Poppy Appeal

By Community, Fund Raising

Remembrance items will be sold from tomorrow (Tuesday 5th November) during school time.

Individual poppy – recommended donation 50p
Other items such as a poppy for a coat and bracelets will range from £1 – £2.

Please see the certificate attached that we have recently received showing what we raised last year.

RBL – Poppy Appeal 2023

Thank you
Mrs Shemwell

KS2 Library Newsletter – Autumn 1

By House Carmel, Reading

Welcome to the 3rd issue of the KS2 Library Newsletter!

This newsletter has expanded to three pages, as there is so much happening with reading in our school right now. The biggest change is that students are now contributing directly to the content! In this issue, Carmel House Leaders Thomas and Chanu have written the Author Profile on David Walliams.

Highlights to look out for:

• New librarians for the Autumn term
• An updated “Most Requested” list
• New arrivals to the library
• Updated Classroom Library Lists for 2024–2025
• House Ambassadors sharing books from the book fair that they’re excited to read

Enjoy reading!


Y4 Church Visit

By Religious Education, Year 4

Today we were at the church for Holy Communion. In R.E. we have been learning about the kind of world Jesus wants. We’ve read Matthew 4:18-20 and really discussed the terms “Fishers of Men” and what the word “Gospel” mean. Helen & James were kind enough to spend some time afterwards talking to us about how they try to live out Jesus’ teachings and make the world a better place.



Year 4 Science: Sound

By Science, Year 4

In Science, we have been learning about sound and how it is created when objects vibrate. The children were using instruments to see, hear and feel vibrations. Even though my ears were a little worse for wear afterwards, the children had a lot of fun and learned a lot!



KS2 Library: New Arrivals

By Reading

Wow! Just Wow! We have had an amazing influx of donations as well as spending some of the money we have raised. Massive thank you to Mr Thompson and his theatre group for a large donation over the summer.
There are too many books to list so I’ve had to take multiple photos:

Y4 Sculpture Parent / Carer Morning

By Art, Year 4

What an amazing morning we had last week. A massive thank you to all parents and carers who managed to make it in.
The art was truly spectacular. I’m working on a display with the finished pieces which I will share in due time.


Year 4 Geography Fieldwork

By Geography, Year 4

Fieldwork is when you go outside the classroom and find things out for yourself. Today, Year 4 started our geography fieldwork by trying to answer the question- What is there in Wickersley?
We counted the various business types, e.g. Take-Aways, Pharmacies etc. We made a tally and we will use that data to created a bar chart. We will also use Digimaps to plot our course and think about how we feel about various areas of Wickersley.