Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April)
Lesson 1 – Make doubles.
This half term our science topic is animals.
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Good Morning everyone.
Read one of the ‘e’ books from the Oxford Owl website.
play some of the phonic games on the websites below:
Read the text ‘More Pants’ by Giles Andreae and Nick Sharratt or watch the videos below.
After watching/reading and enjoying, complete the following activities:
Design another pair of pants.
Write another pants poem to read to a friend.
Whiterose maths
Complete a Joe Wicks workout.
Chill out with a cosmic yoga workout.
Have a great day.
Monday 13th July 2020
Good morning everyone. I am feeling quite sad writing this as it will be the last Monday that I post online learning for you. I really don’t know where this year has gone, it only seems like yesterday that you all started your journey in Year 1. Thank you for being superstars in Y1, I am going to miss every single one of you.
Read one of the ‘e’ books from the Oxford Owl website.
play some of the phonic games on the websites below:
Read the text ‘Pants’ by Giles Andreae and Nick Sharratt or watch the videos below.
After watching/reading and enjoying, complete the following activities:
Design your own pants.
Write your own pants poem.
Whiterose Maths
There is an excellent investigation that you can try on BBC Bitesize.
Follow the link below and carry out the activities,
Thursday 9th July 2020
Read one of the ‘e books’ to a grown up.
Today I would like you to play some phonic games.
An extra game for you below.
Talk about what you think makes a good friend.
What do they look like?
How do they behave?
What do you do together?
How do they make you feel?
How do they treat you?
What do they do if you do something wrong?
Watch the BBC BITESIZE video below and complete the activity.
Write about your friend and paint a picture of them.
Long ladder letters are the letters: l, t, u, y, i and j.
Some of them have a single straight line, like l and some are a little more complicated, like t.
Some of them even contain a curve, like u and y.
Whiterose maths
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Read one of the ‘e books’ to a grown up or complete the reading comprehension below.
Today I would like you to play some phonic games.
An extra game for you below.
Listen to the text Ketchup on your cornflakes by Nick Sharratt or read your own version if you have it.
Can you think of some funny questions to ask about food?
E.g. Do you like custard on your chips?
Continue or begin your book using funny questions based on the text by Nick Sharratt.
Whiterose maths
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Read one of the ‘e books’ to a grown up or complete the reading comprehension below.
grey-squirrels-reading comprehension
Today I would like us to revisit the phoneme ‘ure’
An extra game for you below.
Listen to the text Ketchup on your cornflakes by Nick Sharratt or read your own version if you have it.
Can you think of some funny questions to ask about food?
E.g. Do you like custard on your chips?
Begin to create a book just like Nick Sharratt’s with your own funny questions in.
We will continue this tomorrow.
Whiterose maths
Monday 6th July 2020
Hello everyone, I hope you are all ok and have had a lovely weekend.
Read an ‘e’ book from Oxford Owl to a grown up.
Today I would like us to revisit the phoneme ‘ire’.
Monday News
Children please write about the things you have been up to over the weekend/week.
Remember to use ‘time connectives’ to start your sentences……
Then …….
After ………
Remember the important Year 1 writing skills,
Finger spaces, Capital letters and full stops, the joining word ‘and’ and accurate letter formation.
Whiterose maths
Practice counting forwards and backwards in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10.
Watch the video and talk about Summer to a grown up.
Search the internet find out facts about Summer.
Can you make a fact poster about summer?
Friday 3rd July 2020
Read a book from the Oxford Owl reading website.
You will soon be thinking about going into Year 2 with Mrs Teale.
I would like you to complete the booklet below for Mrs Teale to tell her all about yourselves. Think about the things that you like to do, the things you find difficult, what you are looking forward to or nervous about in Year 2. I will then give this to Mrs Teale.
This week we have been completing work on recognising coins. Here are some activities you can do to reinforce these skills. Have a go of at least one of them.
To investigate warm and cool colours
Have a lovely weekend.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Have a try at the reading comprehension below.
Reading comprehension – rhyming-game
Whiterose maths
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Read an ‘e’ book from Oxford Owl to a grown up.
Complete the ‘air’ worksheet.
Whiterose maths
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Read an ‘e’ book from Oxford Owl to a grown up.
Have a look at the following sites and play phonic games of your choosing.
Use the above link and complete the activities.
Whiterose Maths
Follow the above link and complete the activities.
Monday 29th June 2020
Good morning. I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend despite the weather.
Read an ‘e’ book from Oxford Owl to a grown up.
Today I would like us to revisit the phoneme ‘au’.
Monday News
Today’s Monday news is a little different. I am going to use it as a writing assessment within school, so please do the same at home. This mean the children need to work totally independently.
Children please write about the things you have been up to over the weekend/week.
Remember to use ‘time connectives’ to start your sentences……
Then …….
After ………
Remember the important Year 1 writing skills,
Finger spaces, Capital letters and full stops, the joining word ‘and’ and accurate letter formation.
Whiterose Maths
Have a great day today.
Friday 26th June 2020
Good morning. What a lovely day we had yesterday, I hope you made sure you wore a hat and put on plenty of sunscreen.
Here is today’s learning.
Have a go at the reading comprehension below.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Take care and stay safe.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 25th June 2020
Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far, so I don’t really want you staying inside getting hot and bothered on the computer. Make sure you drink lots of water and that if you are out and about wear a hat, T-shirt and sun cream.
Please choose an ‘e’ book or one of your favourite books from home to read with your grown-up.
Today we are learning the split vowel digraph o-e.
Watch the video and complete the activities.
Sun Safety
As it is going to be so hot today. i want you to think about staying safe in the sun. Look at the powerpoint and discuss it with a grown up. Then create a sun safety poster to tell everyone how to be safe in the sun.
You could also design a new hat and sunglasses for yourself.
Whiterose Maths
Have a good day. Stay protected and safe.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Have a go at The Three Billy Goats Gruff reading comprehension below .
The Three Billy Goats reading comprehension
Split vowel digraph e-e lesson.
Use the above link to watch the lesson.
Complete the activity below.
We will continue with the suffix ing.
#Lesson Presentation Suffixes -ing.ppt
Application Activity Suffixes -ing-
Whiterose Maths
Watch the video and complete the activity.
If you would like more practice please go to the daily maths lesson on BBC BITESIZE.
Go outside and look at the trees in your environment.
label the parts of a tree.
Have a great day. Enjoy the sunshine.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Good morning everyone. iI hope you are all ok. The sun has been out, Hip, hip Hooray!
Practice your spellings in as many different ways as you can.
Today we are going to practice the split vowel diagraph i-e.
Please choose an ‘e’ book or one of your favourite books from home to read with your grown-up.
Today I would like us to look at the suffix ing.
Adding ing to a verb changes its meaning to mean that it is happening now.
Add ing to these verbs. Choose 3 and make 3 sentences from them.
lick throw
jump push
read climb
help play
clean lift
paint draw
Remember to use full stops and capital letters. Try to use an and joining word in at least 1 on the sentences.
Mrs Whyman wrote a sentence.
I was climbing a tree and fell off.
Whiterose maths
Practice counting in 5
watch the above video and complete the art activity.
