As part of our Music lessons, Year 2 have been learning to sing the song “Music is in my Soul.”
First we listened to the song and unpicked some of the key elements together and considered how the song made us feel. We asked and answered questions about the song such as: “What instruments can you hear?”, “What is the tempo?” and “Can you find the beat?”
Next, we started looking at notation in music. We know that crotchets last for one beat while quavers last for half a beat. You often see two quavers joined together to make one beat. We practised clapping crotchets and quavers and composed our own rhythms using these.
Finally, we learnt to play the song on an instrument- the glockenspiel. The children were very excited to play despite it being quite tricky to play the correct notes at the right time.
Well done Year 2!