Thursday 16/07/20

Good morning superstars.  I just want to say I am so very proud of you all.  You have worked really hard and I want to say well done to you and your grown-ups for their hard work too.

I am posting work today for you to do over the holidays.  I want you to carry on practicing your name writing throughout the holidays, ready for FS2.


I want you to keep reading through the Oxford Owl. I will put the link on here again.

Keep practicing your tricky words ready for writing sentences. Below are some more tricky words and some words to blend.

.red tricky words 1

red tricky words


Keep counting to 20 and back.

Below is a number formation booklet to 10.  I want you to practice writing your numbers.

Number formation booklet


Below is a letter formation booklet to practice writing your letters and recognising them.

Letter formation booklet

I am looking forward to seeing you all over the next couple of days.  Always remember how amazing and special you all are.

See you all very soon

Love Mrs North x


Wednesday 15/07/20

Good morning superstars, I can’t believe we are half way through our last week! I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday and Friday.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


I want you to go on to Oxford Owl and share a book with your grown-up.  There are lots of books to choose from and I want you to have a go at sounding CVC and VC words out.  Talk about what is happening on each page.  Talk about what you think the story might be about from the front cover. Remember we have a class login.


Yesterday I asked you to make your own shape monsters.  Below is a link to a shape monster game.


I want you to keep practicing writing and reading your sounds.  Today I want you to practice the letter ‘a’.  Below is a workbook to print off and have a go at.  Remember to say the rhyme when you write the sound: round the apple and down the leaf.


Enjoy your day and make sure you have lots of fun playing.

Love Mrs North x

Tuesday 14/07/20

Good morning my superstars.  I hope you enjoyed the colour monster yesterday!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


The colour monster had all his feeling mixed up.  Today I want you to draw a monster to show how you are feeling? Think of the colours you choose.  Remember the colours do not have to mean the same as the colour monsters. A different colour may make you feel happy, sad, frightened or calm. When you have drawn your monster I want you to write a word underneath to show what you are feeling. For example sad, happy etc..

A challenge for your writing instead of writing just a word, I want you to have a go at writing a sentence. For example I feel ….


In maths I thought we would have a go at making our own monster out of shapes.  What shapes can you find around your house to draw round to make your own shape monster?  May be a small bowl for a circle.  A building brick for an oblong/rectangle.  A coaster for a square/circle etc.  Look around your house (ask your grown-up first) and see what you can find.  I look forward to seeing your shape monsters. Here are some examples below to help you.


To carry on building on your phonics I want you to have a go at two different games.  Phoneme pop that helps you to hear and recognise the sounds.  Then a slide game where you need to finish the CVC word by clicking on the correct final sound.  Both these will help with blending and recognising sounds. The links for both games are below.


Below is a link to a monster emotion song (sorry grown-ups) join in with the song and do the actions

Enjoy your day!

Love Mrs North x


Monday 13/07/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you had a lovely weekend!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


I want to end our last week looking at a story that we did earlier on this year. The story is called the colour monster and it is a book that talks about emotions (feelings).  This school year has been very different, and as it comes to an end we are all preparing for our next journey into our new class or new school for some.  I know you will all be amazing in your new class, will have lots of fun and do really well!  Starting a new adventure can bring with it different feelings, so we are going to explore our feeling this week.  The link to the colour monster story is below.

The colour monster had all his feelings mixed up.

What colour did yellow make him feel?

What colour did blue make him feel?

What colour did red make him feel?

What colour did green make him feel?

What colour did black make him feel?

How do you think pink made him feel?

Which colour are you feeling today?


Below is a monster counting worksheet to have a go at.  Remember to point to each monster when you are counting.  When you have counted the monsters, write the number in the circle to show how many there are.



Today we are going to practice writing the ‘m’ sound.  You are all confident with the ‘m’ sound, but it won’t hurt to recap on it.

The ‘’m’ sound is a stretchy sound. Stretch mmmmmmmmmm as you press your lips together hard.  Mmmmouse, mmmmountain, mmmmirror, mmmmoon.  Can you think of anything else beginning with the ‘m’ sound?

Below are some words with the ‘m’ sound in.  I want you to sound them out like a robot (Fred talk) and then blend them and say what the word is.

m-a-t        mat

m-a-n       man

m-u-g       mug

m-e-t      met

If you are able to blend and read the CVC words above I want you to try these words that have ‘special friends’ in them. Remember to speak like a robot (Fred talk) and then blend them and say what the word is.

m-o-th       moth

M-ay          may

m-ee-t       meet

m-igh-t     might

Below is a work book to practice the ‘m’ sound.



I thought in science today we could have some fun making a balloon monster grow.  All the details for the experiment are below.  Make sure you listen to your grown-up carefully when following the instructions.

.Science Experiment grow a balloon

What is happening to the balloon?

Why is it getting bigger?

What will happen if it gets too big?

Have fun and don’t forget to send me your photos of your experiment.

Love Mrs North x


Friday 10/07/20

Good morning my superstars.  It is Friday, so that means the weekend.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today I want you to go on the Oxford tree site and share a story with your grown up. Talk about the book you have chosen.  What do you think the story might be about from the front cover? Talk about what is happening on each page.  Sound out the VC (in, at) and CVC words (mum, dad, can) and blend them.  You should be beginning to recognise some tricky words, so have a go at reading them aswell (the, to, go) Below is the link to the Oxford tree, I sent you the class login, but if you need it again message me.


Today I want to look at number formation.  You are all becoming very good at counting and finding 1 more than a given number.  Today I want to practice writing our numbers to 10.  Below is a worksheet with some rhymes to help with forming our numbers. Then there is a sheet to practice writing your numbers.




Today we are going to look at the ‘d’ and ‘b’ sound.  These are very easy and common to muddle up.  Today I thought we would use the Alphblocks to help us remember these sounds.   The link is below.


The weather may still be wet so may not be able to get outside to run around.  If you have a big enough space in side I want you to have a game of What time is it Mr Wolf? with your grown up. Think about the time the wolf says.  If it is 10 O’clock will you take big steps or smaller steps? If they say 2 O’clock will you take small steps or bigger steps? Before you play What time is it Mr Wolf? Warm your bodies up.

Can you do…?

5 jumps

7 star jumps

Jog on the spot while counting to 20

3 hops

Hope you have a lovely day and a good weekend.  Stay safe!

Love Mrs North x


Thursday 09/07/20

Good morning superstars, I hope we get some sunshine soon!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing


Today we are going to hear a different story. This week we have been looking at the story of the three little pigs.  What if the characters changed and we have big bad pigs and the friendly wolf.  Below is the story of the three horrid pigs and the friendly wolf.

What was different in this story to the three little pigs and the big bad wolf story?

What was the same between the two stories?

Which story did you like best?


I want to continue with our counting today and finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number.  Below is the helicopter game to help with this. The first helicopter game is recognising your numbers to 10 or 20.  The second helicopter game is finding 1 more or 1 less than a number to 20.


You are becoming confident with recognising your sounds and reading CVC words now I want us to practice writing our letters ready for FS2. Remember your crocodile snap when holding your pencil.

Below are the different sounds I want you to practice.  Remember to say the rhyme when you write them because it helps with forming the letter correctly.

I want your grown up to say the sound and for you to have a go at writing it. Can you remember what each sound looks like. Write it a few times being careful with the sizing of your letters.




After you have had a go at writing these sounds click on the link below to watch the aeroplane write the sounds you choose.  Did you form your letters correctly?  If you struggled with any watch the aeroplane and have another go.

If you are confident with writing the earlier sounds have a go at the ‘special friends’ sounds below. Again I want your grown up to say them and you have a go at writing them.



Make sure you form each letter correctly and be careful of the size of your letters.


I want you to go on charanga and look at the friendship song that I have loaded on to the yumu package.   First I want you to move your body to the pulse/beat of the music.  Remember our pulse in our body is our heart beat.  Count the beats in the song and have a go at clapping, stamping or just dancing to the beat.  Did you like the song? Have a go at learning the friendship song.

Enjoy your day

Love Mrs North x


Wednesday 08/07/20

Good morning superstars, it is Wednesday so we are half way through the week!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today we are looking at rhyming words.  Below are two worksheets to have a go at.  One is matching the rhyming word pictures and the other one is to have a go at writing some rhyming words.

If I was to write three rhyming words for the word pig they would be:

Pig, wig, fig and big.  Look closely at those words, which letters have stayed the same and which have changed?




Below is a worksheet from the three little pigs.  I want you to cut out the objects and put them in size order from the smallest to the biggest. Just pick one of the sheets to print off and have a go at.



I want you to practice writing the sounds we have been learning.  Below are the different sounds I want you to practice.  Remember to say the rhyme when you write them because it helps with forming the letter correctly.

I want your grown up to say the sound and for you to have a go at writing it. Can you remember what each sound looks like? Write it a few times being careful with the sizing of your letters.




After you have had a go at writing these sounds click on the link below to watch the aeroplane write the sounds you choose.  Did you form your letters correctly?  If you struggled with any watch the aeroplane and have another go.

If you are confident with writing the earlier sounds have a go at the ‘special friends’ sounds below. Again I want your grown up to say them and you have a go at writing them.



Make sure you form each letter correctly and be careful of the size of your letters.


The weather has been wet and so below are some colouring sheets from the three little pigs’ story for you to enjoy.  There are lots of different ones so you may just want to pick a few to print off.


Have a lovely day

Love Mrs North x



Tuesday 07/07/20

Good morning lovelies.  Did you enjoy the story of the three little pigs yesterday?

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today we are looking at the structure of the story in the three little pigs.  What happened in the beginning (first)?  What happened at the end?  Below is a worksheet to print out and have ago at putting the story in order using the pictures.

story sequencing three little pigs


Can you count to 10 and back?  Next count to 20 and back?

Today we are going to do some counting using the tens frame, moving on to addition.  Below are two worksheets to print off and have a go at.  The first worksheet I want you count the objects on the tens frame and write how many there are.  The second worksheet I want you to count the objects write that number down then count how many spaces are left to get to 10 and write that number down and complete the sum. Below is an example.

Three little pigs tens frame

Three little pigs tens frame for addition


Today we are going to look at the ‘p’ sound with the Alphablocks.  Below is a link to click on.


The three little pigs used different materials to make their houses.  Which was the best material and why? Can you have a go at making a house to keep the three little pigs safe from the big bad wolf?  I want you to use some straws, sticks and some lego. Below are some pictures to help you.  When you have built your houses using the different materials, I want you to use a hair dryer (ask your grown up) to try and blow the house down.  Which house was the strongest?


Enjoy your day

Love Mrs North x



Monday 06/07/20

Good morning my superstars.  I hope you have had a lovely, fun filled weekend!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


This week we are going to look at the traditional tale of the three little pigs.  Below is the story to listen to.

What did the first little pig make his house out of?

What did the second little pig make his house out of?

Finally what did the third little pig make his house out of?

Who blew the houses down?

What did you like about the story?

Was there anything you didn’t like about the story?


Count to 10 and back with your grown-up.  Next count to 20 and back.

Today we are going to be counting.  Below is a counting worksheet of the three little pigs.



We are carrying on recapping on our sounds, so that we become confident with them.  If you are confident with the ‘p’ sound have a go at the ‘ng’ sound.

The ‘p’ sound is a bouncy sound.  Make a light popping sound. P-p-p-purse, p-p-p-pizza, p-p-p-pencil, p-p-p-pirate.  Can you think of anything else beginning with ‘p’?

I want you to practise writing the ‘p’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) using your Peter pointer.  Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down the plait and over the pirate’s face. Below are some words to have a go at sounding out and blending.  Remember to talk like a robot (Fred talk) to sound them all out and then blend them.  Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

p-i-g     pig

p-o-p   pop

p-a-t    pat

p-a-n   pan

Below is a worksheet to print out.  Can you use the letters to make different CVC words beginning with the ‘p’ sound.


‘ng’ when there are two or more sounds together they are ‘special friends’  The ‘ng’ sound is a stretchy sound. Make a long nasal sound at the back of your throat. ‘ng’ comes at the end of words.  W-i-ng-wing,  s-i-ng-sing, k-i-ng-king, s-p-r-i-ng-spring.  Can you think of another word with the ‘ng’ sound in?

Below are some words to have a go at sounding out and blending.

Th-i-ng      thing

s-t-r-i-ng    string

s-t-i-ng       sting

w-i-ng         wing

r-i-ng          ring

Below is a story to print out.  I want you to use a highlighter or a yellow felt tip to go over all the words with the ‘ng’ sound in.



I want you to make a pig.  You can either use a paper plate, toilet roll or cut a circle out of paper or card.  You can either paint, crayon or use coloured paper to stick on it.  Be creative as you want!


Enjoy your day and don’t forget to send in your work!

Love Mrs North x



Friday 03/07/20

Good morning superstars, it is Friday that means the weekend.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.  If you are confident with writing your first name, practise your second.


I have enjoyed the story of the gingerbread man.  My favourite part is when the gingerbread man jumps out of the oven and starts running down the path with the old lady and man running after him.  I want to know what your favourite part of the story is.  Can you draw your favourite part of the story?


In maths I want you to match the numbers to the correct colour to colour in the sheets from the gingerbread man. Below are the sheets to print off.



Below is the link to pop the phoneme.  I want you to have a go at the sounds we have been learning this week.


