2, Fund Raising, House Jericho, Letters to Parents, Lost Property, PSHE, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

We are truly grateful for all of your uniform donations. Every night Mrs Nightingale restocks the clothes line and they are selling fast.

In assembly, we have discussed with the children about how cool it is to reuse and recycle- we hope that the school uniform shop will send out a clear message that they can make a difference to the world we live in.

Thank you,
The St Alban’s Eco Warriors!

Swapping Card Games – Playtimes

By Community, Dining, PSHE, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Dear parents and carers,

When children have a proper break during playtime, they tend to perform better in their classes. With this in mind, we are constantly working on making playtimes more enjoyable for all our children.

We have noticed that many children express a keen interest in card games and swapping. If your child would like to take part in card games, then we kindly request that they read this letter.

In the upcoming weeks, we have planned various activities to enhance playtime for the children. Our focus will be on teaching them clapping songs such as “The Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea,” as well as introducing games like French skipping and cat’s cradle. These activities aim to engage the children, promote social interaction, and provide them with a diverse range of play options.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs GurnerDear parents and carers,

When children have a proper break during playtime, they tend to perform better in their classes. With this in mind, we are constantly working on making playtimes more enjoyable for all our children.

We have noticed that many children express a keen interest in card games and swapping. If your child would like to take part in card games, then we kindly request that they read this letter.

In the upcoming weeks, we have planned various activities to enhance playtime for the children. Our focus will be on teaching them clapping songs such as “The Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea,” as well as introducing games like French skipping and cat’s cradle. These activities aim to engage the children, promote social interaction, and provide them with a diverse range of play options.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs GurnerDear parents and carers,

When children have a proper break during playtime, they tend to perform better in their classes. With this in mind, we are constantly working on making playtimes more enjoyable for all our children.

We have noticed that many children express a keen interest in card games and swapping. If your child would like to take part in card games, then we kindly request that they read this letter.

In the upcoming weeks, we have planned various activities to enhance playtime for the children. Our focus will be on teaching them clapping songs such as “The Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea,” as well as introducing games like French skipping and cat’s cradle. These activities aim to engage the children, promote social interaction, and provide them with a diverse range of play options.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Gurner

KS2 Sports Day

By House Carmel, House Jericho, House Jordan, House Sinai, Mental Health, Physical Education, Sport, Sporting Excellence, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Congratulations to everyone who took part in Sports Day today. We certainly showed our sports values of Teamwork, Passion, Self-belief, Respect, Determination and Honesty.

We began with a warm up.

The scorers got ready for their important job. 

Throwing Event

Long Jump



This year, the winners were Jericho.

Thank you to all the helpers who ensured everything went so smoothly.



KS2 Sports Day

By Community, Sport, Sporting Excellence, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Nothing beats a primary school sports day!

It was a great event, and I want to congratulate House Jericho for their impressive achievement in coming 1st. Well done, Jericho! As a symbol of their victory, the George Felto Cup now proudly displays their colours in green. Additionally, Jericho has earned 100 points for their House.

We are very proud of all the children that competed in KS2 sports day and thank you to all the helpers.

EYFS and KS1 Sports Day is on Monday 3rd July. All school events can be found on our school calendar:

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Thank you

Mrs Gurner

Newsletter- May 2023

By Community, FS1, FS2, Letters to Parents, Newsletter, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please find attached a copy of our latest newsletter, which contains important updates and information for the upcoming summer period.

For those who prefer a paper copy, ask Mrs. Shemwell at the school office, and she will be happy to assist you. Additionally, you can access the newsletter on our school website under the “Parent Letters” section, where it will be available for viewing and download.

I’m sure you share our excitement as we approach the final day before the holidays. Wishing you all a peaceful Spring Bank Holiday.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Gurner

PE Kit Vote

By Community, Equality, Letters to Parents, Physical Education, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Earlier this year, we introduced a new PE kit protocol, where children came to school wearing their PE kit. While this change received mixed feedback from parents, we value your opinions and want to find a solution that works best for everyone.

To address the issue regarding PE kits, we would like to invite parents to participate in a voting process. Your input will help us determine the preferred approach moving forward. We have outlined two options for you to consider:

Option 1:

Children bring their PE kit in a named bag and leave it at school. It is the responsibility of both the child and parent to ensure the kit is regularly taken home for washing. Teachers will empty the cloakrooms every half term to facilitate this process.

Option 2:

Children come to school wearing their PE kits.

To gather your votes, Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Jepson will be sending out a voting poll within the next two weeks. Your vote truly counts and will play a significant role in shaping our PE kit protocol.

Thank you for your continued support and active involvement in shaping our school policies.

Look out for the poll on Class Dojo!