Have a really good day today.
love from
Mrs Whyman
Monday 22nd June 2020
Choose six from the Year 1 list that they do not know and practice these.
If your child knows them all, please go over Days of the week, months of the Year and numbers to 20.
Please choose an e book or a book from home to read to your grown-up.
Monday News
Children please write about the things you have been up to over the weekend/week.
Remember to use ‘time connectives’ to start your sentences……
Then …….
After ………
Remember the important Year 1 writing skills,
Finger spaces, Capital letters and full stops, the joining word ‘and’ and accurate letter formation.
Use the above power point to recall the phonemes that you know. Use this daily.
Split vowel diagraph a-e
Watch the lesson from the link below and do the activities along with Josh. Then complete the discovery education games.
Whiterose Maths
Practice counting forwards and backwards in 2s with the following videos.
Watch the video about trees (click below).
Go outside and look for the different types of trees you can find. Are they evergreen or deciduous?
Choose a tree and sketch it. Look carefully at the size, shape, shades of the tree and leaves.
Have a great day.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Friday 19th June 2020
Good morning. What terrible weather, I hope that it eases up soon so we can get out and about. You are all doing really well with the learning, i couldn’t be more proud of you.
Here is today’s learning.
Ask your grown-ups to test you on the spellings they choose for you this week.
Please choose an ‘e’ book or one of your favourite books from home to read with your grown-up.
Today we will revisit ‘wh’ phonics sound.
Ash phonics (Discovery education)
Complete the two activities after watching Ash’s phonics.
Today we are going to have a try at the BBC Bitesize English activity for today. The link is above. Have a go at activity one and if you have time, you can move onto the other activities.
I have copied the activities if you want them for printing out.
Complete any MYMaths activities you may not have done yet.
Complete some of the Active Learn activities you have.
Practice counting forwards and backwards in 1, 2, 5, 10.
Use the Jack Hartman song and videos on YouTube to help.
We will be beginning to think about creating a garden/park. begin by thinking about what is in a garden. create an initial design of a garden.
Note for grown ups.
Next week I am going to be asking the children to create cress heads in school. if you would like to make them at home you will need to buy some cress seeds, yogurt pot, cotton wool, kitchen roll this weekend.
We will also be creating a garden next week so you may like to make sure you have plenty of things that can be used to create a 3D garden, e.g. collage materials, egg boxes etc, soil, sand, tissue paper, straws, lolly sticks, paper, glue scissors, clay/Plasticine or flour to make salt dough.
Have an amazing weekend. I hope it is nicer weather for us. See you on Monday.
love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 18th June 2020
Good morning sweetie pies. Are you all ok? Grown-ups are you all ok? keep up the amazing work you are all doing.
I just want to make you aware that I have added a few extra games to active learn and also to MyMaths.
Here is today’s learning.
Please choose an ‘e’ book to read with your grown-up.
Have a go at this simple reading comprehension over the next few days.
The Suffix ‘ed’
Watch the videos below to refresh using the suffix ‘ed’ to change a verb into the past tense.
Try this game if you have time to set it up. (if not don’t worry).
Writing Task
Add ‘ed’ to these words and then write each one in a different sentence.
Remember to use a capital letter, full stop and the joining word ‘and’.
Mr Strong floated in the sea and saw a shark.
Whiterose Maths
Watch the video above and complete the sheet below.
Complete any MyMaths Tasks
Complete a physical Education Task.
Complete a Joe Wicks workout, go for a walk, bike ride, jog.
Have a great day.
love from
Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Good morning everyone. Have you been out and about enjoying the sunshine. It has been very hot again.
Here is today’s learning:
Please choose an ‘e’ book to read with your grown-up.
Have a go at this simple reading comprehension.
Children have a go at this phonics test and see how many you can read without your grown up helping you.
Grown-ups, let your child segment and blend the words. You can tell them that the ones with pictures of ‘aliens’ on are ‘nonsense words’, but do not help decode or give any clues to the words. Let me know on DOJO how many out of 40 they can independently read.
#Lesson Presentation Suffixes -ed.ppt
Whiterose Maths
Use the template below to create images of trees from each seasons. You can use any media you like for this, paint, crayon, collage materials etc.
Have a great day.
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Please choose an ‘e’ book to read with your grown-up.
Whiterose Maths
Complete the animal mosaic using phonemes already learnt.
Watch the video and complete Activity 3 writing about the things you could do on different days of the week. Remember to use Capital letters at the start of sentences and for names of days of the week or people.
Make sure you think about your letter formation. Ascenders’s tall, descender’s long and make sure they are start and stop in the correct place.
Monday 15th June 2020
I hope you had a lovely weekend. Welcome to another week of learning.
Please use the test you carried out to individualise your child’s spellings. Choose six from the Year 1 list that they do not know and practice these.
If your child knows them all, please go over Days of the week, months of the Year and numbers to 20.
Please choose an e book or a book from home to read to your grown-up.
Monday News.
Children please write about the things you have been up to over the weekend/week.
Remember to use ‘time connectives’ to start your sentences……
Remember the important Year 1 writing skills,
Finger spaces, Capital letters and full stops, the joining word ‘and’ and accurate letter formation.
Whiterose Maths
Complete the sheet below.
Watch the video and complete the array activities and sheets.
Watch the Discovery Education video
Complete the activity
I hope you all have a good day.
It’s Friday! I hope you have had a good week. I am looking forward to the rain stopping.
Grown-ups please could you test your child on the spellings they have been learning this week. If they get them correct you can choose a different 6 for next week.,
‘ou’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘ou’.
‘ou’ in out, you, could and mould
Watch the Espresso Discovery Education video and practice the activities.
Read the Phonics play comic.
Complete the activity below.
Watch the above video and complete the activities.
There is more practice of this on BBC Bitesize if you would like more activities, (but you do not have to use it if it is too much).
Watch the teaching video and complete activity 1.
If you want more you could have a go at activity 2.
I have added some activities to My Maths to do at your leisure.
Remember just do what you can, there is no pressure to do it all as there are quite a lot of activities today.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Whyman
Thursday 11th June 2020
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and are getting on OK with the home learning. Don’t forget you can contact me on DOJO if you need anything from me.
Read an ‘e’ book at your own level or have a go at the read and respond sheet.
‘ch’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘ch’.
‘ch’ in chin, school and chef
Different ways to say ‘ch’ in words.
Watch the above video and complete the activities.
Read the words on the list and sort them/write them into the correct column.
Whiterose Maths
Adding equal groups worksheets
Go out your garden and see what plants you can find.
If you have time you could have a go at the activities below or have a go at these activities.
Thank you for all your support. Have a great day.
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Practise the spellings that your grown-up has set for you.
‘y’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘y’.
‘y’ in yes, by, gym and very
Watch the above video and complete the activities.
Read the words on the list and sort them/write them into the correct column.
Read the ‘y’ comic
Have a go at the reading comprehension below and see how you get on.
Superhero reading comprehension
Complete the BBC Bitesize activity Zig Zag letters
Whiterose maths
Using the image of Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers, create your own cotton bud picture.
