Our sports council have asked if they can write a blog on the website. So here are their words:
Hello sports fans, this is this weeks hot news. First, we had the Y3-Y4 boys coming second in the South Yorkshire football finals. They came so close and left with their heads held high. Also, Mrs Jepson said that their performance was outstanding.
Yesterday, Y5-Y6 team A did an outstanding routine in there advanced level gymnastics. They came second and nearly secured first place for the Rotherham finals. Team B advanced level came third with another outstanding performance and should be proud coming in this position.
Coming up
Coming up we have the athletics and I hope the students competing try their very best and give it one hundred percent. Also we have the Y4, Y5 and Y6 cross country South Yorkshire finals and I hope they enjoy it and try their very best.
Yours sincerely
Sports Council and Mrs Jepson