Year 2 Mechanisms

In D.T this half-term, Year 2 have been learning all about mechanisms.

First, we investigated existing products and books that have sliders and levers. Next, we created a product specification detailing what our Christmas needed to be successful.

We decided that our Christmas cards needed to:
-have a mechanism
-be bright and coloured neatly
-be Christmas themed.

Then, we did a focused practical task where we had a go at making our own sliders and levers. After looking at lots of other Christmas cards/images, we designed our own products using either a slider or a lever.

We then made our Christmas cards being careful to colour very neatly and not leaving any white gaps (apart from for snow!) Finally, we evaluated our products discussing what we like/dislike and what we would change if we had the chance to do the task again.

I am so impressed with how these have turned out. The children have worked so hard, well done Year 2. Here are a few of our end products but they are all equally amazing.