• Paper/card
• Paint
• Cotton buds/swabs
• Pencil
1. Lightly sketch a design on the card.
2. Dip the cotton bud in the paint and dab the
colour onto the design.
Have a very good day. Take care and have fun.
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Practise the spellings that your grown-up has set for you.
‘a’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘a’.
‘a’ in hat, acorn and was
Read the words on the list and sort them/write them into the correct column.
Read the phonics comic for a
Discovery Education – Alternative sounds ‘a’
Watch the video and complete the activity.
Write some of the above words into sentences.
Remember to start with a capital letter and finish with a full stop.
Use the joining word ‘and’
Use correct letter formation.
Use finger spaces.
E.g. My Mum went for a walk and found some acorns.
Continue with My Maths as and when you can.
Whiterose Maths
Click on the image above and recreate the image using your choice of media, pastels, paint, chalk, crayons. Think carefully about the colour, shades and tones, shape of petals leaves etc.
Upload your images to your portfolio so we can share them on class story.
Enjoy your day today. Have fun with whatever you are up to.
Love from Mrs Whyman x
Monday 8th June 2020
Please use the test you carried out last week to individualise your child’s spellings. Choose six from the Year 1 list that they do not know and practice these.
If your child knows them all, please go over Days of the week, months of the Year and numbers to 20.
Please choose an e book or a book from home to read to your grown-up.
I am re-introducing Monday News.
Children please write about the things you have been up to over the weekend/week.
Remember to use ‘time connectives’ to start your sentences……
Remember the important Year 1 writing skills,
Finger spaces, Capital letters and full stops, the joining word ‘and’ and accurate letter formation.
Whiterose Maths
Complete the BBC Bitesize above including the activity below.
Watch the video clip about Vincent Van Gogh.
Look at his Famous ‘Sunflower painting’
Think of words to describe it.
Think about:
How it makes you feel?
What does it make you think of?
What colours can you see?
Have a good day. I hope the sun shines.
Mrs Whyman
Friday 5th June 2020
Log onto Oxford Owl and read a test at your own level.
Today we will begin to practise writing capital letters.
Today focus on Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg.
Using the suffix ‘ed’
Can you make a list of verbs and add the suffix ed to make them into the past.
E.G jump – jumped
help – helped
Hopefully you should be able to access My Maths today. There are activities on there that can be completed as well as activities on Active Learn today.
If you would like to, today you could go on a number hunt around your house. Look for things that have numbers on them. What numbers can you see? Are they 1-digit or 2-digit numbers? Can you read them, Can you write them?
Make a poster about numbers around the house.
Tip: You may find numbers on microwaves, clocks, door, house alarms etc.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Take care.
Mrs Whyman
Thursday 4th June 2020
Good morning everyone. you have been doing some fantastic work.
I have added 4 tasks to MyMaths for you to getting on with at your leisure. They are all to recap the work on measures we have been completing.
Please continue to test the Year 1 spellings from the list sent yesterday.
Click above to access the free ‘e’ books.
Where is the setting of this story?
What words would you use to describe the main character?
What is the scariest, funniest, saddest, most interesting, or most funny
part of the story? Read it aloud.
Do you like this story? Why or why not?
Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?
Go to ICT GAMES and play Forrest Phonics.
Once you have played this, have a go at some of the other games if you would like to.
I have added 3 more activities to My Maths based on measure to MyMaths.
Practice the activity above then complete the worksheet below.
If you have time, you could try the challenge cards below.
Today please practice the letter formation of the following decenders:
j g y p q
Have a fantastic day today.
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Please continue to test the Year 1 spellings from the list sent yesterday.
key word spell and read sheet linked to book bands
Click above to access the free ‘e’ books.
Read a book from the site above or one of your own.
What was your favourite part of the story?
Who were the main characters?
Did the text make you feel happy/sad?
Did the text remind you of anything?
Think back to the words that you thought of yesterday to describe the plants you found in your local area.
Can you use these to create a poem about plants?
Mrs Whyman gave it a go.
I have added tasks to My Maths. Dip in and out as and when you have time.
Whiterose Maths
Today I would like you to think about the parts of a plant.
Watch the following videos or read the Powerpoint presentation to find out about the parts of a plant.
You choose, either:
Print the template and label the flower parts
be creative and create a plant collage and label it.
Have a good day everyone:)
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Please continue to test the Year 1 spellings from the list sent yesterday.
key word spell and read sheet linked to book bands
Toady I would like the children to practice the phonics sound ‘u’ as in ‘but and ‘unit’.
Read the words on the list.
Can you write them into sentences?
Log on to read the Phonics play comic
Can you make a poster of ‘u’ words?
Please practice the following letters
u n m r s b
Practice them individually and in words:
bun sun bus mum sum rub
Whiterose Maths
Complete the activities and worksheet on BBC BITESIZE.
The worksheets from BBC Bitesize are below.
This half term our Science Topic is Plants and Trees.
Activity 1:
Thinking Walk
Go on a Thinking Walk
• Spend about thirty minutes walking in the school grounds, local park, churchyard or anywhere in the neighbourhood.
• Try to avoid formal garden planted areas and look for wild native plants (weeds!)
• The children should be looking out for different types of plants at this point.
On the walk:
• Discover: How many different types of plants can the children find during their walk?
• Observe: Look closely at some of the plants. What differences can the children see
and record?
• Record: Using a camera or by drawing record some of the different plants that have been found on the walk. Ask the children to think about how the plants are different.
• Try and find a range of types, especially different leaf types.
Back at home:
• Ask the children for descriptive words about the plants they saw on their walk and have collected – for example: green, gorgeous, big, spiky, hairy, stem, flower.
Use the description words in a creative project.
• Ask the children to write the words onto an outline of a leaf. They can make the outlines by drawing round leaves picked up on the walk or using the 30161-Lookouts-Leaf-Templates
Show and tell
• Decorate the leaves and tomorrow we will use them to make a descriptive display about plants or a poem, to show to others in the class.
I hope you have a fantastic day.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Monday 1st June 2020
Good morning everyone. I hope that you have had a fantastic half term and are well rested reading for the next chapter in your Year 1 adventure.
From now, I would like spelling to be more individualized to try to ensure that you are ready for Year 2 and avoid children practicing spellings they know.
To do this, I would like your Grown-ups to spend the week testing you on the Year 1 spellings to see which ones you do not know when writing them totally independently, without practice first.
Grown-ups, I would suggest doing 10-15 a day. I shall be doing this in school.
At the end of the week I would be very grateful if parents could highlight the ones known and work on the ones that your child does not know. Please could you set the weekly spellings for your own child following the tests this week.
key word spell and read sheet linked to book bands
Toady I would like the children to practice the phonics sound ‘g’ where the sound made is ‘j’.
Read the words on the list.
Can you write them into sentences?
Read the phonics comic for ‘soft g’
Click on the comic to view.
Today I would like you to write instructions for how to wash your hands.
Watch the video and think about what you will need to do.
Use the sheet below to write your instructions.
How to wash your handsk instruction sheet
Whiterose Maths
Go to BBC BITESIZE and complete the activity for Maths Lesson 1 Measure Mass
Complete Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga Activity
In school today we are going to be creating Rainbows to brighten our Classroom window.