Finally to round off our week of the gingerbread man, I thought it would be nice to make some.  Below is a recipe to have a go at making your own gingerbread men.

Enjoy your day and have a good weekend!

Love Mrs North


Thursday 02/07/20

Good morning lovelies.  Hope you are all well! I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today I want us to make a wanted poster for the gingerbread person.  They have gone missing and we need to try and find them.  First we will have to draw what your gingerbread person looks like.  What colour are they?  Were they wearing clothes? If so what were they wearing, might be shorts, a top, a skirt, a dress and the colour of the clothes. Your gingerbread person can look any way you want them to. After you have drawn your gingerbread person I want you to write a word to describe them. It may be the colour of them, the clothes they are wearing or the size of them. Grown ups remember the word doesn’t have to be spelt correctly.  Let the children sound it out using their phonics knowledge, it maybe that they can only hear the beginning sound.  It may be that they can hear the beginning and final sound or they may be able to hear the beginning, final and some medial sounds.

If you can hear most of the sounds I want you to have a go at writing a sentence to describe your gingerbread person.  Your sentence might be: He is big, or she is yellow. Remember to use a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces between each new word.

Wanted poster


Count to 10 and back with your grown up, next count to 20 and back.

Below is the gingerbread man game to have another go at.  Count carefully how many smarties there are on him, pointing to each one as you count them.


This week we are recapping on our sounds.  If you recognise the ‘qu’ sound have ago at the ‘oo’ sound. Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘oo’ sound.

The ‘qu’ sound always has a ‘u’ with it, so we call these ‘special friends’ When two letters are joined together to make one sound they are known as ‘special friends’.  The ‘qu’ sound is a bouncy sound.  Keep your lips pursed as you say cw.  Qu-qu-qu-queen, qu-qu-qu-quilt, qu-qu-qu-quarrel. Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with qu?

I want you to write the ‘qu’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: round her head, up past her earrings and down her hair, then down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle.

Below are some words that have the ‘qu’ sound in.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

qu-i-t    quit

qu-i-ck   quick

qu-a-ck      quack

qu-ee-n      queen

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘qu’ sound.

qu letter formation sheet

We are going to recap on the ‘oo’ sound.  When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

On one side of the oo card is a picture of a zoo keeper with a fork and a spade ready to clean the animals out.: oo – poo at the zoo

Below are some words with the ‘oo’ sound in. Remember to say ‘oo’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

t-oo         too

m-oo-n    moon

s-p-oo-n     spoon

z-oo            zoo

m-oo-d      mood

p-oo-l        pool

Below is a worksheet to read and write the ‘oo’ sound.



I want you to go on charanga and look at the song big bear funk that I have loaded on to the yumu package.   First I want you to move your body to the pulse/beat of the music.  Remember our pulse in our body is our heart beat.  Count the beats in the song and have a go at clapping, stamping or just dancing to the beat.  Did you like the song? Have a go at learning the big bear funk song.

Enjoy your day

Mrs North x


Wednesday 01/07/20

Good morning my lovely superstars, I cannot believe it is July already! I hope you have been having fun so far this week.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today we are going to look at the structure of the story of the gingerbread man.  Can you remember what happened in the story? What happened when the old lady opened the oven door?  Who did the gingerbread man meet first on his journey? Can you remember which other animals he met on the way? Finally what happened to the gingerbread man in the end? Below is a story map to print off and put the pictures in order.



Count to 10 and back with your grown up, now count to 20 and back. Below is a counting game of the gingerbread man to print off.  Use the checklist to count  how many there are of different things such as dogs, gingerbread men and write the correct amount in the box next to their picture.

.I Spy and Count



This week we are recapping on our sounds.  If you recognise the ‘c’ sound have ago at the ‘igh’ sound. Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘igh’ sound.

The ‘c’ sound is a bouncy sound. Make a sharp click at the back of your throat. C-c-c-caterpillar, c-c-c-cake, c-c-c-cow, c-c-c-cat.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with c?

I want you to write the ‘c’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: curl around the caterpillar.

Below are some words that have the ‘c’ sound in.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

c-a-t     cat

c-o-t    cot

c-a-n   can

c-a-p   cap

Below is a worksheet to practise reading and writing the ‘c’ sound in.


We are going to recap on the ‘igh’ sound.  When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

On one side of the igh card is a picture of a boy flying a kite: igh – fly high

Below are some words with the ‘igh’ sound in. Remember to say ‘igh’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

h-igh         high

n-igh-t      night

l-igh-t        light

b-r-igh-t    bright

s-igh-t       sight

m-igh-t    might

Below is a worksheet to read and write the ‘igh’ sound.

igh sound


You are becoming very good at using scissors carefully and trying to follow the lines when cutting, but it is always good to keep practising. Below is a cutting activity of the gingerbread man to print out.  I want you to follow the lines very carefully. Remember to be careful when using scissors.


Enjoy your day!

Love Mrs North x


Tuesday 30/6/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you are all well! I am sorry about the mix up with the TEAMs session, hopefully next week will run smoothly!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Yesterday we listened to the story of the Gingerbread man.  Today we are looking at sounding out and blending CVC words.  You are all becoming really good at this!  Below is a worksheet with different pictures on the gingerbread men.  I want you to say what the picture is, (use your Fred fingers to sound out each letter in the word) and then have a go at writing it underneath the gingerbread man.

An example is below.


Gingerbread Man CVC Words


In maths we are going to play a game.  You will need a dice and the gingerbread man worksheet, which is below to print off.  You will roll the dice and the number you get tells you what you need to put on your gingerbread man. Eg roll number 1 to put the eyes on the gingerbread man.



Today we are continuing with recapping two sounds.  If you recognise the ‘e’ sound have ago at the ‘ee’ sound. Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘ee’ sound.

The ‘e’ sound is a bouncy sound. Bounce e-e-e-e-e. e-e-e-egg, e-e-e-envelope, e-e-e-elbow, e-e-e-elephant.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with e?

I want you to write the ‘e’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: lift off the top and scoop out the egg.

Below are some words that have with the ‘e’ sound in.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

j-e-t     jet

g-e-t    get

r-e-d   red

p-e-n   pen

Below is a worksheet to practise reading and writing CVC words with the ‘e’ sound in.


We are going to recap on the ‘ee’ sound.  When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

On one side of the ee card is a boy in a tree looking through some binoculars and the other boy asks him What can you see? ee what can you see?

Below are some words with the ‘ee’ sound in. Remember to say ‘ee’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

s-ee     see

th-r-ee     three

b-ee-n      been

g-r-ee-n    green

s-ee-n       seen

s-l-ee-p     sleep

Below is a worksheet to read and write the ‘ee’ sound.



In science we are going to do an experiment.  If you haven’t got the ingredients don’t worry you could save it and try it another day.  We want to look at what happens to a gingerbread man when he gets wet in different puddles.

You will need mini gingerbread men, some oil, water, vinegar and some fruit juice.

Below is the experiment to print off and try.

Science Experiment gingerbread man

Below are some questions for your grown up to ask.

What do you think will happen to the gingerbread men when we put them in oil, juice, water and vinegar?

Watch the gingerbread men closely, what changes can you see?

Have any gingerbread men changed size?

Have any gingerbread men changed shape?

Are they all still hard and crunchy?

I hope you have a fun filled day and don’t forget to keep sending in your work on class dojo.

Love Mrs North x


 Monday 29/6/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


This week we are going to be looking at the story of the Gingerbread Man.  Below is a link to the story.–UlV4

Here are some questions for your grown up to ask, to help with remembering the story.

What did the old lady use on the gingerbread man for buttons?

What happened when the old lady opened the oven door?

What was the first animal to chase the gingerbread man down the road?

How did the fox trick the gingerbread man?

Did you like the story, what was your favourite part?


Today I want you to practise your counting.  Below is a link to a gingerbread man game to help with this.


I am putting two sounds to recap on in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘g’ sound have ago at the ‘ay’ sound.

The ‘g’ sound is a bouncy sound.  Make a soft sound in your throat.  G-g-g-gate, g-g-g-glasses, g-g-g-goat, g-g-g-girl.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with g?

I want you to write the ‘g’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: round her face, down her hair and give her a curl.

Below are some words beginning with g.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

g-o-t    got

g-e-t    get

g-a-p   gap

g-a-g    gag

Below is a workbook to help with reading and writing the ‘g’ sound.


We are going to recap on the ay sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

On one side of the ay sound card there is a picture of a little girl who wants to play.  She says..may I play? ‘Ay’, may I play?

Below are some words with the ‘ay’ sound in. Remember to say ‘ay’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

s-t-ay          stay

p-l-ay          play

s-t-r-ay       stray

p-ay            pay

b-ay            bay

Below is a worksheet to have a go at finding the pictures that have the ‘ay’ sound in.



I want you to have a go at decorating a gingerbread man.  You can use crayons, paints, sequins etc.. It is up to you how you choose to decorate it.  Below are some ideas to help you and a gingerbread man template to print off and use.


Have a lovely day

Love Mrs North x



Friday 26/6/20

Good morning superstars, it is Friday so that means it is the weekend.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


This week we have been looking at the naughty bus.  Buses are so much fun to travel on. I wonder what your favourite way of travelling is, can you tell your grown up? I want you to draw your favourite way of travelling and then write what it is.  You may just write car or bus, but you may want to have a go at writing a sentence. Eg I like to go in a car, I like to go on my bike.  If you are writing a sentence don’t forget your finger spaces between each new word.  Remember we use capital letters at the beginning and a full stop at the end. Have a go at sounding the words out by yourself. Remember grown-ups if they can only hear the beginning sound and final sound and that is all they write for each word that is okay.


Below is a link to the helicopter rescue game. If you are confident with your numbers to 10 have ago to 20.


Today I want you to visit the Oxford reading tree if you haven’t been doing and share a book with your grown up. There are some books that have CVC words in them, have a go at sounding out and blending these.  Remember to talk about the story, what is happening on each page? There is a class login, which I sent out a while ago.  If you can’t find it in your dojo messages, let me know and I will resend it.


Pretend you are driving a bus, you can use the steering wheel you made on Monday.  Put some seats out and invite your teddies or grown up to join you on your adventure.  Where are you going to?  How many passengers are you collecting on the way?  What are you going to do when you get there? Have fun using your imagination and I hope your vehicle isn’t naughty!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe

Love Mrs North x


Thursday 25/6/20

Good morning my superstars, I hope you are enjoying the sunshine!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Can you remember the story on Monday the naughty bus?  If you can’t don’t worry go back and listen to it .  I want to know what your favourite part of the story was. I liked it when the bus drove through the baked beans.  It must have been very messy.  Can you draw your favourite part of the story and tell your grown up why you liked it.


I want you to begin with counting to 10 and back with your grown up, then to 20 and back.

Below is a link to the number blocks looking at the number 8


Please revisit any sounds you are not sure about.  I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘d’ sound have ago at the ‘oo’.  Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘oo’ sound.

The ‘d’ sound is a bouncy sound. Tap your tongue gently behind your teeth :  d-d-d-dog, d-d-d-dinosaur, d-d-d-doll, d-d-d-duck.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with d?

I want you to write the ‘d’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: round his bottom, up his tall neck, down his feet..

Below are some words that begin with the ‘d’ sound.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

d-o-g  dog

d-a-d   dad

d-i-g   dig

d-i-d   did

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘d’ sound.

letter d.PNG

oo sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Below is a Youtube link to watch and join in with the RWI sound ‘oo’.

Just like the teacher showed the words on the Youtube video, I have written them down below for you to sound out and blend again.  Remember to say ‘oo’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk.

t-oo         too

z-oo         zoo

m-oo-d    mood

p-oo-l       pool

s-t-oo-l     stool

m-oo-n     moon

s-p-oo-n   spoon


There are lots of different ways we can travel.  To go abroad we may travel by aeroplane, to get to school we may come in a car.  An astronaut would have to travel by rocket to get to space and some people may go on holiday on a boat.  Below is a worksheet with lots of different forms of transports on. I want you to cut them out and stick them into the right column on the grid air, water or road.

Transport sheet to cut out

Transport sorting table

Hope you have lots of fun!

Love Mrs North x


Wednesday 24/6/20

Good morning lovelies.  Half way through the week, hope you are all still smiling lots. If today is Wednesday, what day will it be tomorrow?

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today I want to look at reading and writing CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant) Below will be some CVC pictures to print off and have a go at writing what they are.  Before you do that let’s do one together. The picture I have chosen is this one.

What is my picture of? That is right, it is a cat.  Now I am going to write the word cat, but first I need to use my Fred fingers to count the number of sounds and what each sound is.  Let’s sound it out together c-a-t.  There are three sounds so need three Fred fingers.  Sound it out again pressing each finger for each different sound and then sliding your hand across the tips to blend them.  C-a-t, cat.

We are all at different stages and that is absolutely fine.  Some of you may just be writing the first sound you hear, some the initial and final sound.  Others will be writing all the sounds in the word c-a-t, but not yet blending them. Then a few of you may be ready for writing the word cat in a sentence. I now want you to have a go at writing the word cat on your paper.  Remember your crocodile snap grip for holding your pencil and say the rhyme when writing each letter to help form them correctly.

I am now going to put the word cat into a sentence.  My sentence is going to have five words in it.  I need to remember to begin with a capital letter, end with a full stop and put finger spaces between each new word.

My sentence is:

I can see a cat.

