At the heart of everything that we do lies our vision for education.
Every child deserves a champion – we will never give up on you. We want you to achieve all the goals you set yourself and more!
At St Alban’s we will insist that you become the best you can possibly be in every way.
We are Aspirational
At St Alban’s we encourage children to ask the big questions; Who am I?, What do I desire? And How then shall I live? Everyone at St Alban’s is expected to serve and develop personal leadership. Our hope is that our children see life as a mission, not a career.
We are Resilient
There is an adventure in learning waiting for you. It’s a long road ahead but we promise to make sure no path is blocked and no door is closed to you. We recognise no one is perfect. You will learn from your mistakes and we will celebrate these learning opportunities as we move forward together.
We seek Wisdom
We will encourage you to seek wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what to do with the knowledge and skills that you have acquired. Wisdom is ability to know what is true or right. Part of seeking wisdom is learning how to be disciplined.
We are Courageous
We value courage, we want you to have the confidence and determination to make your own way in life. Courage requires vulnerability – as seen in the legend of St Alban. We will celebrate vulnerability and make our school a safe place for you to flourish. Classrooms are daring!
Every child deserves a champion – we will never give up on you. We want you to achieve all the goals you set yourself and more. At St Alban’s we will insist that you become the best you can possibly be in every way.
To reinforce our vision in every aspect of school life, each house represents a school value. At the beginning of every academic year, house leaders share their house value with the whole school community during collective worship.
House Jordan (Aspirational) House Jericho (Resilient) House Sinai (Seek Wisdom), House Carmel (Courageous)
Education that opens for our children ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) can only happen when behaviour is exceptional!