Hello, I hope you are feeling well.

Remember, we are like rockets – we reach for the stars.

 Make sure you keep washing your hands!

Maths p22
Think- Can you find four different answers?

White Rose Year 5 Remember to click on Year 5.

Lesson 5 – Step 10 – Equivalent FDP

The Times Table Rockstars Competition with  Flanderwell is on.  Can you help?

Well done Charlotte!  Can you catch her?

Write a diary about the last few weeks

How did you feel when you first heard about Covid-19? 

How did you feel about not going to school? 

What is it like to be a 9 or 10 year old living in Britain in April 2020? 

What has changed in the last month?

What can you still do?

What are you enjoying doing?

What can’t you do?

What do you miss?

How are you staying safe?

What are you looking forward to?

What do you hope for?

Include pictures.

Remember to share any worries with a trusted grown up at home.

You could keep this diary and share it with your family in a year, in ten years or in twenty years.

What will they think when you share it?

I will not be setting any new homework over the Easter Break.

Can you do the following?

  • Stay safe!  
  • Stay active
  • Enjoy doing lots of different activities that you enjoy.
  • Finish your family zentangle pictures.
  • Email in your square zentangle.
  • Practise your spellings on Spelling Frame and do a spelling quiz with your family.
  • Do Reflex Math as often as possible.
  • Play TTRockstars
  • Complete your Active Learn Activities.
  • Continue with your diary.


Have a lovely Easter!


Mrs. Staniforth