I is a tricky word we can’t sound it out we just have to learn it.  The word can is a CVC word, so we know we can sound that out and blend it.  The next word has ‘special friends’ ‘ee’ in it, so again we can sound this one out. The next one is the little word ‘a’ and finally the word cat, which we have been sounding out and blending.

Below are some examples of children writing a sentence with CVC word in.

Below are some CVC picture cards to print off and use.  If you can’t print them off then use some objects around your house. Eg cup, mat, bin, jug and dog (if you have a toy one, or a real one to look at) you may have your own ideas, but make sure they are CVC object words.



Today we are going to look at the number 8. Show your grown up 8 fingers, can you find a different way of making 8?  Using the bus and passengers from Monday’s activity can you put 8 passengers on the bus? On the bus tens frame can you show your grown up another way of putting the 8 passengers on the bus? Below is a worksheet to practise writing the number 8



We are recapping on all the sounds we have learnt so far. Today I want to look back on the ‘j’ sound. The ‘j’ sound is a bouncy sound. Push your lips forward as you make the sound:  j-j-j-jam, j-j-j-jug, j-j-j-jelly, j-j-j-jigsaw.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with j?

I want you to write the ‘j’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down his body, curl and dot.

Below are some words that begin with the ‘j’ sound.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

j-e-t    jet

j-o-b   job

j-o-g   jog

j-o-t    jot

j-a-m jam

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘j’ sound.

Letter j

This week we have been looking at the ‘special friends’ sound ‘igh’.  Below is a link to the alphablocks the ‘igh’ sound to recap on it.


It is a lovely day so I thought we would go outside and find different ways of moving around.  Below is a list of different ways I want you to travel around outside, your grown up will read them to you.  Make sure you listen carefully.

Pretend you are a racing car, speeding around your garden.

I want you to be a boat, gently moving around, as if you are floating on the sea.

A horse galloping through the fields.

A clown riding an uni-cycle, so hop on one leg for this.

Can you think of other ways to move around?

Don’t forget to keep sending me your work through class dojo, so that I can see how well you are all doing. Remember to have fun playing too, especially in this lovely sunshine.

Love Mrs North x

Tuesday 23/6/20

Good morning superstars. Can you tell your grown up what day it is today and what it will be tomorrow? If you can remember our days of the week’s song, have a go at teaching it to your grown up.  If you can’t don’t worry go to class story and there will be a video of me singing it to remind you.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today I want you to have a go at learning your tricky words that were in your pack.  Knowing your tricky words will help you in your writing when you move in to FS2.  Tricky words are words we can’t sound out, we just have to learn.  If you can’t find your tricky words below are some more to print off.

tricky words.PNG


Count to 10 and back with your grown up.  Next count to 20 and back.

I want you to play the action game while counting.  I will write some numbers and an action below and I want you to do that action that many times.  Remember to not do too many.

9 jumps

13 taps on your nose.

15 claps

7 hops


Today we are looking at the sound ‘y’ sound and recapping on our new sound ‘igh’ make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘igh’ sound.

The ‘y’ sound is a bouncy sound. Keep the edges of your tongue against your teeth. Y-y-y-yoyo, y-y-y-yak. Y-y-y-yoghurt, y-y-y-yawn.

I want you to write the ‘y’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time remember to say the rhyme: down a horn, up a horn and under his head.

Below are some words that begin with the ‘y’ sound.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is

y-a-k    yak

y-e-s   yes

y-e-t    yet

y-u-m  yum

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘y’ sound.

y letter.PNG

igh sound. If you are unsure of the ‘igh’ sound then listen to the Youtube video again from yesterday. Fly high?, ‘igh’.   When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Remember to say ‘igh’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

r-igh-t   right

b-r-igh-t   bright

s-igh-t   sight

t-igh-t     tight

f-l-igh-t    flight


I want you to make a paper aeroplane and see how far it goes.  How many steps did it take for you to go and pick your paper aeroplane up? Throw it again, did it go further? Find out by counting how many steps it takes you to get to your paper aeroplane.

Hope you have a lovely day!

Love Mrs North x



Monday 22/6/20

Good morning my superstars, I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


We are continuing our theme of journeys.  Below is the link to the story we are looking at this week the naughty bus.

Can you remember what the naughty bus did?

Did you like the story?

What was your favourite part?

Was the naughty bus sorry at the end?


Today we are going to count passengers onto a bus in maths.  Below is a tens frame, passengers and number cards to cut out first.  I will put a list of numbers on here that I want your grown up to show you using the flash cards. Then I want you to count the correct number of passengers out.

If you are working with your numbers to 10 you will need one bus and one set of passengers. If you are working with your numbers to 15 you will need two buses and two sets of passengers.

If you are working on your numbers to 10 these are the numbers for your grown up to show you: 3, 7, 2, 9, 6 and 10.

If you are working on your numbers to 15 these are the numbers for your grown up to show you: 9, 7, 12, 10, 15, 13 and 11




I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘w’ sound have ago at the ‘igh’ sound.  Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘igh’ sound.

The ‘w’ sound is a bouncy sound. Keep your lips tightly pursed:  w-w-w-witch, w-w-w-web, w-w-w-window, w-w-w-wood.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with w?

I want you to write the ‘w’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down, up, down, up.

Below are some words that begin with the ‘w’ sound.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

w-i-n    win

w-i-sh   wish

w-e-b    web

w-i-g     wig

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘w’ sound.

W letter.PNG

igh sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Below is a Youtube link to watch and join in with the RWI sound ‘igh’.–B_7BMs

Just like the teacher showed the words on the Youtube video, I have written them down below for you to sound out and blend again.  Remember to say ‘igh’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk.

f-r-ight-t     fright

h-igh           high

n-igh-t        night

l-igh-t         light

s-igh-t        sight

m-igh-t       might

Below is a booklet to have a go at lots of different activities to help with reading and writing the ‘igh’ sound.



Today I want you to make a steering wheel to use to pretend to go on your own journey. You will need a paper plate or card and some paint. What vehicle will your steering wheel belong to? Where are you going to and what can you see? Below is a picture of a steering wheel to make to give you an idea, but you can create your steering wheel however you like.

Enjoy your day!

Love Mrs North x

Friday 19/6/20

Good morning superstars. What day is it today? Can you tell your grown up which two days make up the weekend?

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today I want us to think of a different ending for the troll in the three billy goats gruff.  He was thrown in to the water and the story says he never came back again.  I want you to think of a different ending for what happened to the troll after he fell in the river. I have made a template below for you to write your ideas on.  If you can’t print off the template then record your ideas and send them to me via class dojo.

troll writing template


You will need your grown up to help with maths today.  Below is a billy goat board game to down load and play.  It has instructions to follow on each square, so you will need your grown up to help read them.  Have fun playing the game together.



You have been working so hard on your sounds, so today I want you to play the phoneme pop game to help go over all the sounds you have learnt.

If you have had ago at the ‘special friends’ sounds then click on th, ch, sh, ay and ee to include these in the phoneme pop game.


I would like you to draw or make a troll to go with your writing that was set out earlier for literacy. Below is a picture to give you an idea

Hope the weather improves and you all have a lovely weekend.

Love Mrs North x


Thursday 18/6/20

Good morning superstars.  Can you tell your grown up what day it is today? What day will it be tomorrow?

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Today I want you to act out the story of the three billy goats gruff.  Don’t forget to use the mask you made. If you are the troll think about the voice he would use, would it be happy, sad or grumpy? The small billy goat would he have a big voice or a little voice? Have fun!


I want you to count to 10 and back with your grown up.  Next count to 20 and back.

This week we have been looking at the number 5 and how to make 5 in different ways.  Today I want to focus on counting. Below is a link to the teddy game. Pick the level you want to have a go at.  If you are confident with your numbers to 5 then move on to your numbers to 10.  If you are confident with numbers to 10 then have a go up to 15.


Today we are looking at the sound ‘v’ and recapping on our new sound ‘ee’ make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘ee’ sound.

The ‘v’ sound is a stretchy sound. Keep your teeth on your bottom lip and force out air: vvvvet, vvvvulture, vvvvase, vvvvest   Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with v?

I want you to write the ‘v’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time remember to say the rhyme: down a wing, up a wing.

Below are some words that begin with the ‘v’ sound.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word

v-e-t    vet

v-a-n   van

v-a-t    vat

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘v’ sound.

letter v

ee sound. If you are unsure of the ‘ee’ sound then listen to the Youtube video again from yesterday. What can you see?, ‘ee’.   When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Remember to say ‘ee’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

s-t-ee-p   steep

m-ee-t     meet

s-l-ee-t   sleet

b-ee-p     beep

f-ee-t       feet

k-ee-p     keep


On Charanga I have added the song Old McDonald. I would like you to login and have some fun singing and learning the song.

Enjoy your day

Mrs North x

Wednesday 17/6/20

Good morning lovelies.  It is Wednesday so we are half-way through the week.  If it is Wednesday today what day will it be tomorrow and what day was it yesterday?

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing.


Carrying on with the three billy goats gruff I want you to pick your favourite character and draw them.  When you have drawn your character I want you to have a go at writing a word to describe them. If you can think of more words have ago at writing them too.

I like the troll. Below is my picture of the troll, but I know yours will be better than Mrs North’s, because you are all so creative.  The words I can think of are grumpy, angry and green. Don’t forget to sound out your words and write down what sounds you can hear in the word.



Yesterday we looked at the number 5 using tens frames.  I hope you managed to find different ways of making 5. Below is a link to the numberblocks looking at the number 5.


I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘j’ sound have ago at the ‘ee’ sound. Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘ee’ sound.

The ‘j’ sound is a bouncy sound. Push your lips forward as you make the sound. J-j-j-jam, j-j-j-jug, j-j-j-jelly, j-j-j-jigsaw.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with j?

I want you to write the ‘j’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down his body, curl and dot.

Below are some words that begin with the ‘j’ sound.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

j-e-t   jet

j-o-b  job

j-o-g  jog

j-a-m  jam

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘j’ sound.

Letter j

ee sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Below is a Youtube link to watch and join in with the RWI sound ‘ee’.

The words that were shown on the Youtube video I have written down for you to sound out and blend again.  Remember to say ‘ee’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk.

s-ee     see

th-r-ee     three

b-ee-n      been

g-r-ee-n    green

s-ee-n       seen

s-l-ee-p     sleep

Below is a booklet to have a go at lots of different activities to help with reading and writing the ‘ee’ sound.



Today we are going to have a go at growing some grass for the goats to eat. The grass on the other side of the bridge looked fresh and delicious. Tell your grown up what you think the grass will need to grow? I want you to plant some seeds in different pots and place in different conditions e.g. a sunny place with water, a sunny place without water and somewhere dark. Over the next few days keep checking on your seeds to see if they are growing.  When some of the grass has grown look at all the pots and decide which one the goats would like to eat and why.  Can you tell your grown up what seeds need to help them grow?

I hope you have a lovely day and don’t forget to send me your work on class dojo.

Love Mrs North x


Tuesday 16/6/20

Good morning Superstars, it looks like the sunshine is trying to come back!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing and Joe Wicks


Today I want to look at the structure of the three billy goats gruff.  Can you tell your grown up what happened at the very beginning of the story? Can you remember what happened at the very end? Finally which is a little harder what happened in the middle of the story.  Below is a worksheet to print off and have a go at drawing what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story.



Today we are looking at the number 5. Together with your grown up can you sing the song 5 little ducks went swimming one day. Below is a link to help you.

Next show your grown up 5 fingers.  Can you make 5 a different way using your fingers.

Below is a tens frame to print off if you need it again. On your tens frame can you count out 5 objects.

tens frame 20

If you are confident with the number 5 I want you to have a go at some addition sums to 5. Below are some images to show how to use tens frame in addition.

Use your tens frame to have a go at the addition sums below.

5 + 0 =

2 + 3 =

1 + 4=



Below is a link to an interactive game using tens frames.


Today we are looking at the sound ‘sh’ and recapping on our new sound ‘ay’ Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘ay’ sound.

The ‘sh’ sound is a stretchy sound. Force out your lips and put your finger to your mouth: shhhell, shhhhoe, shhhhop.   Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with sh?

I want you to write the ‘sh’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Remember when there are two or more letters together and they make one sound these letters are known as ‘special friends’.

Below are some word with the ‘sh’ sound in.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

Sh-i-p   ship

Sh-o-p   shop

Sh-e-d   shed

f-i-sh     fish

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘sh’ sound.


ay sound. If you are unsure of the ‘ay’ sound then listen to the Youtube video again from yesterday. May I play, ‘ay’.   When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Remember to say ‘ay’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk. Use your Fred fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

s-t-ay   stay

p-ay       pay

r-ay        ray

b-ay        bay

l-ay         lay

t-r-ay      tray


The three billy goats gruff wanted to go over the bridge to the delicious grass on the other side.  I want you to explore making different bridges.

You will need paper, card, cardboard small pebbles and building blocks or lego if you have any.  If not just two items to make the ends.

We are going to explore which material is the best to make a bridge out of.  The first bridge I want you to put a piece of paper between the two building blocks or what you are using for the ends.  How many pebbles can it hold before it collapses?

The next bridge still use a sheet of paper, but think about how it can be made stronger.  Try putting something underneath in the middle to support it.  Now how many pebbles can this bridge hold?

The next bridge change from paper to card/cardboard.  Make some beams to support the bridge.  How many pebbles will it hold?

