Our prayer for the end of the day.
Would you like to send in a new prayer? You can write one of your own.
Finish editing your Just So Story and publish it using joined handwriting. Illustrate your finished story. If you are not in school, please upload this to Class Dojo today.
If you are not in school, please upload this to Class Dojo today.
Work through any spellings that you found tricky yesterday.
Air spelling:
Choose a spelling word. With your index finger write the word in the air slowly, say each letter. Your
parent needs to remind you that you need to be able to ‘see’ the letters you have written in the air.
When you have finished writing the word underline it and say the word again. Now get you parents
to ask you questions the about the word. For example they could ask ‘What is the first letter?’ ‘What
is the last letter?’ ‘How many letters are there?’ etc.
If you are not in school, please upload this to Class Dojo today.
If you are not in school, please upload this to Class Dojo today.
In joined handwriting, present your Just So Story.
Upload your Just So Story to your portfolio.
Lesson 1 – Metric units
Complete all MyMaths activities for this week.
Get a Reflex maths green light.
Play two Sound Check Games on TTRockstars then play some of the games. Why not challenge a friend to a RockSlam.
Other Curriculum Areas
This video tells the story of the Battle of Hastings that marked the end of the reign of the Anglo-Saxon kings and the beginning of the Normans.
Find out how about the key people, the events of the battle and how we know about it today.
Archaeologists have unearthed more than 80 Anglo-Saxon graves in a Norfolk village. It is the first time that such an old cemetery has been discovered in such a well-preserved state.
This video, from Espresso News, tells the story of how 80 Anglo-Saxon graves were discovered near Great Ryburgh in Norfolk.
After watching the video
Can you explain what makes this find special?
What can we learn from a site like this one?
Can it change the way we look at past eras?
Upload your answers to Dojo.