
Year 6

School Pantomime Trip

By Christmas, Community, Drama, FS2, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Today was our annual trip to Rotherham Civic Theatre to watch this year’s pantomime: Robin Hood. The children were all fantastic and had a wonderful time. 


Year 6 Design and Technology

By Design Technology, Mental Health, Year 2, Year 6

For DT, Year 6 needed to make a product for a client.  Their clients this year were Year 2 children.  The Year 2 children were asked to create a character for their Amygdala (the part of the brain that controls the fight, flight or freeze reactions).  Their designs would be brought to life by the Year 6 children completing a textiles project to turn the designs in to a soft toy.

Throughout the process, the children have had to have client meetings to discuss designs and fabrics etc..  They learned about different types of stitches, seam allowance and different finishings such as embroidery.  With help from their families and friends, the year 6 children spent an afternoon sewing the products.

The Year 2 children have finally received their products and they are over the moon with them.

Here are some examples:


Sinai House leaders Bible Reading

By Collective worship, House Sinai, Religious Education, Year 6

Our lovely Sinai House leaders Annie and Preston visited our EYFS and Key Stage 1 classes this afternoon to read the children a bible story. The house leaders did an excellent job using their “story teller” voices to engage the children. All children listened attentively to the stories and answered questions well. Children in Year 2 were able to read along using their own bibles. Well done Sinai leaders!

Whole school Geography Fieldwork month!

By FS2, Geography, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

October was “Geography fieldwork month” in St.Alban’s. Fieldwork is where you go outside the classroom and find things out for yourself. Over the last month, our students have had the opportunity to explore the local area and learn in a more practical, hands-on way in geography.

Each class was given a different enquiry question that they had to try and answer using a variety of progressive fieldwork skills. Children across school completed maps, surveys, time sampling, tallys, pictograms and digital mapping linked to their enquiry question. Children then used the information that they had gathered to draw their own conclusions.

Today, each class had the opportunity to present their findings to the rest of the school. Children were very adept at explaining what they did and what they found out. Well done St.Alban’s- we are all geographers!

Handwriting Parent Workshop

By English, Letters to Parents, Newsletter, Writing, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

On Thursday 16th November, we will be hosting a parent workshop explaining how we teach handwriting at St Alban’s.

From the first day of school, we pay particular attention to good writing habits. By the end of the session you will know what we mean by BBC, TNT and lots of other useful tips.

We look forward to welcoming you in the school hall at 2:15pm. Grandparents are also welcome.

Thank you,

Mrs Gurner

Y6 Crucial Crew

By PSHE, Year 6

Y6 went to Crucial Crew.  Crucial Crew is an excellent venue that delivers safety information from the different services such as the Police, Fire, Magistrates and Transport.

The children learn about Knife Crime, Road Safety, Bus Travel, House Fires, Water Safety etc..

Y6 English Work

By English, Year 6

Y6 have been working extremely hard with handwriting and presentation skills.

We have produced descriptive writing, diaries and letters about our Pathways to Write book – Star of Fear, Star of Hope.


Y6 London Residential

By Art, Geography, History, Music, Year 6

Y6 had a fabulous time in London.

We visited many different places.

Our visit supported our curriculum: In the British Museum, children remembered previous history learning about Romans, Greeks and Egyptians.

We visited the Tower of London to support our Crime and Punishment learning in Y6.

We walked around London, thinking and looking at geographical features and completing fieldwork about Where is Buckingham Palace.

The Tate Modern was an interesting visit for the children to recognise different styles of art and artist.

We also watched the West-End show SIX


School Uniform Shop

By Community, FS1, FS2, Fund Raising, House Jericho, Letters to Parents, Lost Property, PSHE, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

We are truly grateful for all of your uniform donations. Every night Mrs Nightingale restocks the clothes line and they are selling fast.

In assembly, we have discussed with the children about how cool it is to reuse and recycle- we hope that the school uniform shop will send out a clear message that they can make a difference to the world we live in.

Thank you,
The St Alban’s Eco Warriors!