Can you find another inventive way to create a rainbow?
Have a great day today.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning my lovely Year 1’s.
Under normal circumstances today would have been our last day before the May half term holiday.
I shall not be posting any home learning next week as you should all be having a rest and recharging your batteries ready for you last half term as Year 1’s. 😥
Grown-ups, please test the children on their 6 spellings.
/did you get all 6 correct?
Can you remember how to spell any of the other months of the year from last week?
‘c’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘c’. ‘Soft c’ says s
‘c’ in cat and cent
Read the words on the list.
Read the phonics comic for ‘c’ (link below)
So off you go around your house to find things featuring ‘soft c’.
How many words can you make using some of the letters in the word
car, cat, pill, pit, rat, cell, rail,
Make a list and draw pictures of some. Once you get going you find it hard to stop looking for words.
Read the instructions and colour the alien.
Practice counting forwards and backwards in 1,2,5 and 10.
Use the Jack Hartman videos on you tube to help you.
Help make lunch by cutting and chopping ingredients to help your grown up.
You could make food art.
We would love to see your yummy creations.
Have a fantastic day today. Enjoy eating your learning and your hunts.
Have a great half term.
I will keep in touch with DOJO.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 21st May 2020
Good morning. I have managed to gain access to a lap top temporarily. Thank you for your patience yesterday.
I hope you made the most of the sun yesterday.
‘o’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘o’.
‘o’ in hot and cold
Read the words on the list.
Can you write some of them into command or statement sentences?
Read the phonics comic for ‘o’
Play phonics play game, Buried Treasure.
Practice this weeks spellings.
July, August, September, October, November, December.
Whiterose Maths
Log on to Discovery Education through this link.
Username: student 27416
Password student
Complete both activities.
Be creative today.
Go on a rainbow scavenger hunt and create a rainbow either inside or outside, it is up to you.
Use your creative brain to think about the things you could use for the different colours, e.g, red lego bricks, yellow dandelions, pink toys, hair bobbles etc, green grass etc. Look around your house and garden for things you can find to use.
Take a photo and upload for us all to look at.
Don’t forget you can be getting on with your reading record image for our new reading records.
Have a great day today. Take care and enjoy the lovely weather.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Good morning everyone. I hope you are all fit and well.
Don’t forget your daily exercise.
Joe Wicks
Cosmic Yoga
School Games 1KM run. (see web site)
‘i’ sound
We are learning to explore alternative pronunciation of ‘i’.‘i’ in fin and find.
Read the words on the list.
Can you write them into sentences.
Think about using some command and some questions.
Can you help me find my shoes? Get behind me.
Use the correct punctuation.
Click on and read the phonics comic for ‘i’.
Phonics and Reading Websites
There are lots of useful websites with phonics information and games.
DfE letters and sounds home learnng lessons – daily lessons on YouTube
The Letters and Sounds website has lots of information, resources and games linked to each of the phonics phases.
Practice this weeks spellings.
July, August, September, October, November, December.
Whiterose Maths
BBC Bitesize
Complete the activities.
Have a good day children and make sure you get lots of fresh air.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Monday 18th May 2020
This week Mrs Teale and I are launching a competition to create a design for a front cover of our new Reading Records, which we will have from September. We are asking that all designs are submitted onto DOJO Portfolio by Friday 29th May so you have 2 weeks to be creative. Remember DO NOT stick anything, (glitter, collage materials etc.) onto the picture as it will not be able to be printed.
Here is the sheet for you to use which will show you the size of the image.
Monday’s learning
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
Your spellings for this week are:
July, August, September, October, November, December
Practice them in different ways, make them out of glitter, us collage materials to make the, make them with Lego bricks, use water on the pavements, chalk on the pavements, use raisins to create the spellings, write them in shaving foam.
Toady I would like you to focus on the phoneme ‘ow’ as in towel, shower power, etc.
Now off you go around your house to find things featuring ‘ow’
Questions and Commands
Note: Grown-ups there are a few sheets that you will need to print and prepare for the children to use before hand and it may be useful to read the power point before the children.
Questions or commands Power point
Question and Command Cards (to print for use)
Sort the Cards (to print for use)
Whiterose Lesson
Have a great day.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Friday 15th May 2020
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
Spelling test day today. January, February, March, April, May, June
Did you get 6/6?
Use the above link to get onto BBC Bitesize and listen to the story Cake by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.
Can you remember any other stories they wrote? (Supertato)
An alternative story reading of this story in on Youtube.
Complete the three activities.
Complete the maths challenges
Enjoy the sun in the afternoon and go on a bug hunt.
What minibeasts/Insects can you see/find around your Garden?
Make a list of all the things you find.
I hope you have a really good weekend.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 14th May 2020
Hello everyone. It’s Thursday again. I can’t believe how quick it has come round.
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
How creative can you be today when practising your spellings?
Today I would like you to look at the ‘ear’ phoneme.
Play a few games on phonics play. Buried Treasure, Dragons Den or Picnic on pluto.
Go to BBC Bitesize, watch the video and complete the activities.
Whiterose maths
BBC Bitesize
Have a great day everyone.
Love Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. I hope the sun comes out today to make us all smile.
Here is today’s tasks.
How creative can you be today when practising your spellings?
Look at the picture. Talk with your grown up about what you can see. How did the octopus get there? What did it do? What is its name?
Write a story about the octopus.
Watch the video and complete activity 1.
Whiterose Maths
Watch the teaching video.
BBC Bitesize
Create a dance routine to your favourite song and record it like a music video. Be a pop star for the day!
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Joe Wicks PE
Go Noodle
I look forward to seeing your pop star creations. Have fun and enjoy your day.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Hello everyone, how are we all today?
So here is today’s learning.
You may want to pick and choose today as I do seem to have put quite a few activities on.
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
How creative can you be today when practising your spellings?
20 ways to practice your spellings.
Today I would like you to look at the u-e. This is quite a tricky one to find things for, sorry gown-ups!
So off you go around your house to find something featuring u-e.
Complete the above writing activity.
Whiterose Maths
Watch the Whiterose maths video. Week 4 – W/C – 11th May
From this week Whiterose are not providing free worksheets to go along side the videos. However there is a link to BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons. for extra practice.
BBC Bitesize
Go for a walk, bike ride, scooter ride, play on the trampoline, roller skate. Complete Joe Wicks daily exercise.
Have a wonderful day and take care.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Monday 11th May 2020
Hello everyone, I hope that you had a lovely weekend, enjoying VE Day celebrations and the lovely weather.
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
This weeks spellings are:
Try your best with these, i know they are tricky, especially the first 2.
Can you split them into syllables to help you, e.g. Jan u ary, Feb ru ary
Think of more inventive/creative ways to practice them.
Use the following BBC Clip to support handwriting.
Watch the video and complete at least one of the activities. (You do not have to do all 3).
Watch the Whiterose maths video.
From this week Whiterose are not providing free worksheets to go along side the videos. However there is a link to BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons. for extra practice.
BBC Bitesize
Take Care and have a good day everyone.
