School Pantomime Trip

By Christmas, Community, Drama, FS2, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Today was our annual trip to Rotherham Civic Theatre to watch this year’s pantomime: Robin Hood. The children were all fantastic and had a wonderful time. 


DSAT Times Tables Rockstars Competition

By Maths, Year 4

From 11.11.24 to 18.11.24, the Y4 class has taken part in a Times Tables Rockstars Tournament with 12 other schools in our trust. 

  • Out of the 12 schools that took part, our school finished 1st overall.
  • Out of the 53 classes that took part, our Y4 class finished 2nd  overall. Pipped to 1st place by a Y5 class.
  • Out of the 1074 pupils taking part, three of our pupils finished 4th, 6th and 7th overall. 


We are all super proud of all our Y4 children for contributing to amazing results in this tournament. Here are some photos of them receiving our trophy and with their certificates: 

Geography fieldwork month

By Geography

October was “Geography fieldwork month” in St.Alban’s. Fieldwork is where you go outside the classroom and find things out for yourself. Over the last month, our students have had the opportunity to explore the local area and learn in a more practical, hands-on way in geography.

Each class was given a different enquiry question that they had to try and answer using a variety of progressive fieldwork skills. Children across school completed maps, surveys, time sampling, tallys, pictograms and digital mapping linked to their enquiry question. Children then used the information that they had gathered to draw their own conclusions. Many years groups were able to compare results with the data collected last year and carefully considered possible reasons for any changes.

Yesterday, each class had the opportunity to present their findings to the rest of the school. Children were very adept at explaining what they did and what they found out. I will post again with pictures from each classes fieldwork tasks once I have collected these from staff members. Well done St.Alban’s- we are all geographers!

Year 4 Science: Sound

By Science, Year 4

In Science, we have been learning about sound and how it is created when objects vibrate. The children made their own instruments, focusing not on aesthetics but on creating instruments that produce sound in a way similar to real-life instruments like shakers and guitars.
