Games Club

By Games Club


Games Club is up and running and the children are absolutely loving it:


These children are playing Love Letter, a game where the children are trying to figure out which character each other player has and survive until the end.  These children are playing Love Letter, a game where the children are trying to figure out which character each other player has and survive until the end. These children are playing Flux, a game with ever changing rules

School Library – New Arrivals

By Reading


Check out our new arrivals in the School Library.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dogman, Lottie Brooks and Marvel Comics were requested in the Recommendations Box by pupils. Mrs Gurner requested the Diary of a Disciple books and the rest are kind donations from the St. Alban’s Community – Thank you!


Safety Walk

By News, Safeguarding

On Friday, Mrs Higson met with some children from Year 2 and Year 4 to do a very special job.  They walked around the outside of school with a map and decided which areas were very safe, safe, or a not safe.  They coloured-coded the map and then talked about their findings back at the office.

Key Stage 1 children explained how much they loved all the of different activities they can do outside: colouring books, the trim trail, skateboarding, football, dressing up and the Buddy Bench.  They also talked about how amazing the Y6 Play Leaders were, and they shared personal experiences when they had been helped by the older children.

Children in Key Stage 2 talked about the range of activities that they have to do outside: basketball, football, playing in the grass on the field, construction area and the adventure trail.

Mrs Higson asked children why they had chosen some areas as being less safe:

It was wonderful to hear about our outside area from the children’s perspective.  Sometimes adults don’t notice when little things go wrong or break.  Since our meeting we have asked for the playground equipment to fixed immediately.  We have also reassured children that our staff all stand in different zones when on duty, so they are never in a position where they can’t be seen.

We also spoke about litter, dead birds(!) and getting more tennis balls.

Thank you to all of the children who took part, you were amazing! We will be sharing more of our findings with children in assembly time.


Extreme Reading 2024

By Reading


Thanks to everyone who sent in their photos for the Extreme Reading Challenge. If you’re child’s photo is not here then please send it to the school


KS2 Home Reading Activity Summer 1

By Reading

Hello KS2 Parents and Carers

Here is a video explaining the home reading activity you can support your children with this half term.