Love Mrs Whyman
Thursday 7th May 2020
Good morning. How are you all?
As tomorrow is a Bank Holiday, I will not be posting any work until Monday.
Here is some work that you could do about VE Day.
The work here says to use the last 7 pages of the power point. I have only included these on a power point for you.
Today is your spelling test day. Can you get them all correct?
Have a great weekend. Enjoy any celebrations you may have within your household.
Love from
Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 6th may 2020.
Good morning everyone. How are you all?
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
Are you still reading 3 times a week? When we get back to school i will be checking your reading diaries to see if you need gold certificates. I am sure you will.
How creative can you be today when practising your spellings?
20 ways to practice your spellings.
Your spelling test will be tomorrow as Friday is a Bank Holiday.
Today lets look at the split vowel digraph o-e.
Colour the real and nonsense words.-o-e-Split-Digraph-Colour-by-Phoneme-Real-and-Nonsense-Words_
You can still do the phoneme hunt today if you would like to.
Also please have a go at reading some of the real and nonsense words from the pack of work I gave you.
Today I would really like you to focus on letter formation. Make sure you begin and end your letters in the correct places otherwise it will be tricky to join in Y2. Also remember to get your bronze certificate your letters need to be the correct size and start and end in the correct place.
Today please focus on the ‘down up’ letters.
b d g h k m n p q r u w
When I look at your writing I can tell that some children are starting these letters in the wrong place and making them too big. E.g n some are starting at the bottom and the same for r. Also I am noticing that r are as big as t which is not right. It should be half the size. Look above at the size of each letter in relation to the others.
Ask your grown up to set you up some lines like this so you can get the size correct.
You know where to start the letters. The chart below and in your homework pack will remind you.
Remember you cannot get your bronze certificate if they are too tall, short or start in the wrong place.
You can also have a go at some of your active learn tasks and catch up with My Maths. I will post more MyMaths tomorrow.
Maybe when you have completed all the art pieces you could take a photo montage of them all to keep forever. The work I have seen has been fantastic.
Have a really good day. Hopefully the sun will stay shining for us.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
How creative can you be today when practising your spellings?
20 ways to practice your spellings.
Today we will focus on the split vowel digraph i-e.
So off Year 1 went around the house to find something featuring i-e.
Today I would really like you to focus on letter formation. Make sure you begin and end your letters in the correct places.
Follow the link above to watch the video and complete the activity.
Have a lovely day.
Love from Mrs Whyman.
Monday 4th May 2020
Good morning everyone. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Thank you for all the work you are sending me on DOJO it is wonderful to keep in touch with you all.
Read one of the ebooks at your own level.
Parents you may need to register yourself now as the March 20 code doesn’t seem to work at the moment.
This weeks spellings are:
Today we will focus on the split vowel digraph a-e.
Discovery Education a-e – Watch the video and complete the activities.
Off you go on your own phoneme hunt.
Click the link to Discovery Education.
username student27146
password student
Watch the video and complete the activities.
MyMaths activities are available.
Go to the National Academy website.
Complete this activity. click here.
Have a lovely day.
Love Mrs Whyman
Friday 1st May 2020
Complete your Friday spelling test. Did you get 6/6?
Year 1, you and your grown-ups have been working really hard, so today I want you to chill out and have fun!
Using things around your house, (or that can easily be bought at the local shop), I want you to try a few Science experiments and talk about what you observe with your grown-ups.
The following video require food colouring,M+M’s or skittles, cooking oil, water, cotton buds, cotton wool, kitchen towel, cups, glasses, water, washing up liquid. lemons, limes, baking powder, vinegar.
Parent warning:
Now try this:
Children, you will need to be patient with this experiment.
Some websites have said to leave the egg for up to 72 hours this one says 24 hours.
Test your reaction time.
Explore YouTube and the Science Sparks site and try out some more experiments. Post them on DOJO.
You can catch up with MyMaths and Active Learn today for Maths.
HAVE FUN !!!!!!!
I really look forward to seeing your results.
Have a great weekend.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 30th April 2020
Hello sweeties, How are you all?
I have been freezing today. I don’t know bout you. Make sure you wrap up warm if you are out exercising.
Here is today’s work.
Complete your daily exercise.
Practice your spellings. Why not post how you are practising them on your portfolio on DOJO?
Today watch the video on ‘au’ phoneme.
So off you go around the house to find something featuring ‘au’.
Good luck, this is a tricky one!
Catch up on My Maths if you have not managed to do any yet. I will not set any today to give you a chance to get on with it.
If you have completed all the tasks, you could complete some of your Active Learn tasks.
Yesterday, I asked you to look at similes and to think of some to describe the lion.
Today, (you can complete this tomorrow if you don’t finish it today), I would like you to think of a different animal and make up your own simile poem about it.
You can plan it by drawing a picture of it and then write descriptive words around it as we did with the lion.
Then you can begin it again on another sheet of paper and turn the adjectives into similes.
This is Mrs Whyman’s poem.
Crazy Crocodile
Skin as rough as stone.
Claws as sharp as knives.
Tail as strong as a bulldozer.
Teeth as sharp as a razor.
Jaws as strong as bull.
He will crunch you like a crisp.
I am trying to figure out how to add the videos you send to the Class Story on DOJO from your portfolio.
When your poem is complete. Practice reading it out with expression. Send me a video and if I cannot add it onto class story I will try to put it on the school website.
Enjoy your day.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Hello Year 1.
Keep smiling everyone and enjoy the time you are having with your family.
Complete your daily exercise.
Practice your spellings. Why not post how you are practising them on your portfolio on DOJO?
I have been asked if you can do a phoneme hunt around your house.
Today watch the video on ‘ew’ phoneme.
Off you go around your house looking for things featuring ‘ew’.
My Maths task
Introduction to fractions.
Today we are going to think about similes.
Look at the power point and complete the activity verbally with your grown up.
I only want you to do this verbally. If you feel the need for more, you could write them down, but this is not an expectation. The discussion and understanding is more important.
That is all for today.
You can do some reading and counting forward and backwards in 1,2,5,and 10 if you are wanting more work.
Keep smiling and keep safe.
Love from Mrs Whyman.
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Complete your daily exercise.
Practice your spellings. Why not post how you are practising them on your portfolio on DOJO?
I have been asked if you can do a phoneme hunt around your house.
Today watch the video on ‘aw’ phoneme.
So off Patch went around Mrs Whyman’s house to find something featuring ‘aw’.
My maths task is:
Introducing 2D shapes
Animal Diets
Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.
Read the information or listen to it by pressing the speaker. Discuss it with a grown up.
Complete the activity
We are going to work towards writing an animals poem this week.
Adjectives – Describing words
Look at the picture of the lion. What adjectives can you think of to describe it? Talk about this with your grown up.
If you have time and would like to draw a lion and write adjectives around it.
Have a good day. I look forward to seeing your work in your DOJO portfolio.
Take care and keep safe.
Love Mrs whyman x
Monday 27th April 2020
Welcome to another week of online learning.
I hope you are all keeping safe and well and doing everything that your grownups are asking you to do, without moaning.
