School Dinners
Taylor Shaw
Our Current Menu
Foundation 1/ Nursery (30 hour children) – £2.10
Key Stage 1 (FS2-Year 2) – Free
Key Stage 2 (Year 3-Year 6) – £2.60
Visit LunchHound online lunch booking service at
For information about how to pay for your child’s school meal using a secure service called ParentPay click on this link.
How to log in to LunchHound
Log in using one of the following options:
Facebook, Google or Microsoft account holders – choose the appropriate provider from the selections displayed. The email address associated with your provider must be the same as the one you have registered with the school, if this is not the case it will be necessary to; change the email address registered with your provider, change the email address registered with the school or log into LunchHound with a ‘Stand-Alone’ account (see below). Please note that using your Facebook, Google or Microsoft account to identify yourself does NOT give us access to that account.
Stand-Alone Account – follow these steps:
- Select SIGN-IN
- If you have not previously registered, click the ‘Sign Up Now’ link below the blue Sign In button and follow the instructions. Please note that you will need to enter the verification code sent to your email address in order to verify your account.
Support with logging in – please check with the school office if you do not know what e-mail address we hold for you. This will be needed for login purposes. After verifying that the school does hold your correct e-mail address and you are still experiencing login issues then please contact
To book a lunch
To book a lunch, simply click your child’s choice, by selecting ‘BOOK’, on each day they would like a lunch. On a mobile, click the purple ‘calendar’ icon to book. If the system does to allow you to select a lunch or one of the available choices for a particular date, it will be for one of the following reasons:
- You have previously indicated that your child should not have a lunch on that day of the week. Please contact the school and ask them to adjust your meal pattern.
- There is no meal service on that date (e.g. a school holiday – this will be indicated)
- Your child is allergic to one of the ingredients in the school meal – the allergens will be listed if this is the case.
- Your school has closed booking for this date, or booking is not yet open. The school runs a booking window (e.g. you must book a certain number of days in advance and can book up to a number of weeks in advance).
Medical Diet / Allergies
If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please follow this link to request a medical diet:
Please also read the attached document
Taylor Shaw Medical Diet Menus – A Guide For Parents Guardians Carers – Updated Oct 24 (1)