Easter is a very special time of year for Christians, and something which we have enjoyed celebrating over the last week here at school. Here are just some of the highlights.
Children in Reception re-enacted when Jesus came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. They had used their amazing scissor skills to create some wonderful paper palm leaves.
We had a very successful Easter Fair, arranged by our fantastic PTA. Children took part in Easter egg hunts, tombolas, hoopla and of course, ate plenty of yummy Easter treats.
On the final day of term everyone went to St Alban’s Church to thank God for giving us his only son. The year 6 children helped to act out the story of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection to help all of the younger children to understand.
And of course, it wouldn’t be a St Alban’s Easter without a visit from the Easter Bunny…
We wish all of our families a very happy and peaceful Easter.
Mrs Gurner & Mrs Higson