Finally make an arch to go under the bridge and test how many pebbles it will hold.

Which was the best bridge and why?

Enjoy your day!

Love Mrs North x


Monday 15/6/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Don’t forget to start your day with name writing and Joe Wicks.


This week we are continuing our theme of journeys by looking at the three billy goats gruff.  They travelled across the bridge because the grass looked better on the other side. Was their journey easy? Below is a link to the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and some questions to help remember the story.

Which billy goat went across the bridge first?

Who lived under the bridge?

Which billy goat went last?

What happened to the troll?

Tell your grown up which part of the story you liked the best.


Count to 10 and back with your grown-up.  Next count to 20 and back.

Today we are looking at ordering numbers to 10.  Below is a worksheet to put the numbers in order to 10 so that the billy goats can cross the bridge. If you are not confident with your numbers to 10 have a go at ordering your numbers to 5.



I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘l’ sound have ago at the ‘ay’.  Make sure you are confident with the other sounds we have been doing before moving onto the ‘ay’ sound.

The ‘l’ sound is a stretchy sound. Keep your tongue pointed and curled behind your teeth:  llllolly, llllorry, lllleg, lllladder.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with l?

I want you to write the ‘l’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down the long leg.

Below are some words with the ‘l’ sound in.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

l-i-p   lip

l-e-t    let

s-e-ll   sell

w-e-ll   well

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘l’ sound.

letter l

ay sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

Below is a Youtube link to watch and join in with the RWI sound ‘ay’.

I have written down below for you the words to sound out and blend just like the teacher showed you on the Youtube video.  Remember to say ‘ay’ special friends and then sound the word out using Fred talk.

s-p-r-ay     spray

p-l-ay         play

d-ay           day

w-ay          way

m-ay         may

s-ay           say

Below is a booklet to have a go at lots of different activities to help with reading and writing the ‘ay’ sound.



You will need a paper plate for this activity or some white card.  I want you to make a mask of ether one of the billy goats or the troll.  It is up to you which one you make.  You will need your mask later on in the week, so keep it safe afterwards. Below are some pictures to help give you some ideas.

Enjoy your day and don’t forget to carry on sending your wonderful work in.

Love Mrs North x

Friday 12/6/20

Good morning lovelies, I hope the weather gets warmer for the weekend!

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


This week we have been focusing on Goldilocks and the three bears.  Today I want you to find out about different bears.  Below is a youtube link that tells you some facts about Grizzly bears, Polar Bears, Panda Bears and Black Bears.

Now I want you to have a go at labelling a Polar bear.  Below is the worksheet.



Today in maths we are looking at prepositional language.  Below is a poster, some objects to cut out and use and instructions. When you have cut the objects out follow an instruction such as put teddy on the chair. Then place the cut out chair on the poster and put teddy on it.  This activity will help with understanding prepositional language.  If you can’t print out everything then use one of your teddy bears and I would like your grown up to put teddy in these different places (the list is below) and ask you where is teddy? The important thing is to use prepositional language such as, under, inside, next to, in between, over etc not to just point.

Put teddy on a chair, in a box, under a table, in between two toys. Each time asking where is teddy.

Cut-Outs for prepositional language

Instruction Cards for prepositional language

Poster for prepositional language


You have been working so hard with your letter writing and learning different sounds this week that I thought today we would look at the Alphablocks and the sound u and q. Remember q and u are ‘special friends’


I thought it would be nice to end our week of bears by baking some bear biscuits. The recipe is below.

I hope you enjoy eating your biscuits and have a lovely weekend.

Love Mrs North x



Thursday 11/6/20

Morning superstars it is Thursday already! I am missing you all lots, but really proud of you for trying so hard with all your work.

Don’t forget to begin your day name writing.


Which was your favourite character from Goldilocks and the three bears? Tell your grown up why you liked that character.  Next I want you to use your imagination and pretend you are your favourite character. I want you to tell your grown up how that character may have felt in the story.  If daddy bear is your favourite how do you think he felt when he came home and found somebody had been eating his porridge?  If you like baby bear how do you think he felt when he found his chair broken? Or if you like Goldilocks how she would have felt when she saw the three bears.

Finally I want you to draw your favourite character and write how they would have felt.  This can just be one word or you can have a go at writing a sentence.


Below is a bear game to print off and play.  You will need two dice and some counters to cover up the numbers.  Can you work out which numbers I have missed off the bear?

Number recognition bear game


I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘e’ sound have ago at the ‘ng’ sound.

The ‘e’ sound is a bouncy sound. Bounce e-e-e-e:  e-e-e-egg, e-e-e-envelope, e-e-e-elbow, e-e-e-elephant Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with e?

I want you to write the ‘e’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: lift off the top and scoop out the egg.

Below are some words with the ‘e’ sound in the middle.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

m-e-t    met

g-e-t     get

r-e-d     red

p-e-n    pen

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘e’ sound.

e sound

ng sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

The ‘ng’ sound is a stretchy sound. Stretch nnnng.  Make a long nasal sound at the back of your throat.  wing, sing, king, spring. Can you tell your grown up another word with the ng sound in?

Below are some words with ng in. I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend them and say what the word is.

th-i-ng     thing

s-i-ng        sing

w-i-ng      wing

k-i-ng       king

Below are some worksheets to practise reading and writing the ‘ng’ sound.



I thought it would be fun to play a few PE games.  To warm our bodies up we can play the jelly bean game. When your grown-up shouts the instructions you have to do the action. Make sure you listen carefully.

String bean- stretch up as high as you can

Broad beans- make yourself as wide as you can.

Runner beans- run on the spot

Jelly beans- shake your whole body like jelly

Baked beans – wipe your brow and say ‘phew!’

Beans on toast- lie flat on the floor

Chilli beans- shiver as though you are very cold.

I am sure after playing the bean game your bodies are warmed up.

Next we are going to move around like the bears.  Big steps for daddy bear, medium size steps for mummy bear and little tiny steps for baby bear.

The bears are feeling a little hungry big movements for daddy bear eating his porridge, medium size movements for mummy bear and small movements for baby bear.

Finally I want you to move around with sad/angry expressions.

Keep smiling, have fun and enjoy your day!

Love Mrs North xx



Wednesday 10/6/20

Good morning my superstars.  We are half way through the week and you are sending me some fantastic work.  Well done, keep it up!

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing and Joe Wicks


Goldilocks went into the three bears’ house without being asked in.  She then ate porridge that didn’t belong to her.  She broke baby bears chair and then went upstairs and tried all the beds until she fell asleep in baby bears’ bed.  Goldilocks shouldn’t have gone into the bears’ house and today we are going to write a sorry letter from Goldilocks to the bears.  When we do something wrong we should always say sorry. Below is a template to print off and use to help you write a sorry letter. I want you to have ago at writing a sentence to say what Goldilocks is sorry for. Eg  I am sorry for eating your porridge, or I am sorry for going into your house. It is up to you!



I want you to count to 20 and back with your grown up.

Below is a counting worksheet.  Make sure you point to each object as you count them and then have a go at writing the number in the circle.



I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘u’ sound have ago at the ‘qu’ sound.

The ‘u’ sound is a bouncy sound. Make a sound at the back of your throat.  U-u-u-umbrella, u-u-u-upset, u-u-u-under.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with u?

I want you to write the ‘u’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down and under up to the top and draw the puddle.

Below are some words with the ‘u’ sound in the middle.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

m-u-d    mud

c-u-p     cup

c-u-t      cut

j-u-g      jug

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘u’ sound.

u sound

qu sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

The ‘qu’ sound is a bouncy sound. Keep your lips pursed as you say cw.  Qu-qu-qu-queen, qu-qu-qu-quilt, qu-qu-qu-quarrel, qu-qu-qu-quick. Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with the qu sound?

I want you to write the qu sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) using your Peter pointer.  Don’t forget to say the rhyme to help write each letter.  Round her head, up past her earrings and down her hair, then down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle.

Below are some words beginning with qu. I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend them and say what the word is.

qu-ee-n     queen

qu-i-t         quit

qu-i-ck       quick

Below is a  worksheet to practise writing the ‘q’ sound only,

q sound


I want you to have a go at a science experiment using gummy bears (if you have any!) We are going to look at what happens to a gummy bear when it is left in water for 4 days.

You will need a clear plastic cup, some gummy bears and water.

Here are the instructions for your experiment.

1 Choose a gummy bear

2 Fill the cup 1/3 full with water

3 Place the gummy bear in the water.

4 Leave for 4 days

5 After 4 days compare the gummy bear that has been in water with a gummy bear that hasn’t.

Before you put your gummy bear in water I want you to hold it up to the window to see how much light can get through. Put the bear between your fingers and press it, what happens.  How big is your bear?

What do you think will happen to the bear when it is put in water for 4 days?

After the 4 days

What has happened to the bear that was in water?

Compare the bear that has been in the water with a bear that hasn’t.  How are they different?

Don’t forget to send me photos of what happens to your gummy bear when it is put in water for 4 days.

Love Mrs North x


Tuesday 9/6/20

Good morning my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the story of Goldilocks and the three bears yesterday and are ready for more fun activities today.

Don’t forget to start your day practising your name writing and Joe Wicks


This half-term we are looking at journeys.  Goldilocks went on a journey through the forest, where did it lead to? Did she enjoy her journey? I want you to make a story map of Goldilocks’ journey.  Where did she start, what happened in the middle and what happened at the end? Below are some examples.


There were 3 bears in the story.  Can you show your grown up 3 fingers? Next can you show your grown up a different way of making 3? Can you next go and count out 3 objects?

Below is the link to the numberblocks and the number 3. We have watched it before, but it is good to recap.

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the number 3.



I am putting two sounds to look at in phonics today.  If you recognise the ‘b’ sound have ago at the ‘th’ sound.

The ‘b’ sound is a bouncy sound. Try to say a short b rather than ‘buh’  b-b-b-boot, b-b-b ball, b-b-b-bicycle, b-b-b bag.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with b?

I want you to write the ‘b’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down the laces to the heel, round the toe.

Below are some words beginning with b.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.

b-i-n   bin

b-a-d  bad

b-e-d  bed

b-a-g  bag

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘b’ sound.

letter b

th sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

The ‘th’ sound is a stretchy sound. Stretch thhhh.  Put you tongue between your teeth and force out air.  thhhhumb, , thhhhrone, thhhree. Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with the th sound?

I want you to write the th sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) using your Peter pointer.  Don’t forget to say the rhyme to help write each letter.  Down the tower across the tower, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.

Below are some words beginning with th. I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend them and say what the word is.

th-i-n    thin

th-i-ck    thick

th-i-s     this

th-r-ee   three

Below are some worksheest to practise reading and writing the ‘th’ sound.



I thought we would spend this week being quite creative.  Below are some instructions on how to make some bear ears.  When you have made them maybe you could wear them and have a teddy bear’s picnic.

I look forward to seeing the photos of your wonderful story maps and teddy ears.  Hope you have a lovely day.

Love Mrs North x


Monday 8/6/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for another fun week of activities and learning. This week we are looking at Goldilocks and the three Bears.

Don’t forget to begin your day with name writing and Joe Wicks


Below is a link to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears.

Here are some questions for your grown up to ask you.  These help you to remember and understand the story.

Where was Goldilocks going when she came to the bear’s home?

Where was the three bear’s home?

What did Goldilocks do when she arrived at the bear’s home?

What did Goldilocks eat at the bear’s house?

What did Goldilocks sit on at the bear’s house?

What happened when the bears came home?


The story of Goldilocks and the three bears talks a lot about size.  Today we are going to order some objects from the smallest to the biggest.  Below are some worksheets to choose from.  Cut out the different sized objects and put them in to size order starting with the smallest one and ending with the biggest.



I am putting two sounds on here to look at in phonics today.  If you already know the ‘h’ sound move on to have ago at the ‘ch’ sound.

The ‘h’ sound is a bouncy sound.  When we say it we breathe out sharply onto our hand.  H-h-h-horse, h-h-h-hen, h-h-h hat, h-h-h hot.  Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with h?

I want you to write the ‘h’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer. Each time don’t forget to say the rhyme: down the head to the hooves and over his back.

Below are some words beginning with h.  I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend and say what the word is.





Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘h’ sound.

.letter formation h

Ch sound. When there are two or more letters together they make just one sound. These letters are ‘special friends’.

The ‘ch’ sound is a bouncy sound. Thrust your lips out and pretend to sneeze.  Ch-ch-ch-chips, ch-ch-ch-chocolate, ch-ch-ch-chair, ch-ch-ch-children. Can you tell your grown up another word beginning with the ch sound?

I want you to write the ch sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) using your Peter pointer.  Don’t forget to say the rhyme to help write each letter.  Curl around the caterpillar, then down the horse’s head to the hooves and over his back.

Below are some words beginning with ch. I want you to talk like a robot to sound them out (Fred talk) and then blend them and say what the word is.





Below are some worksheets to practise reading and have a go at writing the ‘ch’ sound.

phase-3-digraph-workbook ch


Today I want you to have a go at making a fork bear picture.  You will need white paper, brown paint, glue, black felt-tip and a fork. Below is a You tube link that shows you how to make a fork bear picture.

Enjoy your day

Love Mrs North x

Friday 5/6/20

Good morning lovelies. Even though the weather has changed I hope you are still smiling and having lots of fun.

