Welcome to the Year Three Blog.
Welcome back to the second half term I hope you had a restful week and are ready to work hard in the lead up to Christmas.
I look forward to seeing you all this week during parents consultations.
This week we will begin our new topic of ‘Dragons’.
We have been working really hard on our maths. We have been using Numicon to look at number patterns.
We have also used cubes to solve problems.
21st September 2016
Thank you to everyone for helping your child with their homework and spellings. If you have any worries about this please let me know. Children are really embracing the reading comprehension and developing these skills is so important in Y3, so again, thank you very much for the support and encouragement shown.
During the week we have focused upon using Fronted adverbials to begin sentences and have been working hard to know our number bonds to 100 as well as ordering 3-digit numbers.
In year 3 we need to recap and ensure we have instant recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables including the corresponding divisions and then learn instant recall of the 3 4 and 8 times tables including the corresponding division facts.
This week we have been learning the 2 times table and knowing that if I know 3 X 2 = 6, I know that 6 divided by 2 is 3.
This week is the first week of celebration assembly. Sophie Ainley and Thomas Skelton have been chosen this time for their super attitude to learning, Well done.