My big girls are trying hard to do their school work.
Complete your daily exercise.
This weeks words to learn are:
Practise them in lots of different ways, write them in bubble writing, write them in flower, make them with glitter, practice on your tablet if you have one.
Go to the Discovery Education page.
Today we will focus on capital letters and full stops.
Watch the capital letter and full stop video, then complete the 2 activities.
My maths task is:
Introducing 3D shapes
I was reliably informed that we have not written about insects in our Animal groups book.
Write a page in your animal groups book about insects. I am looking forward to you bringing these into school when we eventually get back.
Complete the activity sorting animals.
Don’t forget to post photos of your work online on your DOJO portfolio.
Take care and enjoy your day. I hope the sun comes out this afternoon.
Love Mrs Whyman x
Friday 24th April 2020
We have made it, another week of home learning is drawing to a close. Well done everyone!
Complete your daily exercise.
Spelling test day. Can you get 6/6?
Ask your grown ups to test you on your spellings.
one, two, three, four, five, six
Discovery Education video of animal groups.
Today I would like you to complete your Animal Groups book.
Can you write some facts about birds?
Remember to begin each sentence with a capital letter and finish it with a full stop. Use the joining word ‘and’.
Have another look at the animal pictures I asked you to look at on Monday.
Discuss the pictures with a grown up.
Explore and compare examples of art with an animal theme.
Look at and compare different examples, discussing the subject (what is in the painting) and style (how the painting is made).
Use a range of simple artistic vocabulary to help the children describe their observations and make evaluations.
E.g, bold lines, thick, thin, contrasting, dramatic, pattern, swirly, vibrant, colourful, bright, dark, dull, etc…..
Choose a favourite painting and use a range of drawing and painting materials to make your own version.
Add your picture to the portfolio on Dojo.
I have added a counting activity on My Maths for today’s learning.
Number and place value.
Do all parts of the lesson and the online homework.
Have a lovely weekend. i hope the sun stays out for us.
Love Mrs whyman
Thursday 23rd April 2020
Complete your daily exercise. I have seen photos of you doing it in lots of different ways. We will have to keep it up when we get back to school.
Last day to practice your spellings before your grown up tests you on them.
How inventive can you be?
Today I would like you to practise your phonics on Phonic play.
You can play which ever games you would like.
Lets play Dragon’s Den, Picnic on Pluto and Buried Treasure.
Watch the video and complete the small activity.
Discovery Education video of animal groups.
Using the booklet you started , go to your page that has the sub-title Reptiles. Write down some facts about Reptiles . Remember to use the joining word ‘and’, also make sure you use capital letters and full stops.
Please then draw a picture of a reptile.
Do the same with Fish.
We will write about birds tomorrow.
Complete the maths lesson.
If you want extra maths there is plenty on your active learn.
Good luck and I will see you tomorrow.
Love Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 22nd April 2020.
Well done and thank you once again for your support, patience and cooperation with Dojo. I think we have finally mastered it.
I have been looking at My Maths and many of you have already completed all of the task I set for you with amazing results. Well done.
Are you ready for today’s learning!
Complete your daily Joe Wicks P.E session or Cosmic Yoga. Get that blood pumping round your body and your mind ready for learning.
Continue to learn the new spellings, (one, two, three, four, five, six).
Can you think of a mnemonic for each word to help you remember them?
Read one of the e books at your colour band level or if you are feeling brave try one from the colour above!!!
Here is a link for free ebooks
Practice recognising the phonemes on the power point above.
Today I would like you to look at the ey sound.
So off Patch went around Mrs Whyman’s house to find something featuring ‘ey’.
Watch the video and complete the small activity.
Using the booklet you started , go to your page that has the sub-title Amphibians. Write down some facts about Amphibians. Remember to use the joining word ‘and’, also make sure you use capital letters and full stops.
Please then draw a picture of an amphibian.
My booklet would say.
Amphibians lay eggs and live in or near water. They have gills to breathe under water and lungs to breathe on the land. Amphibians have smooth skin.
Discovery Education video of animal groups.
I have added a counting activity on My Maths for those who completed yesterdays task.
Complete the maths lesson.
If you want extra maths there is plenty on your active learn.
Good luck and I will see you tomorrow.
Love Mrs Whyman
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Thank you for all your patience and understanding yesterday with regards to Dojo. Hopefully you can now all access Dojo as a parent and a student. Post work onto the portfolio page and I will be able to comment on it. If you have individual issue let me know. If I do not hear from you I will assume to can access everything ok.
Continue to learn the spellings given yesterday, (one, two, three, four, five, six).
Practice these in all the ways you have been doing before the Easter break, paint them, write them in chalk on the pavement, write them in soapy water, etc.
Practice recognising the phonemes on the power point above.
So off Patch went around Mrs Whyman’s house to find something featuring ‘ea’
Can you find things around your house featuring the sound ‘ea’? Make labels for them and add a photo of your work to the Dojo portfolio.
Watch the video and complete the small activity.
Using the booklet you started yesterday, go to your page that has the sub-title Mammals. Write down some facts about Mammals. Remember to use the joining word ‘and’. also make sure you use capital letters and full stops.
Please then draw a picture of a mammal.
My booklet would say.
Mammals have hair and breathe through their lungs. They are warm blooded and have a backbone. I am a mammal.
We will continue to work on this book during the week.
I have added a multiplication activity on My Maths. Please begin to complete this.
Complete the maths lesson.
If you want extra maths there is plenty on your active learn.
Look at the examples of ‘Animal Art’.
Discuss the pictures with a grown up.
Explore and compare examples of art with an animal theme.
Look at and compare different examples, discussing the subject (what is in the painting) and style (how the painting is made).
Use a range of simple artistic vocabulary to help the children describe their observations and make evaluations.
E.g, bold lines, thick, thin, contrasting, dramatic, pattern, swirly, vibrant, colourful, bright, dark, dull, etc…..
We will work on producing art tomorrow.
Hello everyone. I hope you have all been having fun, playing out in the sunshine. Did you use your paddling Pool? Patch wanted to but I said NO!
We are continuing our online learning now and we have some exciting, new websites for us to use to help you learn from home.
The first one is My Maths which you are all being sent a login to via class Dojo. This will be really useful, as it includes videos explaining and teaching the Maths in case you are struggling.
The second website is Espresso, which we already use for coding but we are now going to also use for English and wider curriculum subjects as well.
You will need to login using the following:
Username: student27416
Password: student
Instead of clicking on the “Espresso coding” you should click on the button that says “Discovery Education Espresso”.
If you have not signed up for Dojo please do. You have been sent an email inviting you to join.
Upload a photo of your animal project work that I asked you to complete in your homework pack if you have completed it.
Our topic this half term is ‘Paws, Claws and Whiskers’, with a huge focus on animals.
This weeks words to learn are:
Practice these in all the ways you have been doing before the Easter break, paint them, write them in chalk on the pavement, write them in soapy water, etc.
Read one of the e books at your colour band level.
Here is a link for free ebooks
Practice recognising the phonemes on the power point above.
Use the Discovery Education site:
Click here for the phonics page.