Don’t forget to start your day with name writing and Joe Wicks


If we were going on a journey to another country we would need a passport, so today we are going to make a passport to go to space with. Passports tell people where we are from, they have our photo on, our date of birth, where we live and other information.  Below is a template to print off and use or you could be creative and make your own.



Below is a maths game to print off and have fun playing with your grown up.

Rocket Game


This week we have looked at the ‘r’, ‘p’. ‘z’ and ‘f’ sound.  Below are some words that begin with all of these sounds. Can you sound them out in Fred talk and then blend them?

r-e-d     red

r-a-t      rat

p-a-n    pan

p-i-n     pin

f-a-n     fan

f-i-n      fin

z-i-g     zig

z-a-g    zag

f-i-sh    fish

r-a-sh   rash

Science Experiment

Finally to finish our week of space below is a link to make your own rocket to launch.

I hope you have lots of fun seeing how far your rocket can go.

Have a good weekend

Love Mrs North x



Thursday 4/6/20

Good morning superstars, I loved the pictures of all the planet mobiles you have all made.  They are amazing!

Don’t forget to begin your day with writing your name and Joe Wicks.


Today we are going to make name rockets.  I want you to cut squares out of coloured paper if you have some! If not white paper would work and you could colour the squares in.  You will need to count how many letters are in your first name and then cut out the right amount of squares.  Then on each coloured square I want you to write each letter from your name and then put them together.  Below is a link to show what the finished rocket will look like.


You are all becoming really good at counting backwards from 10.  Below is a space counting worksheet.  Can you count all the different objects and write the correct amount in the circle.



Today we are recapping on the ‘f’ sound.  The ‘f’ sound is a stretchy sound fff flower,  fff fog,  fff fan, fff fix.  Can you think of any more things beginning with ‘f’?

Again I want to practise writing the ‘f’ sound and there is a worksheet below to do this.  First though I want you to practise writing the ‘f’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand).  Remember each time to say the rhyme to help with writing the letter f correctly. Down the stem and draw the leaves.

letter formation f

Many of you are becoming really good at remembering the sounds we have been learning so I want you to have a go at writing some words beginning with the ‘f’ sound.  Remember to use your Fred fingers to count the number of sounds in each word. Below are the words, so sound them out first and then write them. Have ago at writing some of your own words beginning with ‘f’.







If the weather is dry I want you to listen to a piece of music and paint how it makes you feel or what it makes you think off using only a paint brush and a pot of water. If the weather is too wet for this activity, then you can change it and listen to the piece of music and draw how it makes you feel instead.

The piece of music I want you to listen to is Vivaldi’s four seasons.  The link to it is below.

I hope you have a lovely day and I look forward to seeing what you have been up to.

Love Mrs North x

Wednesday 3/6/20

Good morning superstars.  I hope you are having a good week so far!

Don’t forget to start your day with writing your name and make sure you have fun playing in the garden to get some exercise.


Did baby bear really go to the moon or was he using his imagination?  Today I want you to use your imagination and pretend to go to the moon.  What did baby bear use for his rocket?  What could you use for a rocket?  Don’t forget to put on a helmet and some space boots.  Finally pack your favourite teddy to take with you on your adventure and some snacks because it may be a long journey.

What did you see as you flew to the moon?  Baby bear passed an owl, who became his friend and joined him on his trip to the moon and an aeroplane.

What was the moon like? Did you see anything else? Baby bear said it was boring, because there was no-one else and no trees.

Have lots of fun on your trip to the moon.


We are going to carry on counting backwards from 10 with the number blocks. The link is below.


We are recapping on the ‘z’ sound.  Z is a stretchy sound: zzz zoom, zzz zebra, zzz zip, zzz zig, zzz zag.  Can you think of anything else beginning with ‘z’?

Below is a worksheet to practise writing the ‘z’ sound, but first I want you to practise writing the ‘z’ sound in the air and on your writing pad (hand) Each time remember to say the rhyme to help you with writing the letter correctly. Zig-zag-zig

z worksheet


This activity will be best outside and with clothes on that are okay to get messy.  It is a lovely sensory activity.  Space has been our theme this week and below is a link to make some cloud dough.  You could add straws, glitter, plastic cups to add to the sensory fun.

Hope you have lots of fun and don’t forget to keep sharing books with your grown up.  Maybe you have a story about space.


Love Mrs North x

Tuesday 2/6/20

Good morning lovelies, I hope you are all well!


This week we are looking at space.  Yesterday we looked at the story Whatever Next where baby bear travelled to the moon in a cardboard box.  I wonder if any of you watched the launch on Sunday of SpaceX.

Below is a link to a song that tells us all about each planet. I like this song, I hope you enjoy it too.

After watching the song about the solar system, I would like you to draw your favourite planet.  Don’t forget to write down the name of your planet.


I am going to write down some numbers with actions attached to them.  I want your grown up to say the number and then you do that amount of hops, claps, jumps that go with that number.

6 jumps

9 claps

12 star jumps

4 hops

7 big steps

15 taps on your nose


Today we are recapping on the ‘p’ sound.  The ‘p’ sound is a bouncy sound: p,p,p peg,  p,p,p pirate   p,p,p planet.  p,p,p  pot  can you think of anything else that begins with ‘p’?

Let’s practise writing a ‘p’ in the air and on our writing pad (hand).  Each time remember to say the rhyme down the pirates plait and around his face.

Below is a worksheet to have a go at practising writing the ‘p’ sound.  Remember to use your crocodile snap grip and to say the rhyme to help you remember how to form the ‘p’ letter correctly.

P worksheet


If you have the ingredients I thought it would be fun to make some space rock cakes. There is a recipe below to follow.

Hope you enjoy your space rock cakes.

Love Mrs North x

Monday 1/6/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you had a fantastic half-term and are ready for some more fun activities.  This half-term our topic is journeys.


To start our journey topic off we are going to look at the story Whatever Next.  The link to the story is below.

Where did baby bear want to go to?

What items did baby bear use to make his rocket and other things to take to the moon?

Who did baby bear meet on his way to the moon?

Finally do you think baby bear really went to the moon?


Today in maths we are going to be like space rockets launching into space. I want you to stand really tall and slowly count down backwards from 10 to 0. As you count backwards I want you to crouch down each time until you are low to the ground when you reach 1.  When you get to 0 jump up and shout blast off.


Over the next few weeks we are going to recap on sounds and practice writing them.  Our sound today is the ‘r’ sound. This sound is a stretchy sound: rrrrr  robot,  rrrrr  rabbit  rrrrr  red   rrrrr  ring.

Below is a worksheet to have a go at writing the ‘r’ sound.  Before you try the worksheet remember to have a go at writing it in the air and on your writing pads (hand). All the time saying the rhyme ‘ down the robots back and curl over his arm’

r handwriting

Planet Mobile

Below is a link to cut out and put together your own planet mobile.  Look closely at the planets, what are different about them? Which one do we live on?  Which planets have rings round them? Do you know which planet is the biggest and which one is known as the red planet?

You will need a coat hanger or sticks to hang it from.  If you want to make your own use different sized circles to draw round and colour the circles to show different planets.  Don’t forget to put rings on the planets that have them.

solar system mobile

Have a lovely day and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.

Love Mrs North xx

Friday 22/5/20

Good morning superstars, it is the weekend time to relax.  Well done to you all on all the work you have been doing, you really are superstars!

Don’t forget to work out with Joe Wicks and name writing.


The snail went on adventures with the whale and even though he had found a new friend I am sure he missed his family and friends back home. Yesterday my children received a letter from their Nan and Grandad, which really brightened their day up.  At the moment we can’t see everyone we want to, so I want you to make a postcard and send it to someone you are missing.  Below is a template to draw your picture on the front and write a short message on the back.  Remember to use your finger spaces and sound each word out. Think about how the letters are formed and don’t forget to put your name at the bottom.

Ted our class bear came home to my house, so that he wasn’t on his own.  Below are some photos of what he has been up to.  Sunbathing in the hammock, playing football (he did manage to save a goal from Josh and Sam), bouncing on the trampoline with Sam and meeting Chester. Ted also has written a postcard to you all, hope you enjoy reading it. He is missing you all so much and missing his cuddles.

Postcard template


Can you count to 10 and back with your grown up? Next can you have a go at counting to 20 and back?

Today I want you to pick a number between 3 and 12 and have a go at completing the worksheet below. It asks you to pick a number and find that number of blue objects.  When you have found them draw them on the worksheet.

The second worksheet is naming and matching shapes.  I want you after to see how many shapes you can spot around your house.

Number hunt



Below is a link to a game to recap on our sounds.  The sounds that appear on the pirate ships say them out loud to your grown up. They will then click on the button if you are right. Have a go at phase 1.  Have fun.


If you go on to class dojo there are two activities set for you to have a go at.  One is show and tell, to video something you want to show.  It could be something you’ve made, a song, a dance, something you have discovered while out on a walk.  Anything you want!  The other one is to share what you have been up to over the coming half-term.

Hope you have a fantastic half-term and I will be back soon with more activities for you to do.

Love Mrs North xx


Thursday 21/5/20

Good morning my lovelies, I hope you have had fun in the sun this week!

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


If you went on your minibeast hunt yesterday can you remember all the different ones you found? Today I want you to draw a picture of your favourite minibeast and then have a go at writing a few words to describe what they are like.   Might be the colour, how they move, what they feel like. Carefully sound out your words and have a go at writing down the sounds you hear. My favourite minibeast is the ladybird, so I have a picture of a ladybird.

red, black spots, small, smooth, crawl are my describing words.

One of the describing words I thought of is red. I can sound this word out. It has three sounds in r-e-d. Remember to say the rhyme when writing your letters if you are unsure of where to start.

Have a go and I look forward to seeing your minibeasts!


Today I want to continue with counting to 10. Below is a worksheet to help you with this. If you are confident with counting to 10 then have a go at the next worksheet which is sequencing numbers.

counting_up_to_10 caterpillar



Yesterday we recapped on the ‘k’ sound.  Below is a link to the Alphablocks to help with the ‘k’ sound.


Today I want you to share a board game with your grown up.  Board games are not only fun to play,  but help develop your concentration and to wait and take turns.

Have fun and keep sending your smile pictures in to me.

Love Mrs North xx


Wednesday 20/5/20

Good morning superstars, we have made it half way through another week!

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


The snail went on adventures with the whale, it got to visit new and different places.  When we go on holiday we don’t carry our house on our backs like a snail does, we pack a suitcase with the things we want to take in it.  I want you to think of where you would like to go on an adventure and then make a list of what you would take.  Think about what the weather would be like, things you would want to do there.  Below is a template of a backpack to print off and write your list on. I want you to have a go at writing the initial sounds and final sounds of words. If you are able the middle sounds too.  Don’t forget to sound each word out.

backpack template


Today I want to look at ordering numbers.  Below is a link to a caterpillar game for ordering numbers.


This week we have been recapping on the letter sounds ‘b’ and ‘k’.  I want you to sound out the words below using Fred talk.  Remember to count how many sounds there are using your fingers.

b-a-t        bat

b-a-g       bag

b-a-nk     bank

k-i-ng       king

k-i-t          kit

k-i-n         kin

b-i-g         big

k-i-d         kid

Don’t forget to keep learning your tricky words (red) that were put in your packs.  If you are able to read them have a go at spelling them.

Construction and Science

We have been talking and looking at Minibeasts.  Today as an extra activity I thought you may like to have a go at making a ‘bug hotel’ A place where Minibeasts can feel safe and at home! Find a place in your garden where you may be able to put it.  Below is a link on how to create a ‘bug hotel’

Enjoy your day

Love Mrs North xx


Tuesday 19/5/20

Good morning my little super stars. I am so very proud of all the wonderful work you are sending to me, keep it up!

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


Today we are focusing on snails.  Have you ever held a snail? What did it feel like? How do they move? Today in literacy I want you to label a snail.  Below is the worksheet to print off.  If you can’t print the worksheet off have a go at drawing a snail and labelling it.

snail labelling


Below is a game to print off and enjoy.  You will need two dice and either counters or colouring pencils.  You have to roll the two dice and count what number you get.  If the number is on your snail either cover it with a counter or colour the number in. Have fun!

Roll and Cover snail game


Today’s sound that we are recapping on is the ‘k’ sound. K is a bouncy sound : k, k, k kangaroo   k,k,k kite  k,k,k  king can you think of more things beginning with the ‘k’ sound?

Let’s have a go at writing a ‘k’ in the air. Remember we loop our ‘k’ so the rhyme we say to help write it is a little different. The rhyme is: down the kangaroo’s body, loop the tail and down the leg. Have a go at writing it on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer remember to say the rhyme as you write it.


Today I thought you could be explorers. We are looking at snails I thought you could go on a minibeast hunt. Look in your garden and maybe if you go for a walk you can look for some too, but remember to be careful!  Below is a sheet for you to tick off or write in the box how many of each Minibeasts you find.  Which are your favourite Minibeasts?


Hope you have a lovely day.  Remember to send your smiles in so that I can share them with your friends. Miss you all lots, but proud of you all for the way you are keeping going!

Love Mrs North xx


Monday 18/5/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.

Remember to start your day with Joe Wicks and your name writing.


Our story this week continues our under the sea theme. It is the story of a tiny snail and a great big blue humpback whale who go on amazing journeys together. The Snail and the whale by Julia Donaldson.  The link to the story is below.

