Welcome to Year 4

Latest Y4 News

Latest Y4 News

Class Teacher

Mr Frelich

Year 4 Teacher

Welcome, My name is Mr Frelich and I am the Y4 teacher. 

I studied Software Engineering (Games Programming) at University which I thoroughly enjoyed but I soon learned I had a passion for teaching and have been doing it ever since. his will be my 17th class and I love teaching now as much as I have ever done. 


Outside of schoo,l I love spending time with my family. I have a lovely wife, 2 boys (Albert is 7 and Elwood is 6) and we have a Labrador retriever called Harry. My hobbies include reading books, playing video games, hiking, following sports, cooking and watching movies. 

My favourite books as a child:

  • The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis)
  • The Magic Faraway Tree (Enid Blyton)
  • Danny the Champion of the World (Roald Dahl).

My favourite books as an adult:

  • Ready Player One (Ernest Cline)
  • The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
  • Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling)
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams).
  • The Dwarves (Markus Heitz)

Parent Welcome - Year 4 - 2024

Year 4 Parent welcome 2023


• Each week there are three activities:
o 3 x green lights on Reflex
o Read 3 x times a week
o Practice spellings
• Homework books and reading diaries are collected in on a Thursday and handed out on a Friday.
• Weekly spelling test is on a Thursday. It will be marked and glued into homework books.


Water Bottles:

Children are strongly encouraged to bring a water bottle with them to school. They are responsible for bringing it into class in the morning and taking it home with them every day and washing it. The bottle will sit with them on their table throughout the day.

Lunch Boxes:

Children place their lunch boxes on the trolley inside the classroom.


This term, our PE sessions will be on Tuesday and Thursday so a full P.E kit needs to be in school on those day. For safety reasons, jewellery may not be worn. Earrings must be removed (by the child) for PE. Children with long hair will need to tie it up.

Weekly Timetable:

Year 4 Curriculum Details

Important Year 4 Documents

Year 4 Links

Year 4 Calculation Videos

This video shows how Y4 children use counters and a formal method to show how to add two four digit numbers.  It is important to leave a space for any carrying figures.

This video shows how Y4 children use formal methods to multiply a three digit number by a one digit number.

Can you multiply 345 x 6?

Would you use this method to multiply 399 by 2?  Why not?