Practice the sound ea ey by watching the video and carrying out the activities.
Today we will focus on extending sentences with the ‘and’ joining words.
Log onto Discovery education page (as above).
Click here and watch the video , then complete the 2 activities.
This half term our science topic is animals.
Year 1 Science objective.
Identify and name a variety of common animals including, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
Activity 1
Watch this animal classification video.
If you have A4 paper begin to make an animal group booklet.
Make a title page.
Animal Groups
by __________
Give each page a sub-title within your booklet.
Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects.
Draw a picture of an animal that belongs to each group underneath the Sub-titles. Leave room for some writing which we will do during the week.
Take care and I look forward to seeing your work on Dojo.
Love from
Mrs Whyman
Friday 3rd April 2020
Today is the last day I shall be posting work on our web site until after the Easter Break. I have put the links we have been using on the web links page which is attached to the Year 1 homework page.
Begin your day with a workout to get the blood in your body and brain flowing.
Today is your spelling test day. Can you spell all 7 of the days of the week correctly?
Ask a grown up to check them.
Read one of the e books at your colour band level.
Here is a link for free ebooks
Practice recognising the phonemes on the power point above.
Go to Phonics play web site.
Don’t forget you can log on for free at the moment.
Username march20
password home
Go to Phase 5 and play the Cheeky Chimp game.
Year 1 Maths Challenge Week 2 Day 5
Complete Lesson of week one on the White Rose Maths.
Daily Maths Activities from White Rose. Click on Year 1
Go to Home Learning – Year 1.
Under Week 1 click on lesson 5.- Measure capacity.
Continue with your research of an animal of your choice. Send photos of your work and I will post them online.
Thank you to all children and grown-ups for being amazing and completing your daily learning.
Have a lovely Easter.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Good morning all. Sorry I am a little late today.
If you have been emailing me work, I will get back to you later today.
Here is today’s work.
Complete your daily Joe Wicks P.E session.
You could also have a go at Cosmic Yoga.
Read one of the e books at your colour band level.
Here is a link for free ebooks
Continue to practice spelling the Days of the Week.
Make them with play doh, write them in bubble writing, use magnetic letters to spell the if you have any. Write them with water outside.
Your spelling test will be tomorrow. Are you ready for this?
Warm up
Practise counting forwards and backwards in 1’s and 2’s to 100. Have you mastered crossing the tens numbers yet?
38, 39, 40 41, 42
62, 61, 60,, 59, 58
Use the Jack Hartman videos on You tube to help.
Y1 Maths Challenge Week 2 Day 4
Complete Lesson of week one on the White Rose Maths.
Daily Maths Activities from White Rose. Click on Year 1
Go to Home Learning – Year 1.
Under Week 1 click on lesson 4.- Introduce capacity and volume.
In your Homework packs from school I gave you an Easter Homework sheet. Please begin to work on this. Research an animal of your choice. You do not have to complete it all today. It can be your two week project. I was going to give this to you to complete over the Easter Holidays.
Click here to access the page if you cannot find it.
Have a lovely day
Love from Mrs Whyman
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Good morning my little cherubs. I really enjoyed talking to your grown ups yesterday and finding out about all the things you have been up to. If I have not manged to talk to your grown up I will ring on Thursday.
I am really missing seeing you all.
Here is today’s work.
Complete your daily Joe Wicks P.E session.
You could also have a go at Cosmic Yoga.
Patch has been busy doing his fitness, in fact he has worked so hard he has had to have a lie down!
Read one of the e books at your colour band level.
Here is a link for free ebooks
Continue to practice spelling the Days of the Week.
Make them with play doh, write them in bubble writing, use magnetic letters to spell the if you have any. Write them with water outside.
Practice ‘The days of the week’ song and the Jack Hartman Days of the Week Rap.
Have fun singing them. Can your grown-up sing them too? Did they do good children?
Answer these questions.
Warm up
Practise counting forwards and backwards in 1’s and 2’s to 100. Have you mastered crossing the tens numbers yet?
38, 39, 40 41, 42
62, 61, 60,, 59, 58
Use the Jack Hartman videos on You tube to help.
Y1 Maths Challenge Week 2 Day 3
Complete Lesson of week one on the White Rose Maths.
Daily Maths Activities from White Rose. Click on Year 1
Go to Home Learning – Year 1.
Under Week 1 click on lesson 3.- Compare Mass
Make an Easter Card for a member of your family.
Click on the picture for a video version.
Discuss the story with your grown ups.
The story has many happy parts to it. Can you think of what they are? Discuss this with a grown up and why they are happy.
Print the cross template or draw your own.
Write the title Happy parts of the Easter Story.
Just like yesterday……
Colour/paint/pastel the background around it in happy colours
Inside the cross write the parts of the story that are Happy.
People cheered for Jesus.
Jesus had supper with his friends.
Jesus died for our sins.
Jesus went to Heaven.
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Good morning. Where has the sun gone?
I am going to phone as many of you as I can today to discuss how you are getting on .
Complete your daily Joe Wicks P.E session.
You could also have a go at Cosmic Yoga.
Read one of the e books at your colour band level.
Here is a link for free ebooks
Read Dragons bake Off Phonics play comics.
Make a split vowel digraph poster. to help remind you of what a split vowel digraph is. Make it bright and colourful. You may want to put it on your fridge or on your bedroom wall if your grown-ups allow you to.
Continue to practice spelling the Days of the Week.
Make them with play doh, write them in bubble writing, use magnetic letters to spell the if you have any. Write them with water outside.
Make it physical, jump up on each letter, hop on each letter etc.
Open up the picture of a .dinosaur
Look at the dinosaur picture.
Yesterday I asked you to draw it and write adjectives to describe it.
Today I would like you to write a description of the dinosaur. Think about what it looks like, what it might do, what it might eat.
You can use this paper or write in in your lined book.
Remember correct letter formation and size of letters, finger spaces, full stops, capital letters and use the joining word ‘and’.
When you have finished read it to someone. Can you make them scared by using expression.
Grown ups you may have to model this for them.
Here is Mrs Whyman’s
The Dinosaur
The dinosaur is huge and ferocious.
It has sharp claws and pointy teeth. All the better to eat me!
His skin is brown and wrinkled.
It is very scary and I don’t like it.
Warm up
Practise counting forwards and backwards in 1’s and 2’s to 100. Have you mastered crossing the tens numbers yet?
38, 39, 40 41, 42
62, 61, 60,, 59, 58
Use the Jack Hartman videos on You tube to help.
Y1 Maths Challenge Week 2 Day 2
Complete Lesson of week one on the White Rose Maths.
Daily Maths Activities from White Rose. Click on Year 1
Go to Home Learning – Year 1.
Under Week 1 click on lesson 2.- Measure Mass
Religious Education
Yesterday I asked you to watch and read the Easter story. Please do this again to refresh your mind.
Click on the picture for a video version.
Discuss the story with your grown ups.
The story has many sad parts to it. Can you think of what they are? Discuss this with a grown up and why they are sad.
Print the cross template or draw your own.
Write the title Sad parts of the Easter story.
Colour/paint/pastel the background around it in sad colours
Inside the cross write the parts of the story that are sad.