Can you tell your grown up what happened at the beginning and the end of the story?

Did you like the story?

Which was your favourite part?


I want you to have some fun today with water for maths.  You will need some empty bottles, funnels, jugs and a bowl.  It may be better to do this activity outside!  Today in maths I want you to look at capacity. Capacity is the total amount of liquid that can be held in containers.  It is the word we use when we are measuring liquid.  I want you to have fun pouring water into different sized containers.  I want you to fill one to the top, half fill one and leave one empty.  Below is some key vocabulary to talk about.



Half full

Nearly full

Nearly empty


This week we are going to revisit sounds. Today we are going to look at the sound ‘b’.  The sound b is a bouncy sound: bbb ball, bbb big, bbb boat,  bbb bin.  Can you think of anything else that begins with the ‘b’ sound?

Now let’s have ago at writing a ‘b’. The rhyme to help us is down the laces to the heel and around the toe. Can you write a ‘b’ in the air?  Can you write a ‘b’ on your writing pad (your hand) with your Peter pointer?  Don’t forget to say the rhyme each time.


I thought we would look at the artist Henri Matisse(1869-1954) who was a French painter. One of his master pieces was ‘The Snail’

The collage has been made by cutting brightly coloured pieces of paper.  Does it look like a snail to you? Look closely at the colours that have been used and put next to each other.  I want you to have a go at creating your own snail collage using scissors to cut shapes out of coloured paper and then stick them onto a white piece of paper. Remember it is your creation of a snail.  Have fun and I look forward to seeing your masterpieces.

Love Mrs North xx

Friday 15/5/20

Good morning lovelies, it looks like the sunshine is returning for the weekend! Make sure you have lots of fun outside in your garden.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


This week we have been looking at the ‘ng’ and ‘nk’ sound.  Below is a link to a worksheet to carry on with these sounds.  You will need a dice and some colouring pencils.



Patterns are everywhere.  Patterns in our carpet, patterns on wallpapers, patterns on clothes. Below is an under the sea worksheet to have a go at continuing a repeating pattern.


If you can’t print off the worksheet, have a go at making your own repeating pattern by drawing two different shapes and building up to three.  Here is an example

What shape would come next?



The weather is improving so with your chalk and brushes and a pot of water I want you to go outside and practice writing the ‘ng’ and ‘nk’ sound. If your grown up writes it with the chalk first and then you go over it with your paintbrush dipped in water.  Then have a go at writing it with the chalk yourself.

Exploration science

Below is a link to an activity to have some fun with freezing some ocean creature toys if you have any. Don’t worry if you don’t because this activity can be done using leaves, flowers, sticks, dinosaur toys, toy cars etc. Have fun with what you can find to use! What has happened to the water when it has been put in the freezer?  What happens to the water when it comes out and you play with it?  What does it feel like?

I hope you have a lovely weekend and continue to keep safe!

Love Mrs North xx


Thursday 14/5/20

Good morning superstars.  I am so impressed with all the work you have been sending me! I hope you enjoyed the story time and the visit from my dog Chester, he enjoyed it!


Today I want you to share a story with your grown up.  It maybe one that you already have at home or it can be one from the oxford reading tree. The link is below and our class login details are

Class name: superstarsfs1

Password: StAlbans

After sharing your story here are some questions I would like your grown up to ask you

What did you like about the story?

What happened at the beginning of the story?

What happened at the end of the story?


When you go on your walk today I want you to safely collect some natural objects to use to have a go at making some natural numbers. Below are some pictures I have made of different numbers.  I wonder what natural objects you will use! Send me your photos and we will use them to make number displays in our maths area at school.

What numbers have I made, can you tell your grown up?


Yesterday we looked at the ‘nk’ sound I think I stink.  We are going to read some words with ‘nk’ in using Fred talk.  Remember to use your fingers to show how many sounds are in each word.

th-i-nk     think

s-t-i-nk    stink

w-i-nk     wink

s-i-nk      sink

p-i-nk     pink

l-i-nk      link

Play dough

Play dough is good to play with because it helps your fingers become stronger.  Below is a link to make some ocean themed play dough and use lose parts such as shells, pebbles, gems etc to enhance it.

Hope you all have a lovely day!

Love Mrs North xx


Wednesday 13/5/20

Good morning lovelies, where has the sunshine disappeared to this week! I’m glad the weather isn’t stopping you from going outside and having fun.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe wicks and name writing.


Today I want you to use your imagination.  Imagine you are diving into the deep blue ocean.  What can you see, what does it feel like? Can you draw a picture of what you see in your ocean? Have a go at labelling the different sea creatures you may see. Below is a clip to help take your imagination into the deep ocean.


I want to carry on with our counting.  Can you count to 10 and back? Now try counting to 15 and back.

Below is a link to print of an under the sea matching game.


If you can’t print off the matching game, have a go at the underwater counting game the link is below.


Today we going to look at the ‘nk’ sound.  The rhyme for ‘nk’ is: I think I stink (make a piggy oink noise without the oi! nk nk nk )

Below is a clip from the alphablocks to help with the ‘nk’ sound.


You should all have a login to charanga . A piece of paper with all the details on were put into the packs that went home before school closed.  If you can’t find it then message me and I will resend it to you. I have put some work on charanga for you to have a go at.  Have a look and enjoy dancing, singing and learning the songs on there. Below is the link that will take you to the site and then just put your login details in.

Love Mrs North xx


Tuesday 12/5/20

Hello my superstars.  I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of you all! You really are superstars for keeping going with your learning and listening well to your grown ups; who I am thankful to for all their hard work with teaching you. Keep smiling and make sure you have lots of playtime fun too.

Start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


Yesterday we had the story of Tiddler the story telling fish.  Can you remember the story? Below is a fish template and I want you to choose your favourite sea creature and write or draw some facts about that sea creature on the template.

.fish template


Today we are going to look at the number 10.  Can you show your grown up 10 fingers?  Can you find 10 objects in your house? Can you count to 10 and back again? Can you build a tower using 10 bricks? Below is a link to the number blocks and the number 10.


Yesterday we looked at the ‘ng’ sound: ‘ng’ a thing on a string.  Today we are going to use Fred talk to sound out words with the ‘ng’ sound in.  Use your fingers to show your grown up how many sounds are in each word and then have a go at sounding them out and blending each word.

th-i-ng      thing

s-i-ng         sing

r-i-ng         ring

w-i-ng       wing

b-a-ng       bang

l-o-ng        long

p-i-ng       ping

p-o-ng      pong


Today’s experiment I want you to have a go at making a sensory bottle of an ocean. Below is a you-tube link that shows you how to do this.  If you haven’t got some of the ingredients why not investigate what happens if you don’t put the sand in, or use cooking oil instead.  You may want to put in small pebbles, marbles and some small toy sea creatures if you have any!  You could even add glitter to make it sparkly.  Have fun with it, see what happens!

Don’t forget to send your pictures to me via class dojo so that I can see your wonderful creations and post more on class story to share with everyone.

Love Mrs North x



Monday 11/5/20

Good morning my lovelies, I hope you had a fantastic weekend!

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


This week’s story is about a fish called Tiddler who keeps telling imaginative stories.

Talk to your grown up about the story. What stories did Tiddler tell?  Did his friends believe his stories?


Today we are going to be looking at size ordering.  Below is a worksheet that I want you to cut out and put the sea creatures in order smallest to largest.  If you can’t print off the worksheet can you draw different sized sea creatures?



Today we are going to be looking at the ‘ng’ sound. This is a digraph (two letters make one sound).  ‘ng’ thing on a string (curl your tongue at the back of your throat). Here is a link to the alphablocks to help with the ng sound.


In my house we always have lots of odd socks, so today I thought we could use our odd socks to make an octopus.  First ask your grown up for a sock that you may be able to use and then follow the link below for the instructions on how to create your octopus.

Enjoy your day

Love Mrs North x

Thursday 7/5/20

Good morning superstars. I hope you are all keeping well and safe!

Remember start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing, which you are all becoming amazing at!


Today I want to look at matching capital letters with their lowercase ones.  This will help with writing capital letters for our names and at the beginning of sentences. Below is a worksheet to print off and have a go at.



This week we have been looking at the number 8. How many tentacles does an octopus have? Can you draw an octopus with the correct number of tentacles?

We are going to carry on looking at the number 8 with the numberblocks.


This week we have looked at the y and x sound.

Below are some words that begin with y and some that end with x.  Can you sound them out in Fred talk and then blend them.

y-a-c      yac

y-e-s       yes

y-e-t       yet

y-u-k       yuk

b-o-x      box

s-i-x       six

m-i-x     mix

f-o-x      fox


Friday 8th May is the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  VE Day is also known as Victory in Europe Day and marks the day towards the end of World War Two.  It continues to be celebrated in a variety of ways such as street parties with red, white and blue themes. Below are some activities that you may enjoy having a go at.

Design a Medal

Union Jack Template Display Bunting

Make a kite with the colours red, white and blue.

I hope you have a fun filled day and a lovely weekend! I will be back on Monday with our new story for the week and more activities.

Love Mrs North x





Wednesday 6/5/20

Good morning lovelies, half way through another week!

Don’t forget to continue with Joe Wicks and handwriting.


Below is a link to print off a picture of under the sea.  I want you to talk to your grown up about what you can see in the picture.  Then I want you to try and write a sentence. Don’t forget to put finger spaces between each new word. A sentence always begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.



Below is the link again to the underwater counting game. If you are confident with your numbers to 5, move on to 10.


Our sound for today is x.  X is a bouncy sound (say a sharp c and add s-unvoiced) xxx x-ray, xxx xylophone. Can you think of any other words beginning with x? It is tricky! ‘x’ is often found at the end of words such as in fox, box, mix, six, ox.

Can you have a go at writing the letter x. The rhyme is down the arm and leg, repeat the other side.  Write it in the air remembering to say the rhyme down the arm and leg, repeat the other side. Write it on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer saying the rhyme each time.

Below is a board game to print off and have some fun with! It has the letter sounds we have looked at this week on it.

j,v,w,x,y,z,zz Read and Race Game


Water is used in the bible to show faith.  We have looked at the story of Jonah who tried to hide from what God wanted him to do.  Even though Jonah was swallowed by a whale, God kept him safe.  Jonah prayed to God and he eventually stopped running and listened to what God wanted him to do.

Do you think Jonah was frightened at any time?

He kept trusting God. Can you record a prayer thanking God? You may want to thank God for keeping you safe or for all your friends etc..  It is up to you!

I look forward to hearing your prayers.

In the story I mentioned Jonah hid from God, our final activity is to have a game of hide and seek.  I played it the other day with my boys and we had lots of fun!

Hope you have a wonderful day

Mrs North x

Tuesday 5/5/20

Good morning superstars. The weather hasn’t been so nice, but hopefully you are all still getting out in your garden.


Below is a fish to colour and label.  Have a go at reading the labels through sounding the words out and putting them in the correct box.  You can cut the labels out and stick them in the right place or have a go at writing the words.

label Fish


An octopus has 8 tentacles. Have a go at writing the number 8.  If you have lego can you make a tower with 8 bricks?  Below is a tens frame to print out and use and a link to explain tens frames and how they can be used in early years.  I will also be posting a video onto class story for the children to show how tens frames are used.

tens frame 20


Sing the alphabet to your grown up.

Yesterday we looked at the y sound.  Below is a link to the Alpha blocks to recap on the y sound.


Carrying on with our water theme we are going to look at a science experiment of floating and sinking.

Below is a list of objects you will need for the experiment

Bowl or large container filled with water

Different objects



Toy car





Before you put your objects into the water I want you to guess whether you think it will float or sink.  Feel the weight of the object is it heavy or light? Talk about what happened, were you right? And why do you think that happened?


These past few weeks we have come across some new words when looking at the theme under the sea.  Below is a word mat with some key words on from the story commotion in the ocean.  With your grown up talk about the different words and what they mean.  You can even use the word mat to have a go at writing some new words.


Hope you have a lovely day and don’t forget to keep playing lots too!

Love Mrs North x


Monday 4/5/20

Good morning superstars I hope you had a lovely weekend! Thank you for sharing your photos of what you have been up to and all your wonderful work.  I love seeing how well you are doing, keep up your good work I am so proud of you all and thankful to your grown ups for all their hard work too.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and handwriting.


It is Monday, so that means a new story for the week.  Carrying on our under the sea theme we are going to look at the story ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ the link is below.

What was your favourite creature in the story?

Can you tell your grown up, why that creature was your favourite?


I want you to draw the correct amount of sea creatures to go with each number below.

3 turtles

1 seahorse

5 sharks

2 jellyfish

8 crabs

11 fish

15 starfish

13 eels


Today we are going to look at the y sound.  Y is a bouncy sound.  Y,y,y yac, y,y,y yo-yo,  y,y,y yogurt,  y,y,y yellow,  y,y,y yawn.  Can you think of any more things beginning with y?

Let’s practise writing the letter y.  Down a horn, up a horn and under head. Let’s practise writing it in the air: down a horn, up a horn and under head.  Can you write y on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer? Remember to say the rhyme.


In the beginning of the story of commotion in the ocean it felt like we were looking through a porthole window into the ocean.  What I want you to do is create your own under the water picture or sea creature either on a paper plate (if you have one!) or a circular piece of paper. Below is a link with some creative ideas. You can choose one of those or be imaginative and make your own.  I look forward to seeing your wonderful creations!


