All Posts By

Mr Frelich

Games Club

By Games Club, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6


KS2 Library Newsletter

By Reading

Welcome to the fourth issue of the KS2 Library Newsletter!


Our newsletter continues to grow and this issue sees eight journalists join the team. These children have given up a lot of free time o contribute to a jam-packed edition. Any child who wants to become a journalist just needs to come and speak to the editor (Mr Frelich).

Highlights to look out for:

    • Most Requested
    • New journalists.
    • New arrivals to classroom libraries
    • Reading Assembly
    • Carmel Reading Assembly
    • World Book Day
    • New. Author Profile: William Shakespeare
    • New. Staff Recommendations
    • Silver Reading Awards

Enjoy reading!


National Storytelling Week!

By Reading

National Storytelling Week 2025

When is National Storytelling Week:

In 2025, National Storytelling Week will be taking place from Saturday 1 February to Sunday 9 February.

What is the theme for National Storytelling Week:

This fantastic annual event is a joyful celebration of the power of sharing stories. Stories teach us about the world; they allow us to step into someone else’s shoes and feel empathy; they help us to relax and escape and they can help develop essential
literacy skills.

What can you do at home:

Y4 Science: The Dentist Visits!

By Science, Year 4

Two dentists very kindly came in this afternoon and had a chat with them about keeping teeth healthy. They then used a disclosing tablet to see how effective their brushing is.



Carmel Reading Assembly

By House Carmel, Reading, Year 6

Today, the Carmel House Leaders conducted the Carmel House Assembly, where four brave Year Six students shared their favourite books from the classroom library. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to express what they enjoy about the books they have been reading.



Y4 English: Group Writing

By Writing, Year 4

In our writing lessons, we have been studying the book Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit. Today, the students engaged in a collaborative writing activity, working in groups of four to compose a diary entry from the perspective of the protagonist. 



Year 4 Design & Technology: Food

By Design Technology, Year 4

In D.T. we have been learning about the food and healthy eating. The children have designed and produced a bread-based product with a filling for lunch, such as a wrap, a
sandwich or roll. The children learned how to cut using the claw technique and the bridge technique. 



Year 4 Science: States of Matter II

By Science, Year 4

In Science, we have been learning about the different states of matter and what defines a solid, a liquid and a gas. We discussed how the particles for each state are different. The children then acted out how the particles behave for each state. Then we conducted an experiment to investigate what happens to ice if it is left out at room temeprature. 



Year 4 Science: States of Matter

By Science, Year 4

In Science, we have been learning about the different states of matter and what defines a solid, a liquid and a gas. The children spent the afternoon investigating a variety of different materials to learn about their various properties and begin to form an understanding of what makes each one unique. 




School Pantomime Trip

By Christmas, Community, Drama, FS2, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Today was our annual trip to Rotherham Civic Theatre to watch this year’s pantomime: Robin Hood. The children were all fantastic and had a wonderful time.