Jesus died.
Peter said he didn’t know him.
Jesus was arrested.
Judas to the soldiers where Jesus was.
Jesus has to carry his cross and wear a crown of thorns.
His friends were sad.
Here is Mrs Whyman’s
Have a good day. Stay safe.
love from Mrs Whyman
Monday 30th March 2020
Good morning and welcome to a new week. I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.
Complete your daily Joe Wicks P.E session.
You could also have a go at Cosmic Yoga. This is children doing yoga to stories. This is found on YouTube.
Here is a link for free ebooks.
Sign up as a parent then you can access the many ebooks. Look for your child’s Book band colour level and choose books from there.
Please choose and read one a day.
Also here is a site for more books to read. Sooper Books
Click here for Phonics play comics.
Go to Phase 5a comics and go to Dragons Bake off.
Read and enjoy the comic.
Then make a table and write down all the split vowel digraph words you find.
a-e | e-e | i-e | o-e | u-e |
cake | rise
mine |
How did you do with last weeks spelling test?
Here are the words to practice for this week.
Remember practice them in fun ways. Cut letters out of magazines and newspapers to make the words. Get in the garden and write them in chalk, make them from twigs. Paint the words, make a collage. write them in flour, sugar soapy lather.
Think of how you can split them into syllables. E.g. Wed nes day
Look for the different phonemes in them.
I always think Tuesday is the trickiest one.
Also remember the days of the week are names so they start with a capital letter.
Warm up
Click here to access top marks for a place value maths game.
Scroll down to play place value basketball.
Complete day one of week one on the White Rose Maths.
Daily Maths Activities from White Rose. Click on Year 1
Go to Home Learning – Year 1.
Under week 1 click on lesson 1.
Open up the picture of a .dinosaur
Look at the dinosaur picture.
Talk to a grown up and describe it to them. How many adjectives, (describing words) can you think of to describe it?
vicious, scaly, sharp teeth, pointy teeth, scary, big eyes sharp claws.
Act out being a dinosaur.
Draw a picture of the dinosaur and write your words around it.
You will be using this work tomorrow to write sentences about the dinosaur.
Religious Education
We are approaching Easter, so this week I would like you to read the Easter story.
Click on the picture for a video version.
Discuss the story with your grown ups. Think about how Jesus felt. What about Judas or Peter? Can you think of any happy parts to the story? Can you think of any sad parts?
We will continue with our lessons tomorrow.
Thank you all so much for all your support.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Friday 27th March 2020
Hello superstars! We have made it to Friday!
Thank you for sending me pictures of the things you have been doing.
Patch says a big hello to you all. He is very sad that he cannot come to your houses but I am looking after him. He has had a bath and his clothes have all been washed and ironed.
Complete your Joe Wicks work out.
Begin your day with a spelling test.
How many words did you spell correctly without any help?
Did you form your letters correctly?
Phonics play, play a game of Buried Treasure
Choose phase 5 and then play a game of each of the split vowel digraphs a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e.
We have thought lots about question marks during Year 1. ?
What did you have for breakfast?
Why did you put your coat on?
How did you fix the tap?
Can I have a cupcake?
Write your own questions using the question words what why can
Remember you must use a question mark not a full stop at the end. ?
Maths – Practice counting forwards and backwards in 2s to and from 100. Click on this fun video to help count forwards and this video to help count backwards.
Complete this maths challenge day 2
Complete some more of your active learn tasks.
Remember username is your first name, password is password and school is mkcn
Use paint, crayons, collage materials and create an image of a tree in spring time. Don’t forget the background.
Have a lovely weekend and I will post you more learning on Monday.
Love from Mrs Whyman
Thursday 26th March 2020
Children you are doing a brilliant job with your work. Parents you are being fantastic supporting/teaching the children. I am proud to work with you all.
Don’t forget to do your daily exercise with Joe Wicks.
Click the link above and log on to their site using the information given.
Play picnic on Pluto Phase 5 phonemes
Afterwards you can explore the site.
Read one of your books to a grown up or complete a reading comprehension.
Keep practising the spellings I gave you on Monday. You will be tested on them tomorrow.
Click here for a writing task
Remember I will be looking to see that you are a Year 1 writer and that you can use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. I will look for the joining word and as well as check your letters are formed correctly.
Remember Mrs Whyman can tell if your ‘b’ is like a number ‘6’ or your ‘r’ has started at the bottom.
Make sure you practise forming all the down up letters correctly. b h, k, m, n, p, r, u,
You can write them in your book.
Use the letter formation sheet I gave you in your pack to remind yourself of where they begin and end.
Remember k has a curl.
Continue with your active learn tasks. I can see that many of you still have lots to complete.
Have a good day. Stay safe and keep washing those hands. Remember to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice,
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Day 3 of home learning!
What a beautiful day it is. Please get out in your garden and enjoy the sun. Remember sun cream!
I hope you are all being helpful and listening carefully to your grown ups.
Please complete a Joe Wicks workout to get your energy levels increased for the day ahead. They are on YouTube.
Learn the split vowel digraph u-e. This is a tricky one. Here are some videos to help you.
Can you write a sentence with a u-e word in it? Remember finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
Practise the spellings from yesterday. Your grown up will give you a spelling test on Friday.
Literacy Task
Go in your garden again and remind yourself of the signs of spring.
Watch the following video about the season.
Once logged in go to espresso. Scroll down and click on the signs of Spring video.
Then in your book write a Spring poem.
Spring is….
Spring is colourful flowers blooming.
Spring is Sunshine warming me.
Spring is cute baby animals being born.
Spring is smiles on children’s faces.
Spring is days getting longer.
I know that you can think of much better sentences than Mrs Whyman.
Draw a colourful picture.
There are many tasks on Active Learn. Today I would like you to work your way through some of these.
Read one of your reading books to a grown up. Tell them what you enjoyed about it. Explain what happened in the story.
Hopefully these activities will keep the children busy today grown ups so you can do your jobs.
Have a lovely day. Keep safe. I want to see you all again very soon.
Mrs Whyman
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good morning. I hope you are all well.
Here are the tasks for today.
2. Phonics. Learn the split vowel digraph o-e. Click here for Geraldine Giraffe video. and read the words in this video. Click here. Read the words on this powerpoint. T-L-1246-Phase-5-Quick-Read-Powerpoint-o-e
3. Spelling; Practise these Year 1 key words.
Practice them in inventive ways. Write them as many times as you can in a minute. Use paints, felt tips, collage materials to spell them. Write them in soap, shaving foam or sand if you have any of these, use your socks to make the letters in the words. You can take photos and stick them in your book.
4. Maths – Practice counting forwards and backwards in 2s to and from 100. Click on this fun video to help count forwards and this video to help count backwards.
Practice finding as many ways as you can to make the number 7 and write the calculations in your book.
E.g. 4 +3 = 7. 8 -1 = 7.
Daily Maths Activities from White Rose. Click on Year 1
5. Science – Begin to think about Spring. Go in your garden and look for signs that the season is moving from Winter to Spring.
Have a good day and take care.
Mrs Whyman