There are many ways you can help your child in maths. We all use maths at home in everyday activities such as cooking, shopping and doing DIY. You can talk to your child about which coins to use, how many items you need to buy or how much taller they are than their cousin.
In the Foundation Stage, the focus is on a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number. We will work on subitising (recognising quantities without counting) up to 5 and automatically recalling number bonds to 5 and some number bonds to 10 including doubling facts.
We will recognise the pattern of the counting system and compare sets of objects up to 10 in different contexts considering size and difference. We will explore and represent patterns within numbers up to 10 including evens and odds, doubles facts and distributing quantities equally.
Maths also includes pattern, measuring, and shape and space.
We will ask children, “Why?” and “How do you know?” so that they can share their thinking, work together to solve problems and listen to each other.