This week I want you to continue practising the challenges I have already set you of:

Putting your coat on and zipping it up,

Putting your shoes on and getting dressed all by yourself.

Have a lovely day

Love Mrs North x

Friday 1/5/20

Good morning my lovelies you are all keeping really busy!   I am hoping the sun comes out over the weekend, so that I can go in the garden!


Can you remember the story sharing a shell that we had at the beginning of the week?  If you can’t you can always go back and listen to it again. Below is a worksheet, for you to have a go at reading the words from the story and matching them to the correct picture.

Sharing a shell matching word


This week we have been doing a lot of work on 1 more than a given number.  Below is a link to a game looking at 1 more and 1 less.


Keep practicing writing the ‘w’ and ‘q’ sound that we have looked at this week.  Below is a link to the game phoneme pop.


With your grown up can you think of lots of different emotions e.g happy, sad etc..  If you have a mirror I want you to pull faces to make the different emotions.  Below is an emotions word mat to help you.

Emotions mat

How are you feeling today?  Can you draw an emoji to show how you are feeling?  Tell your grown up what makes you feel happy and what makes you feel sad.

Dough Disco

Below is a link to a dough disco you tube clip.  Dough disco helps to strengthen your fingers for writing.  I have also put the link on again to make your own play dough in case you haven’t got any.


I hope this week you have been having a go at getting dressed all by yourself.

Enjoy your day.  Don’t forget another story will be uploaded on class story later.  Have a wonderful weekend and I will be back on Monday with more activities for us.

Mrs North x



Thursday 30/4/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you are all having fun and keeping well. I am missing you all lots, but enjoying all the lovely work you are sending in and videos.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and handwriting.


You are all doing so well with your rhyming. I thought today you could play a rhyming game the link is below.

Below is a worksheet. Point to the picture that is the odd one out on each line.

Odd one out rhyming worksheet


Today I thought we would look at 2D shapes.  Below is a 2D word mat to help you learn some new 2D shape names.  Remember 2D shapes are flat.

2D word mat

Can you make an under the sea picture using different shapes? You may make a fish out of a circle for its body and a triangle for its tail and fins. What other shapes can you use for different sea creatures, use your imagination!


Yesterday we looked at the ‘qu’ sound.  Below is a worksheet to carry on practicing writing this sound.

qu letter formation sheet

Fish biscuits

Below is a link to a recipe to make some fish shaped biscuits. I know you probably will not have a fish shape cutter, so you will need your grown up to help with making the shape.  If you have a star shaped cutter, maybe they could be starfish biscuits instead.

Enjoy your day and keep sending me your fantastic photos of your work.

Mrs North x


Wednesday 29/4/20

Good morning superstars, you are trying so hard with the activities. Keep up the good work!

Don’t forget to do your work out with Joe Wicks and name writing.


Below is a worksheet to print off with CVC words on (consonant, vowel, and consonant) and CCVC word (consonant, consonant, vowel and consonant).  Underneath those words on your writing frame can you write more rhyming words for them?

CVC Writing Frame fin

CVC Writing Frame net

CCVC Writing Frame ship


This week we have been looking at 1 more than a given number.  Below is a link to the number blocks looking at what happens when we just add 1.


Our next sound is qu. This is a bouncy sound. Qu,qu,qu queen,  qu,qu,qu quick,  qu,qu,qu, quack, qu, qu, qu quiet.  Can you think of anymore words beginning with qu?

Let’s have a go at writing the qu sound. Here is the rhyme to help you write the q. Round her head, up past her earrings, down her hair, and flick.  Then you need to say the rhyme to write the u. down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle. Q always has their friend u with them.  Let’s write it on our writing pads (hand) with our Peter pointer round her head, up past her earrings, down her hair, and flick. Remember to then write the u sound next to the q. On a piece of paper have a go at writing the q sound, it is a tricky one!


Last week we looked at Jonah and the whale.  Can you remember the story? Tell your grown up what you remember about the story. Below is a craft of Jonah and the whale to have a go at making.  You will need your grown up to help with the gluing together of the craft.

JONAH and the GREAT FISH Craft

Don’t forget to log into Charanga for music and have a look at the work set on there.  If you can’t find your login details message me and I will resend it to you.

Remember to go and look at class story for our next story time at 3pm.

Keep safe my lovelies!

Mrs North x


Tuesday 28/4/20

Morning lovelies.  The weather isn’t so nice this week so far, but I hope you are all managing to go out for your walks.

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and handwriting.


Over the next few weeks we are going to be doing a lot of work on rhyme. Rhyming is important because it helps us with our reading and writing.

Today I want you to play a rhyming game called my rhyming hat.

Below is a word sheet to print off and some pictures.  If you are unable to print them off, then your grown up may be able to write the words onto a piece of paper and find some objects that rhyme with those words.

My rhyming hat

You will need

Pictures and word sheet see the link below.

rhyming pictures

rhyming word sheet



Cut out the pictures and put them in to a hat.

Shake the hat well

Pull out a picture from the hat and match it to your word rhyming sheet.  Eg picture of a hat would match the word cat.

Continue playing until all the words and pictures are gone.


Below are two addition counting sheets of sharing a shell. One is up to 10 and the second up to 20. You can have a go at one or both of them.

Addition sheet to 10 sharing a shell

Addition sheet to 20 sharing a sheet

Go to my story on class dojo for a counting activity with Jasper our class puppet.


Yesterday we looked at the w sound.  Below is a link to the Alpha blocks to recap on the w sound.


It looks like the weather is changing from bright sunshine to rain at the moment, so I thought in science we will have a look at how rain clouds work.  Below is a link to a rain cloud experiment and it explains how rain clouds work.

I hope you have fun with your rain cloud experiments and that you are continuing to try all of the challenges of putting your coat, shoes and getting dressed all by yourself.

Don’t forget to keep sending in your pictures.

Mrs North x


Monday 27/4/20

Good morning superstars, I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


We are continuing our theme of under the sea. Below is the link to this week’s story, which looks at friendship.


I want you to count to 20 and back with your grown up.

Today we are going to count different actions like last week, but I want you to count 1 more than the number I have given you.

1 more than …

4 claps

6 jumps

3 hops

12 taps on your knees

8 big steps.


Today we are going to look at the w sound.  W is a stretchy sound.  www water, www wink,  www worm,  www wing,  www win.  Can you think of any more things beginning with w?

Let’s practise writing the letter w.  Down, up, down, up. Let’s practise writing it in the air: down, up, down, up.  Can you write w on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer? Remember to say the rhyme down, up, down, up.


Today I want you to play a game, it is important you listen to the instructions your grown up gives you. We have played the game a few times at school, it is the bean game.

The Bean Game

Your grown up calls out the name of a bean and you have to do the action. Possible beans might include:

  • Runner Beans – run into spaces
  • Jumping Beans – jump into spaces
  • Kidney Beans – hop around holding onto a knee
  • Baked Beans – lay flat on your back as if you are baking in the sun
  • Broad Beans – move around making broad shapes with your body
  • String Beans – move around making skinny, string-like shapes with your body.
  • Chilli Beans  –  act as if you are chilly
  • Jelly beans – run around wobbling like jelly.

Your grown up may also like to call out ‘Freeze’ from time to time for which you should freeze in the position that you are in.

Can you think of any other beans and an action for it?


For this activity you will need a pebble or stone.  I want you to decorate it with a sea creature of your choice.  You may want to draw a fish, crab, starfish etc… Think about the colours you will use.  When it is finished I thought it would be nice when you go out for your walk if you leave them for someone else to find. You never know one of your friends may find it while they are out walking! Below is one Mrs North made and I am going to leave it for someone to find when I go for a walk.


Last week’s challenge was to put your shoes on by yourself, which I know you have been trying hard with.  This week’s challenge is to have a go at getting dressed all by yourself.

I hope you have lots of fun with the activities today.  I am missing you all lots, but I am so proud of each and every one of you. Keep up your good work and listening to your grown up.

Don’t forget to send me your pictures.

Mrs North x


Friday 24/4/20

Good morning superstars, we have reached the end of another week! I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


Below is a link to a letter sound game.  Can you put the missing letter sound in the word, it maybe at the beginning, middle or end.

Below are some writing frames to print off and have a go at. On each writing frame is a picture, say what it is and then have a go at writing the word. Place one letter sound in each box, don’t forget to use your crocodile snap grip.

Writing Frames

Writing Frames 1


I know many of you have been enjoying the interactive maths games.  Below is a link to a game to put numbers first 1-5 into order and then moving onto 1-10.


The weather is nice at the moment, so I thought we could do our phonics outside.  You will need a paint brush, a pot of water and chalks. If you haven’t got chalks this activity can be done with just water and a paint brush.

Ask your grown up to write the sounds below outside with the chalks.  Then I want you to dip your paint brush in some water and trace over the letter sound that your grown up has written.  If you don’t have chalks have a go with writing the sounds with the paintbrush and water. Remember to say the rhyme for the letter sound and start in the correct place.  Most letters begin at the top, but some begin in the middle.

M – Down Maisie mountain, mountain

e –Lift off the top and scoop out the egg.

n- Down Nobby and over his net

o – All around the orange

r- Down the robots back and curl over his arm

u – Down and under, up to the top and draw the puddle.


This activity I would like you to send your pictures to me through your Class dojo profile so that I can build a collage to put on to the class story.

When we are in difficult times, it is hard to always be thankful. Sometimes we think of things that may make us feel a bit sad.  I want the collage to help us remember there is always something to be thankful for.

What I want you to do is make a hand print and then write something you are thankful for on it.

I look forward to receiving your thankful handprints.

Have a lovely weekend and I will be back on Monday with a new story of the week and lots of fun activities.

Don’t forget to go on to class story tonight for another story time.

Keep safe my lovelies

Mrs North x


Thursday 23/4/20

Morning superstars, I can’t believe how fantastic you are all doing, your work is amazing. Keep it up!

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


Below is a link to Topmarks phoneme pop.  How many sounds can you pop? Tell your grown up what sounds they are.


Below is a counting worksheet to print off and have a go at.  Have a go at writing your numbers, use the number sheet in your pack to help.

Counting worksheet


Today we are going to look at the sound ‘u.’   U is a bouncy sound: uuu umbrella,   uuu under,  uuu up,  uuu uncle can you think of some more things that begin with the ‘u’ sound?

Let’s practice writing the u sound down and under up to the top and draw the puddle.  Say the rhyme and write it in the air.  Can you write it on your writing pads (hand) with your Peter pointer down and under up to the top and draw the puddle.


The time we are in at the moment is very different and a good time to make memories for the future. I thought it would be a good idea to make a time capsule.

What you need is a container. Decorate your container to make it personal.

If you are hiding it inside the house a shoe box or cardboard box will be fine. If you want to bury it in the garden than a plastic container with a lid, a metal coffee tin etc..

Inside your time capsule put a photo, picture you have drawn, maybe a comic, a small toy, newspaper cutting, hand/footprint anything you think would be good to look back on in the future.  Don’t forget what you put in your time capsule you won’t be able to get back for a long time so don’t put your favourite toy in.

Remember to put todays date on your time capsule so that we remember when it was made. Below is a link to help with ideas.

I hope you have fun with today’s activities.  I am going to have a go at making my own time capsule and will post a photo for you to see!

Don’t forget to keep sharing your wonderful work.

Mrs North x


Wednesday 22/4/20

Morning superstars, thank you for your lovely pictures of all the different activities you have been doing.  You are all working really hard!

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.


Today we are going to look at rhyming words.  Below are a list of words that are all to do with under the sea, can you think of anymore?

Fish, wish

Fin, win

Shell, well

Ray, lay

Sand, land

Sea, tea


Let’s go on a colour hunt.  Below is a sheet to print out or make your own to help with your colour hunt.  I want you to be colour explorers, how many different things inside and outside can you find for all the different colours? When you have finished count how many red, orange, yellow, pink, blue, green things etc you found.  Have a go at writing the number of objects down.

colour hunt my sheet


This week we have been looking at the ‘r’ sound.  Below is a link to the Alpha blocks on the r sound.


In RE we are going to be looking at Jonah and the whale.  Below is a link to the story.

Jonah didn’t listen to God or do what God had asked him to do.  Why is it important that we listen? tell your grown up the answer.

Don’t forget story time at 3pm on class dojo.

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine and having lots of fun!

Mrs North x


Tuesday 21/4/20

Morning superstars.  I have enjoyed looking at the Rainbow fishes you created yesterday and hearing about what your favourite part of the story was.  Here are some more activities to do following our Rainbow fish theme this week.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and name writing.  You are doing amazingly with your name writing, keep it up!


The Rainbow fish learnt to share with his friends in the end.  At the moment we can’t be with our friends and that is hard.  Think of your friends and what you would share with them, it doesn’t have to be a toy it maybe a hug or your favourite food.  When you have thought about what you would share draw a picture of it. Then have a go at writing what it is either just the word or a sentence. Don’t forget to sound each word out.  What sound can you hear at the beginning, middle and end? Remember to use your crocodile snap grip when holding your pencil.


Today I thought we would have some singing in our maths.  Below are some links to some counting songs. 10 little fish, 5 little ducks went swimming one day and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive.


Yesterday we looked at the r sound.

