

Proposed Admission Changes

By Community, Equality, FS1, FS2, Letters to Parents, News, Newsletter, Policies

Dear Parent/Colleague,


The Diocese of Sheffield Multi Academy Trust is the admissions authority for our school. This means the trust is responsible for setting the admissions arrangements for the schools within its organisation. When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements that will apply for admission applications the following school year.


A change to the policy is proposed for St Alban’s C of E Primary  School and the proposed new policy can be found at


The trust have resolved to consult on a change to admissions policies, starting with the one determined for use next year to offer places to the September 2025 intake. The change is a move from prioritising church attendance to prioritisation of children living locally, in the parish. We believe this to be pastorally and educationally responsible, prioritising allocating places to children who live in the parish community of the school, as determined by the Church of England on “A Church Near You” []


We see this as in keeping with the spirit of the Church of England’s historic commitment to parish schooling, acknowledging that our schools are not faith schools for the faithful, they are Church schools for the community.


Responses can be sent to the trust at a Please enter “Admissions” in the subject bar.

The consultation will run until 12th January 2024.

We look forward to engaging with schools and communities in this change


Huw Thomas

Chair of DSAT

Handwriting Parent Workshop

By English, Letters to Parents, Newsletter, Writing, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

On Thursday 16th November, we will be hosting a parent workshop explaining how we teach handwriting at St Alban’s.

From the first day of school, we pay particular attention to good writing habits. By the end of the session you will know what we mean by BBC, TNT and lots of other useful tips.

We look forward to welcoming you in the school hall at 2:15pm. Grandparents are also welcome.

Thank you,

Mrs Gurner

Teacher Strikes

By Community, Letters to Parents, News, Newsletter

Dear parents and carers,

The NEU have confirmed that further teacher strikes will take place on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July.

Please find attached a letter confirming which classes will be closed on this day.

If you have any further questions then please contact school.

Thank you,

Mrs Gurner

Music Concert 2023

By Community, Music, News, Newsletter

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who attended our music concert on Tuesday, June 13th. It was an inspiring event, showcasing the musical talents of our children.

Learning a musical instrument is a remarkable skill that requires dedication and discipline. Our young musicians have shown exceptional commitment, from mastering the art of reading music to coordinating their hands to play an instrument. We couldn’t be prouder of their achievements.

It takes courage for children to stand up individually and perform in front of such a large audience, especially their parents. Well done brave children!

If any parents captured a group photo of the musicians during the concert, we kindly request that you share a copy with the school office.

Once again, thank you for your support and for being a part of our wonderful music concert. We hope to make this an annual event.

Thank you,

Mrs Gurner

Newsletter- May 2023

By Community, FS1, FS2, Letters to Parents, Newsletter, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please find attached a copy of our latest newsletter, which contains important updates and information for the upcoming summer period.

For those who prefer a paper copy, ask Mrs. Shemwell at the school office, and she will be happy to assist you. Additionally, you can access the newsletter on our school website under the “Parent Letters” section, where it will be available for viewing and download.

I’m sure you share our excitement as we approach the final day before the holidays. Wishing you all a peaceful Spring Bank Holiday.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Gurner

Foundation and Key Stage 1 Parent Meeting- Top tips for listening to your child read at home

By Community, English, FS1, FS2, Newsletter, Reading, Year 1, Year 2

As you may have noticed, we are slightly obsessed with teaching every child the invaluable skill of reading. In line with our commitment to fostering strong reading skills, we would like to invite you to a special event focused on sharing our top tips for listening to your child read at home.

During this session, we will collect your child from class, as we delve into effective strategies that we have found to be successful. Together, we will explore what works best when it comes to supporting your child’s reading progress.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 20th June, 2:15-3:00pm

Venue: School Hall