Below are some words that begin with the r sound.  Can you sound them out in Fred talk and then blend them.

r-a-t      rat

r-o-t      rot

r-a-n     ran

r-e-d    red

r-i-p      rip


Because we are looking at colour with the Rainbow fish I thought it would be fun to try out a messy science experiment.  It may be a good idea to try this one outside. Below is a link to the experiment. The site is an American one, so just normal baking soda and vinegar will work.

Remember to take photos of what you have been up to and pop them onto your class dojo profile for me to see.

Hope you have lots of fun!

Mrs North x


Monday 20/4/20

Good morning lovelies, I hope you have had a lovely Easter break.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and writing your name.

I thought we would look at the theme of water this half-term.  After our energetic work out I think we need some relaxing time, so let’s take a pretend trip to the ocean.  Time to use your imagination, which I know you are fantastic at doing. Close your eyes and imagine you are going to the sea.  Tell your grown up what sounds you can hear? I can hear the waves crashing and the sun is shining and making the sea sparkle.  What is the weather like at your ocean? Pretend to put your feet in the water, it is lovely and warm.  What does it feel like on your toes? What can you see swimming in the sea? I’ve just seen a crab and a starfish. I’ve enjoyed pretending to be at the sea, hope you did!


Listen to the story the Rainbow fish, the link is below.

Here are some questions for your grown up to ask to help remember the story.

Who was the most beautiful fish in the ocean?

What did Rainbow fish’s scales look like?

Who wanted one of the Rainbow fish’s shiny scales?

How did Rainbow fish feel when the little blue fish asked him for one of his scales?


I am going to put some numbers on here.  Maybe your grown up could write them on a piece of paper to show you.  Each number has an action that I want you to do that many times.  Remember don’t do any more or any less than the given number.

4 claps

7 jumps

5 hops

10 taps on your nose.

Below is the link to play an underwater counting game. Start with numbers to 5, then move on to numbers to 10.


Today we are going to look at the ‘r’ sound.  Rrrr is a stretchy sound (say rrr as if you are growling): rrrr robot, rrrr rabbit, rrr race, rrr ribbon.  Can you tell your grown up some other things that begin with r?

Let’s practise writing the letter r.  Down the robots back and curl over his arm. Let’s practise writing it in the air: down the robots back and curl over his arm.  Can you write r on your writing pad (hand) with your Peter pointer? Remember to say the rhyme down the robots back and curl over his arm.


The Rainbow fish had beautiful shiny scales.  With the resources you have at home can you make a Rainbow fish?  You may want to draw a fish and colour it in or you may want to draw a fish and stick lots of different coloured pieces of paper on. I look forward to seeing the creative Rainbow fishes you make.


Before Easter I set the challenge for you to put your coats on all by yourselves and have a go at zipping them up.  I hope you all managed to have ago.

My new challenge is to have a go at putting your shoes on all by yourself.  Remember to check you have them on the right feet!

Don’t forget to take photos and make memories of all the different things you are doing.

Mrs North x


Friday 3/4/20

 Good morning lovelies, I hope you have had fun trying out some of these activities.  Who got messy with the gloop?

Today begin as usual with Joe Wicks’ workout and practising your name writing.

Keep working at putting your coat on all by yourselves and trying to zip it up.


Keep practising counting to 20 with your grown up.  Can you count back from 20?

Below is another counting game.  Can you count how many smarties are on the gingerbread man?


Yesterday we looked at rhyming words.  Today I thought we would listen to a story with rhyming words in.  Can you tell your grown up which words rhyme in the story? And don’t forget to join.

What was your favourite part of the story?

Can you tell your grown up what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story?


Look at the sound e.  Remember it is a bouncy sound e e e e.  What else begins with the sound e? e for egg, e for excited can you think of some more?

Below the alpha blocks look at the sound e.  Can you sound out the letters and words with them?


With Easter coming up I thought it would be lovely to make some Easter egg decorations out of salt dough.  Here is a link to help with the making of the salt dough and some ideas for decorating them.

I look forward to seeing all your wonderful creations.

Finally, if you haven’t done already, maybe you could make a rainbow to put in your window. I’m making mine today!


Rainbow experiment. We had fun when we did this in class, so I thought you may enjoy making the rainbow again with your grown up!

Things are a little different at the moment, but remember through the rain look for the rainbows that give us hope.

Have a lovely Easter, keep safe and I will be back with more fun things to do soon.

Mrs North x


Thursday 2/4/20

Good morning superstars, you are doing amazingly!

Don’t forget to begin your day getting fit with Joe Wicks and keep going with your name writing.

I wonder if any of you have had a go at the challenge set yesterday to practise putting your coat on all by yourselves and trying to zip it up.


Can you count to 20 with your grown-up?

Below is a counting game with Peter Rabbit.


Today we are going to look at rhyming words. Can you think of more words that rhyme (sound the same) with

Cat, sat…

Dog, log….

Pin, win….

Van, tan…


In the story we’re going on a bear hunt they had to walk through mud.  What do you think it felt like?

Today I thought we might get messy! And have a go at making gloop.

gloop recipe

What does it feel like?

Is it hard or soft?

Can you press the gloop together in your hands to make a solid ball? What happens when you stop pressing the gloop together?


You all know how much I love singing with you and I am missing it lots. Below are some songs for you to sing along with. Have fun and don’t forget to join in.

Have a fantastic day.  Don’t forget to play lots, be kind, do good listening for your grown-ups and keep safe!

Mrs North x


Wednesday 1/4/20

Good morning lovelies, hope you are all keeping safe.

Don’t forget to begin your day with Joe Wicks and to keep practising writing your name.


Below is some numicon to print off and use.

.Numicon Shapes to print (1)

Roll a dice and find the correct numicon to match the number you have rolled. To make it harder maybe you could roll two dice and add the spots together.  How many do you have? Can you find the correct numicon?

Below is a link to a teddy bear counting game.  Can you feed the teddy bear the right amount of cakes?


Can you make a map of the story we’re going on a bear hunt.  There is a picture below to help you, but you may want to make it differently.  Don’t forget to label your map. Remember to sound out each word and have a go at writing it. For example m-u-d what sounds can you hear?


Can you remember the sound from yesterday? Below is a link to Alpha blocks looking at the sound ‘b’.  Hope you enjoy it.  Keep practising writing the ‘b’ sound over the week.


Below is a link for a recipe to make teddy bear biscuits. Don’t forget to wash your hands before you start. Remember to help your grown up measure the ingredients out and be very careful near the hot oven.


Finally I thought I would give you a challenge to work on over the next couple of weeks.  My challenge is can you put your coat on all by yourself and have a go at zipping it up.  A little tip, don’t forget to put your hood on your head first and then put your arms in your sleeves

I hope you have lots of fun with the activities to day.

Mrs North x


Tuesday 31/3/20

Hi lovelies,

I hope you enjoyed making the bear toast yesterday and going on the bear hunt!

Today I want you to start with Joe Wicks’ workout.

Keep practising your name writing.


Today we are going to look at the number 6.

Can you count out 6 objects for your grown up? Are they all the same?

What would 1 more than 6 be?

What would 1 less than 6 be?

Can you do 6 jumps, 6 hops, tap your foot 6 times and clap your hands 6 times? Remember to only do 6 of everything no more, no less.


Today we are going to look at the sound ‘b’.  b for bear, b for boot.  What other things begin with the sound b?

Below is a link to print off the worksheet for the letter formation of b.  Remember to say the rhyme as you write the letter: ‘down the laces to the heel and around the toe’.   Don’t forget your crocodile snap grip.


Here are some words beginning with b.  Can you have a go at reading and blending them with your grown-up?







At Easter time we think about chocolate eggs and bunnies.  Why do we celebrate Easter? Eggs show new life and in the Easter story Jesus gave us new life.

Below is the Easter story

What does Easter mean to you?  Can you draw a picture all about Easter?

I hope you have another fun filled day! Don’t forget to share a story with your grown-up and have lots of fun playing.

Mrs North x


Monday 30/3/20

Good morning lovelies,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to play lots in the garden or go for a walk with your grownups.

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks’ workout, because we’ve had a couple of days rest.  It is important to keep our bodies active.

Keep practising your name writing, because I know you will all be superstars at it!


Shapes are everywhere.  Go round your house and see how many different shapes you can spot.

Can you find a square, a circle, a triangle and a rectangle?

I can see a square window, can you?

I can see a round plate, what shape is your plate?

My coat hanger is a triangle shape.

I can see a picture frame that is a rectangle.

How many more things can you find? Tell your grown-up all the different shapes you can see.

Below is a shape game to play.  Can you feed the monster the correct shape? Have fun!


You have just been on a shape hunt in maths, so for literacy I thought we would go on a bear hunt.  Here is the story to listen to. Don’t forget to join in with the parts of the story you know.

Did you enjoy the story? What did you like/dislike about the story?

What happened at the beginning of the story?

What happened at the end of the story?

Maybe you could act out the story with your grown-up.  Don’t forget to be careful when you get to the cave!

Finally if you are able to, because you may not have the ingredients in! Have ago at making this yummy bear toast. Below is the recipe link. If you can’t eat these ingredients please change them to something suitable.

I hope you have lots of fun going on a bear hunt today.  Remember to keep doing your good listening for your grown-ups.  I am sure you are all being superstars!

Mrs North x


Friday 27/3/20

Good morning lovelies,

Hope your week has gone well and you have been having a go at the activities set on here.

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wicks, it is important to keep active!

Keep going with your name writing cards.


Above is a counting game.  Can you count the correct number of spots on the ladybird? Can you match the correct numbers to each ladybird?


Yesterday we looked at the ‘p’ sound.  How many things can you find around your house beginning with p?

Below is a link to Alpha blocks all about the p sound.

Below is an easy recipe to make for play dough. Remember to make this with your grown up and be careful near boiling water.   Playing with play dough will help your fingers become stronger for writing.  If you are able to get the ingredients to make the play dough, maybe you can have a go at making the letter p.

Play dough recipe

1.5 cup of flour

1 cup of boiling water

½ cup salt

2 tsp cream of tartar

2 tbs oil

Food colouring

Add all of the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Flour, salt, cream of tartar

In a separate bowl mix the food colouring and boiling water.

Mix the dry ingredients, the oil and coloured boiling water and mix with a spoon.

Once the water cools down a bit, you can start kneading the dough.

Add a little more flour if the play dough sticks to your fingers.  If put too much flour in and feels dry add a little more water.

Hope you have lots of fun with your play dough.  I wonder what colour you are going to make.

Don’t forget to take photos and make lots of memories.

Mrs North x


Thursday 26/3/20

Morning lovelies,

Hope you are all coping well, I am missing you all loads.

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wick’s workout and carry on with writing your name on your name card.

Yesterday I hope you all managed to listen to The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  Today we are going to continue our work from that.


Count the different fruits eaten on different days.

Count the number of days in a week.  What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? And what day will it be tomorrow? If you can remember sing the days of the week song to your grown up.


Go outside and sit in the garden what sounds can you hear?  Remember to stay quiet for 1 whole minute and tell your grown up what different sounds you heard.

Going to look at the sound ‘p’.

What foods in the story begin with the sound ‘p’?

Can you think of a different food that begins with the ‘p’ sound?

Finally use the worksheet to practice writing the letter ‘p’.  If you are unable to print off the worksheet then your grown up can write the letter p on a piece of paper with a highlighter pen or a yellow felt tip.

P worksheet

Don’t forget your crocodile snap grip.


Do you know where the hungry caterpillar’s foods come from?

Do apples grow on a tree or in the ground?

What do plants need to grow?

Enjoy your day, don’t forget to have lots of fun in your garden. Take lots of photos to make memories and I look forward to seeing all that you have been up to.

Mrs North x



Wednesday 25/3/20

Morning lovelies

I hope you are all well!

Don’t forget to start your day with Joe Wick’s workout.  I’m having a go this morning too!

Keep practising your name writing.  I am sure you are all doing well at it!

Today we are going to look at the story of The Hungry Caterpillar.  Below is a link to the story being read by the author Eric Carle himself.

Can you answer these questions for your grown up?

What foods did the hungry caterpillar eat on day 5?

Which is your favourite food?

Can you remember what a cocoon is?

Can you think of different foods for the hungry caterpillar to eat for example

Day 1 -1 banana

Day 2- 2 grapes etc


Finally can you draw a beautiful butterfly.

What colours will you choose?

Remember the pattern must be the same on both wings because there is a line of symmetry.

Enjoy your day. Don’t forget to have fun in your garden and play lots too!

Mrs North x


Tuesday 24/3/20

Good morning

Today we are going to look at the number 5. Can you show your grown up 5 fingers?

Count 5 toys out for your grown up.

What is 1 more than 5?

What is 1 less than 5?

On the number sheet in your pack show your grown up what number 5 looks like.

Have a go at writing a number 5.

Can you do 5 jumps, 5 claps and 5 hops? Don’t forget to make sure you only do 5! No more, no less!

Watch Numberblocks Number 5

Carry on with your name writing.

Enjoy your day.

Mrs North


Good morning everyone.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend and are keeping safe!

Today’s task is to write your name on your name card that is in your activity pack.  Remember to use your crocodile snap grip when holding your pen.

Can you tell your grown up what letter sounds are in your name?

Count how many letters there are in your name.

Later share a story together. Talk about what you liked about the story and what you didn’t enjoy.

Don’t forget every morning at 9am you can follow Joe Wick’s live PE lessons via you tube.

Have a good day.

Mrs North